5 research outputs found

    Estudio de semiconductores y dispositivos optoelectrónicos mediante catodoluminiscencia

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    A lo largo de esta tesis se han explicado los principios básicos de funcionamiento de la técnica de caracterización óptica SEM-CL. Esta técnica se ha empleado para el análisis de semiconductores de gap directo, utilizados en el diseño de dispositivos optoelectrónicos. También se ha descrito el equipo utilizado, mostrando las posibilidades que ofrece para el estudio de estos semiconductores. La posibilidad de excitar semiconductores de gap ancho, debido a la alta energía de los electrones en un SEM, ha permitido analizar cristales de ZnO crecidos por un método hidrotérmico y cristales de GaN crecidos por un método amonotérmico. El objetivo principal era obtener sustratos de alta calidad cristalina para emplearlos en el crecimiento homoepitaxial. Se ha demostrado que se puede emplear la CL para analizar la calidad de la superficie de los cristales y hacer un análisis cualitativo y comparativo de la calidad cristalina en volumen de diferentes cristales. También se han identificados defectos e impurezas que se incorporan durante el crecimiento. La alta resolución de un SEM ha permitido estudiar con detalle la luminiscencia de nanoestructuras (nanohilos:NWs y nanocolumnas:NRs) de ZnO y GaN. En primer lugar se han analizado NWs de diferentes dimensiones de ZnO crecidos sobre sustratos de Si por VLS con Au como catalizador. Seguidamente se analizaron NWs de ZnO crecidos mediante la oxidación de una capa metálica de Zn depositada sobre un sustrato de CdTe. En este punto se analizó la morfología de los NWs mediante SEM y la calidad cristalina con CL para diferentes parámetros de crecimiento de los NWs, como el tiempo de oxidación y el espesor de la capa metálica de Zn depositada. Usando esta misma técnica de oxidación de una capa de Zn, se crecieron NWs de ZnO sobre un sustrato de LiNbO3. Posteriormente se irradiaron con iones de Ar+ con baja energía para entender el efecto de la irradiación sobre ellos. Asimismo se han investigado NRs de ZnO crecidos por MOCVD sin catalizador, observando la influencia de los diferentes parámetros de crecimiento en las propiedades ópticas de los NRs, como la variación de las tasas de flujo de los precursores individuales, el tiempo de crecimiento y la utilización de un capa buffer. Finalmente, se han caracterizado NRs de GaN crecidas por MOVPE. Se ha estudiado la distribución del dopado con Mg en las facetas polares y semipolares. Se ha utilizado las imágenes espectrales de CL para la caracterización de estructuras fotónicas de una forma más detallada, más concretamente se han estudiado con detalles la fabricación de cristales de OP- GaAs y de guías de onda de InP. La posibilidad de variar la energía del haz de electrones, ha sido posible realizar un análisis en profundidad de heteroestrosturas empleadas en el diseño de diodos láseres de alta potencia. Más concretamente se han analizado láseres tipo ridge de InGaAs/AlGaAs y diodos laser multiemisor de GaAs Se ha puesto a punto un sistema EBIC acoplado al SEM, con el que se ha caracterizado los láseres monomodo de InGaAs/AlGaAs. Se ha observado una distribución de defectos en la zona activa que ayudó a entender la cinética de la generación de defectos durante su funcionamiento.Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Cristalografía y Mineralogí

    Spectrally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence of undoped/Mg-doped GaN core-shell nanowires: a local probe into activation of Mg acceptors in non-polar and semi-polar crystal faces

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    Producción CientíficaSpectrally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements were carried out at 80 K on undoped/Mg-doped GaN core-shell nanowires grown by selective area growth metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy in order to investigate locally the optical activity of the Mg dopants. A study of the luminescence emission distribution over the different regions of the nanowires is presented. We have investigated the CL fingerprints of the Mg incorporation into the non-polar lateral prismatic facets and the semi-polar facets of the pyramidal tips. The amount of Mg incorporation/activation was varied by using several Mg/Ga flow ratios and post-growth annealing treatments. For lower Mg/Ga flow ratios, the annealed nanowires clearly display a donor-acceptor pair band emission peaking at 3.26-3.27 eV and up to 4 LO phonon replicas, which can be considered as a reliable indicator of effective p-type Mg doping in the nanowire shell. For higher Mg/Ga flow ratios, a substantial enhancement of the yellow luminescence emission as well as several emission subbands are observed, which suggests an increase of disorder and the presence of defects as a consequence of the excess Mg doping,Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13

    Defect recognition by means of light and electron probe techniques for the characterization of mc-Si wafers and solar cells

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    Producción CientíficaMulticristalline Silicon (mc-Si) is the preferred material for current terrestrial photovoltaic applications. However, the high density of defects present in mc-Si deteriorates the material properties, in particular the minority carrier diffusion length. For this reason, a large effort to characterize the mc-Si material is demanded, aiming to visualize the defective areas and to quantify the type of defects, density and its origin. In this work, several complementary light and electron probe techniques are used for the analysis of both mc-Si wafers and solar cells. These techniques comprise both fast and whole-area detection techniques such as Photoluminescence imaging, and highly spatially resolved time consuming techniques, such as light and electron beam induced current techniques and μRaman spectroscopy. These techniques were applied to the characterization of different mc-Si wafers for solar cells, e.g. ribbon wafers, cast mc-Si as well as quasi-monocrystalline material, upgraded metallurgical mc-Si wafers, and finished solar cells.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA166A11-2)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect IPT-420000-2010-022 INNPACTO)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project ENE2014-56069-C4-4-R

    Influence of metal organic chemical vapour deposition growth conditions on vibrational and luminescent properties of ZnO nanorods

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    Producción CientíficaA detailed optical characterization by means of micro Raman and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of catalyst-free ZnO nanorods grown by atmospheric-metal organic chemical vapour deposition has been carried out. This characterization has allowed correlating the growth conditions, in particular the precursors partial-pressures and growth time, with the optical properties of nanorods. It has been shown that a high Zn supersaturation can favor the incorporation of nonradiative recombination centers, which can tentatively be associated with ZnI-related defects. Characterization of individual nanorods has evidenced that ZnI-related defects have a tendency to accumulate in the tip part of the nanorods, which present dark cathodoluminescence contrast with respect to the nanorods bottom. The effect of a ZnO buffer layer on the properties of the nanorods has been also investigated, showing that the buffer layer improves the luminescence efficiency of the ZnO nanorods, revealing a significant reduction of the concentration of nonradiative recombination centers.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Projects MAT2007-66129, MAT-2010-20441-C02, MAT-2010-16116, and TEC2011-28076-C02-02)Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2011-035 and ISIC/2012/008, Institute of Nanotechnologies for Clean Energies

    Residual Strain and Electrical Activity of Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    Producción CientíficaThe growth process by casting methods of multi-crystalline Si results in a crystalline material with, among other defects, a high density of dislocations and grain boundaries. Impurity incorporation and their gathering around grain boundaries and dislocations seem to be the main factor determining the electrical activity of those defects, which limit the minority carrier lifetime. In this work, we analyze multi-crystalline Si samples by combining etching processes to reveal the defects, Raman spectroscopy for strain measurements, and light beam induced current measurements for the localization of electrically active defects. In particular, we have explored the etching routes capable to reveal the main defects (grain boundaries and dislocation lines), while their electrical activity is studied by the light beam induced current technique. We further analyze the strain levels around these defects by Raman micro-spectroscopy, aiming to obtain a more general picture of the correlation between residual stress and electrical activity of the extended defects. The higher stress levels are observed around intra-grain defects associated with dislocation lines, rather than around the grain boundaries. On the other hand, the intra-grain defects are also observed to give dark light beam induced current contrast associated with a higher electrical activity of these defects as compared to the grain boundariesJunta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. A166A11-2)Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación (IPT-420000-2010- -022 INNPACTO program