15 research outputs found

    24-Month Clinical, Immuno-Virological Outcomes, and HIV Status Disclosure in Adolescents Living With Perinatally-Acquired HIV in the IeDEA-COHADO Cohort in Togo and CĂ´te d'Ivoire, 2015-2017

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    Background: Adolescents living with perinatally-acquired HIV (APHIV) face challenges including HIV serostatus disclosure. We assessed their 24-month outcomes in relation to the disclosure of their own HIV serostatus. Methods: Nested within the International epidemiologic Database to Evaluate AIDS pediatric West African prospective cohort (IeDEA pWADA), the COHADO cohort included antiretroviral (ART)-treated APHIV aged 10-19 years, enrolled in HIV care before the age of 10 years, in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) and Lomé (Togo) in 2015. We measured the HIV serostatus disclosure at baseline and after 24 months and analyzed its association with a favorable combined 24-month outcome using logistic regression. The 24-month combined clinical immuno-virological outcome was defined as unfavorable when either death, loss to follow-up, progression to WHO-AIDS stage, a decrease of CD4 count >10% compared to baseline, or a detectable viral load (VL > 50 copies/mL) occurred at 24 months. Results: Overall, 209 APHIV were included (51.6% = Abidjan, 54.5% = females). At inclusion, the median CD4 cell count was 521/mm (3) [IQR (281-757)]; 29.6% had a VL measurement, of whom, 3.2% were virologically suppressed. APHIV were younger in Lomé {median age: 12 years [interquartile range (IQR): 11-15]} compared to Abidjan [14 years (IQR: 12-15, p = 0.01)]. Full HIV-disclosure increased from 41.6% at inclusion to 74.1% after 24 months. After 24 months of follow-up, six (2.9%) died, eight (3.8%) were lost to follow-up, and four (1.9%) were transferred out. Overall, 73.7% did not progress to the WHO-AIDS stage, and 62.7% had a CD4 count above (±10%) of the baseline value (48.6% in Abidjan vs. 69.0% in Lomé, p 2 years compared to those who had not been disclosed to [aOR = 0.21, 95% CI (0.05-0.84), p = 0.03]. Conclusions: The frequency of HIV-disclosure improved over time and differed across countries but remained low among West African APHIV. Overall, the 24-month outcomes were poor. Disclosure before the study was a marker of a poor 24-month outcome in Lomé. Context-specific responses are urgently needed to improve adolescent care and reach the UNAIDS 90% target of virological success

    HIV Status Disclosure and Retention in Care in HIV-Infected Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in West Africa

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    We assessed the effect of HIV status disclosure on retention in care from initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV-infected children aged 10 years or more in Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and Sénégal.Multi-centre cohort study within five paediatric clinics participating in the IeDEA West Africa collaboration. HIV-infected patients were included in this study if they met the following inclusion criteria: aged 10-21 years while on ART; having initiated ART ≥ 200 days before the closure date of the clinic database; followed ≥ 15 days from ART initiation in clinics with ≥ 10 adolescents enrolled. Routine follow-up data were merged with those collected through a standardized ad hoc questionnaire on awareness of HIV status. Probability of retention (no death or loss-to-follow-up) was estimated with Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard model with date of ART initiation as origin and a delayed entry at date of 10th birthday was used to identify factors associated with death or loss-to-follow-up.650 adolescents were available for this analysis. Characteristics at ART initiation were: median age of 10.4 years; median CD4 count of 224 cells/mm³ (47% with severe immunosuppression), 48% CDC stage C/WHO stage 3/4. The median follow-up on ART after the age of 10 was 23.3 months; 187 adolescents (28.8%) knew their HIV status. The overall probability of retention at 36 months after ART initiation was 74.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 70.5-79.0) and was higher for those disclosed compared to those not: adjusted hazard ratio for the risk of being death or loss-to-follow-up = 0.23 (95% CI: 0.13-0.39).About 2/3 of HIV-infected adolescents on ART were not aware of their HIV status in these ART clinics in West Africa but disclosed HIV status improved retention in care. The disclosure process should be thus systematically encouraged and organized in adolescent populations


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    Cette étude qualitative à Abidjan, porte sur l’approche psychologique clinique de 3 élèves ayant des TSA, rencontrés avec leurs parents. Elle souligne les spécificités de l’évaluation psychologique et porte la réflexion sur les interventions possibles à proposer aux parents, aux éducateurs pour soutenir la scolarisation et la socialisation de l’enfant. L’approche méthodologique consiste en des entretiens cliniques avec les parents, à noter les données scolaires et faire passer des tests aux enfants. Des informations majeures sont obtenues sur les réponses et l’expression aux sollicitations de ces élèves dans la classe. Les résultats confirment à la WPPSI-R le niveau de déficience mentale (<69) avec un Quotient Intellectuel Verbal inférieur au Quotient Intellectuel de Performance ; à la CARS, les scores (entre 37 et 60) situent un niveau d’autisme sévère ; les dessins libres sont peu élaborés. Le déficit qualitatif et quantitatif dans les domaines des interactions sociales, de la communication et les comportements répétitifs et stéréotypés, sont observables. Les parents expriment leur vécu douloureux face aux troubles comportementaux de l’enfant, à la difficulté d’entrer en relation et de le socialiser. La mise en place de projet éducatif individuel spécialisé, ciblant les domaines déficitaires, prend en compte les potentialités de l’enfant et a des effets favorisant pour son adaptation. La réponse diagnostique aux préoccupations parentales, rassure et aide au maintien de l’intervention. Une approche pluridisciplinaire incluant la dimension médicale et mieux systématisée par des méthodes telles que TEACCH et PECS, ayant fait leur preuve, devra être envisagée.This qualitative study is set in Abidjan, it lays on a psycho clinical approach and concerns 3 pupils with TSA troubles. They were met with their parents. The study underlines the psychological specificities of the evaluation and the thinking on any possible interventions to propose both to parents and educators in order to keep the child into a schooling and a socialization system. The methodological approach consists in clinical interviews with parents, quoting school data and passing assessments. Main information are obtained from answers and from those pupils reactions during class requesting. Results confirm in the WPPSI-R the level of mental deficiency (69) with a Verbal Intelligence quotient lower than the Intelligence quotient of Performance, in CARS, scores (between 37 and 60) place a level of severe autism, free drawing are little elaborated. The qualitative and quantitative deficit in domains of social interactions, communication, and the existence of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors are visible. Parents express their painful real-life experience in front of behavioral disorders and both the real difficulties to communicate and to socialize the child. The implementation of specialized and individual educational project targeting the overdrawn domains considers the child’s potentialities what has effects favoring his adaptation. The diagnose answer to the parental concerns reassures and helps to the preservation of the intervention. A multidisciplinary approach including a medical dimension better systematized by methods such as TEACCH and PECS having made their proof, will have to be considered.  Article visualizations

    Enfant et VIH : du somatique au psychologique

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    Le VIH/SIDA touche l'enfant dans son corps et au niveau psychologique. Il impose des remaniements psychologiques importants, source d'angoisse, qui gênent son développement et son intégration sociale. La mère qui naturellement protège l'enfant contre les effets de traumatismes est elle même rendue vulnérable dans ce contexte et n'a plus les capacités pour le soutenir. Aussi, l'enfant très jeune est perçu à travers le lien mère-enfant alors que l'approche de l'adolescent est directe. Ce constat fait dans le cadre d'une prise en charge de l'enfant infecté par le VIH à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) montre l'impératif besoin d'inclure la dimension psychologique pour soutenir l'enfant et son entourage afin de lui assurer une qualité de vie

    Enfant et VIH : du somatique au psychologique

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    Le VIH/SIDA touche l'enfant dans son corps et au niveau psychologique. Il impose des remaniements psychologiques importants, source d'angoisse, qui gênent son développement et son intégration sociale. La mère qui naturellement protège l'enfant contre les effets de traumatismes est elle même rendue vulnérable dans ce contexte et n'a plus les capacités pour le soutenir. Aussi, l'enfant très jeune est perçu à travers le lien mère-enfant alors que l'approche de l'adolescent est directe. Ce constat fait dans le cadre d'une prise en charge de l'enfant infecté par le VIH à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) montre l'impératif besoin d'inclure la dimension psychologique pour soutenir l'enfant et son entourage afin de lui assurer une qualité de vie

    Crude and adjusted hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) of risk of death or loss-to-follow-up of adolescents after ART initiation (n = 650).

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    <p>Pediatric IeDEA West Africa Collaboration.</p><p>All analyses used the center as a cluster variable, taking into account the correlation of the observations within a same center.</p><p>HR: Hazard ratio.</p><p>aHR: adjusted hazard ratio.</p><p>MD: missing data.</p><p>ART: Antiretroviral therapy.</p><p>NNRTI: non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.</p><p>Severe anemia: haemoglobin≤6.9 g/dL.</p><p>Severe immunosuppression : CD4<200 cells/mm<sup>3</sup>.</p