2,037 research outputs found
Direct-photon and heavy-flavour production in proton-proton collisions at TeV with ALICE
Low-mass dielectron measurements play an essential role in the study of the
Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
They are produced in all stages of the collision and are not affected by
final-state interactions. Thus, they provide a penetrating probe of the created
medium. In the dielectron intermediate-mass region a measurement of the thermal
radiation from the QGP gives information on the medium temperature. However, in
this region the main component of the dielectron continuum stems from
correlated semi-leptonic decays of charm and beauty hadrons. Therefore, it is
crucial to understand the heavy-flavour (HF) production in vacuum and to find a
way to separate this contribution from the thermal dielectron signal of the
QGP. In this paper we will present the production of correlated
pairs in pp collisions at TeV with the expectations from known
hadronic sources as a function of , , and the pair
distance of closest approach to the primary vertex . The
extraction of the ratio of inclusive photons to decay photons and the charm and
beauty cross sections from a fit of the data with different Monte-Carlo
generators are presented, providing insight into the mechanisms of
heavy-flavour production. In particular, we demonstrate how the
variable will allow prompt and non-prompt dielectron pairs to be separated and
thus help to disentangle the contribution of thermal radiation from the
contribution of charm and beauty. Finally, we present the prospect of extending
this analysis to proton-lead collisions
Dielectron production in proton-proton collisions at TeV with ALICE
The ALICE Collaboration measured dielectron production as a function of the
invariant mass (), the pair transverse momentum ()
and the pair distance of closest approach () in pp collisions at
TeV. Prompt and non-prompt dielectron sources can be separated
with the , which will give the opportunity in heavy-ion
collisions to identify thermal radiation from the medium in the
intermediate-mass range dominated by contributions from open-charm and beauty
hadron decays. The charm and beauty total cross sections are extracted from the
data by fitting the spectra with two different MC generators, i.e. PYTHIA a
leading order event generator and POWHEG a next-to-leading order event
generator. Significant model dependences are observed, reflecting the
sensitivity of this measurement to the heavy-flavour production mechanisms
Measurement of heavy-quark production via dielectrons in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Heavy quarks are useful probes to investigate the properties of the
Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, since
they are produced in initial hard scattering processes. To single out the
signals that are characteristic of the QGP, it is nevertheless crucial to
understand the primordial heavy-quark production in vacuum, and to disentangle
hot from cold nuclear matter effects. Moreover, observations of collective
effects in high-multiplicity pp and p-Pb collisions show surprising
similarities with those in heavy-ion collisions. Heavy-flavour production in
such collisions could give further insight into the underlying processes. The
heavy-flavour production can be studied with pairs from
correlated semileptonic decays of heavy-flavour hadrons. Compared to single
heavy-flavour measurements, the dielectron yield contains information about the
initial kinematical correlations between the charm and anti-charm quarks, which
is otherwise not accessible, and is sensitive to soft heavy-flavour production.
We report results on correlated pairs in pp collisions
recorded by the ALICE detector at different collision energies. The production
of heavy quarks is discussed by comparing the yield of dielectrons from
heavy-flavour hadron decays as a function of invariant mass, pair transverse
momentum and distance of closest approach to the primary vertex with different
Monte Carlo event generators. The heavy-flavour production cross sections are
also presented. Results from high-multiplicity pp collisions at
TeV and the status of the p-Pb analysis at TeV are
reported as well.Comment: Contribution to EPS-HEP 2019, submitted Proceedings of Scienc
Mission as mediation : mediation and social transformation as a task of christian church
Text in GermanThis thesis takes as a starting point the societal change in Germany with its concomitant
economic risks for substantial parts of the population. Evangelical churches in Germany have
yet to react to this change. While the relationship between social work and mission has been a
point of widespread discussion within the evangelical movement internationally, it fails to
have any impact on local churches. The question is thus: how can a mission-oriented church
benefit from Christian social reform movements? Transformative as well as holistic
understandings of mission have already yielded an enlarged vision of mission as
encompassing social justice. But how about a missiological paradigm which is practically
translatable into cultural and social relevance as far as the local church’s vision for becoming
an agent of societal change/reform is concerned?
When interpreted missiologically, mediation can be such a useful paradigm, as its
essence is conflict as a constant anthropological signifier of human/divine distance on the one
side and God’s purpose of redemption as reflected in the church’s mission on the other. Thus
mediation could be called a category of the missio dei.
This practical implementation into the church’s work as being relevant for its
community is reached by reverting to the sciences of social work, namely the concept of
community development. As mediative community work, this approach will add to the profile
of a mission-oriented church as determined to serve a holistic vision of the gospel. At the
focus is thus the immediate social environment of a local church, in which it can trigger
spiritual, personal, social, cultural and economic processes of transformation.
In the social context of Germany this way of expressing the missiological drive of a
local church seems to be a hopeful avenue, since the social and economic risks are likely to
remain and are threatening a large percentage of the population with social marginalisation. It
is here that the economy of community work will be furnishing useful aspects to help a
mission-oriented church develop its mediative-communal thrust into its immediate social
context in order to proclaim God’s redemptive purpose.Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Beobachtung des gesellschaftlichen Wandels in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland samt seiner sozialen und ökonomischen Risiken für weite Teile
der Bevölkerung. Eine Antwort auf diesen Transformationsprozess ist seitens der
evangelikalen Kirchen in Deutschland ausgeblieben. Die Frage nach der
Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen sozialer Arbeit und Mission ist in der evangelikalen
Bewegung zwar international breit diskutiert worden, doch hat sie kaum Wirkung auf die
Praxis der örtlichen Gemeinden in Deutschland gezeigt. Bearbeitet wird daher die
Fragestellung, wie eine missionarisch orientierte Gemeinde in ihrem Sendungsauftrag
Initiativen christlicher Sozialreformen umsetzen kann. Transformative und ganzheitliche
Missionskonzepte haben bereits ein erweitertes Missionsverständnis hervorgebracht, welches
die soziale Gerechtigkeit als missionarischen Auftrag mit einschließt. Die Frage stellt sich
nun nach einem missionstheologischen Paradigma, welches praktisch in eine kultur- und
gesellschaftsrelevante Tätigkeit einer missionalen Gemeinde umgesetzt werden kann, durch
die sie zu einem Träger einer christlich geprägten Sozialreform wird.
Das Paradigma, das hierfür erarbeitet und missionstheologisch gedeutet wird, ist das
der Mediation. Sie offenbart in ihrem Wesen zum einen den Konflikt als anthropologische
Konstante und somit die Distanz zu Gott und zum anderen die Heilsabsicht Gottes, die sich
im Missionsauftrag an die Gemeinde widerspiegelt. So stellt sich die Mediation als Kategorie
der missio dei dar.
Die konkrete Umsetzung dieses Paradigmas in eine die Gesellschaft gestaltende Arbeit
gelingt durch die Hinzuziehung des Arbeitsprinzips der Gemeinwesenarbeit aus der Sozialarbeitswissenschaft. In Form einer mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierten Arbeit gibt sie
einer missional ausgerichteten Gemeinde die Möglichkeit ihren Sendungsauftrag mit einem
umfassenden Heilsverständnis umzusetzen. Dabei steht der unmittelbare Sozialraum der
lokalen Kirchengemeinde im Fokus des Interesses, in dem geistliche, persönliche, soziale
kulturelle und ökonomische transformative Prozesse eingeleitet werden können.
Bezugnehmend auf den Kontext der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erweist sich diese
Art den Sendungsauftrag umzusetzen als hoffnungsträchtig, da die sozialen und
ökonomischen Risiken in Zukunft weiter bestehen werden und ein nicht unerheblicher Teil
der Bevölkerung bereits als sozial ausgegrenzt ist. Hier gibt insbesondere die
Gemeinwesenökonomie Anhaltspunkte, wie eine mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierte missionale
Gemeinde in ihrem Sozialraum den Heilswillen Gottes verkündigen kann.Christian Spirituality,Church History and MissiologyD. Th. (Missiology
Nationale test – et eksperiment til mere end 50 millioner
De nationale test i folkeskolen er nu snart klar til brug. Analysen her diskuterer formålet med testene set i lyset af den rapport om pædagogisk brug af test som Dansk Clearinghouse udgav tidligere i år. Rapporten viser at de positive virkninger som test kan have, opvejes af de negative virkninger når testene er udformet centralt og administreret centralt. Konklusionen er at hvis ikke man som lærer gør noget ekstra, har nationale test negative virkninger. Derfor skal der skal sættes ind i forhold til læreres kompetencer til at bruge testdata konstruktivt hvis de nationale test skal føre noget positivt med sig
Development and Performance Verification of the GANDALF High-Resolution Transient Recorder System
With present-day detectors in high energy physics one often faces fast analog
pulses of a few nanoseconds length which cover large dynamic ranges. In many
experiments both amplitude and timing information have to be measured with high
accuracy. Additionally, the data rate per readout channel can reach several
MHz, which leads to high demands on the separation of pile-up pulses.
For an upgrade of the COMPASS experiment at CERN we have designed the GANDALF
transient recorder with a resolution of 12bit@1GS/s and an analog bandwidth of
500\:MHz. Signals are digitized with high precision and processed by fast
algorithms to extract pulse arrival times and amplitudes in real-time and to
generate trigger signals for the experiment. With up to 16 analog channels,
deep memories and a high data rate interface, this 6U-VME64x/VXS module is not
only a dead-time free digitization unit but also has huge numerical
capabilities provided by the implementation of a Virtex5-SXT FPGA. Fast
algorithms implemented in the FPGA may be used to disentangle possible pile-up
pulses and determine timing information from sampled pulse shapes with a time
resolution better than 50 ps.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure
Economic Growth and Employment Effects as a Result of the Upper Austrian Flood Protection Building Program
Starting in 2002, a continuous building of flood protection infrastructure aiming at preventing high monetary damages has been taking place in Upper Austria. As a result of investments in these flood protection measures between 2002 and 2015, significant positive effects on the gross regional product as well as on the employment level have been generated. However, the macroeconomic effects are found to depend substantially on the import quota for required materials
The Alternative for Germany’s radicalization in historical-comparative perspective
This article chronicles the AfD’s rightward repositioning and compares it with the programmatic development of three postwar German parties on the ideological wings. By highlighting factors that tilt the balance of power away from moderate reformers towards hardliners, this comparative analysis sheds light on the conditions that lead a relatively successful party on the ideological wings, such as the AfD, to radicalize its programme. Four variables stand out: whether party hardliners take the blame for the recent election loss; whether they offer a convincing programmatic and strategic alternative to the reformers; whether changes in party composition strengthen hardliners; and whether external factors enhance their weight within the party. The essay concludes that the AfD’s radicalization was unusual, but not exceptional. It is however too early to conclude that the Federal Republic’s distinctive institutions and political culture no longer impose significant costs on parties that shift their programmes away from the centre
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