717 research outputs found

    SUBARU and e-Merlin observations of NGC3718. Diaries of an SMBH recoil?

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    NGC3718 is a LINER L1.9L1.9 galaxy, lying at a distance of about 17.4\sim 17.4 Mpc away from earth and its similarities with NGC5128 often award it the name "northern Centaurus A". We use high angular resolution (100\sim100 mas) e-Merlin radio and SUBARU NIR (170\sim170 mas) data, to take a detailed view of the processes taking place in its central region. In order to preserve some objectivity in our interpretation, we combine our results with literature values and findings from previous studies. Our NIR maps suggest, on one hand, that towards the stellar bulge there are no large scale absorption phenomena caused by the apparent dust lane and, on the other, that there is a significant (local) contribution from hot (1000\sim1000 K) dust to the nuclear NIR emission. The position where this takes place appears to be closer to the offset compact radio emission from our e-Merlin 66 cm map, lying offset by 4.25\sim4.25 pc from the center of the underlying stellar bulge. The shape of the radio map suggests the presence of one (or possibly two, forming an X-shape) bipolar structure(s) 1\sim1 (0.6\sim0.6) arcsec across, which combined with the balance between the gas and the stellar velocity dispersions and the presence of hard X-ray emission, point towards effects expected by AGN feedback. We also argue that NGC3718 has a "core" in its surface brightness profile, despite the fact that it is a gas-rich galaxy and we discuss its mixed photometric and spectroscopic characteristics. The latter combined with the observed spatial and radio offsets, the relative redshift between the broad and the narrow HαH{\mathrm{\alpha}} line, the limited star formation activity and AGN feedback, strongly imply the existence of an SMBH recoil. Finally, we discuss a possible interpretation, that could naturally incorporate all these findings into one physically consistent picture.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publications in A&

    Line and Continuum Variability in Active Galaxies

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    We compared optical spectroscopic and photometric data for 18 AGN galaxies over 2 to 3 epochs, with time intervals of typically 5 to 10 years. We used the Multi-Object Double Spectrograph (MODS) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) and compared the spectra to data taken from the SDSS database and the literature. We find variations in the forbidden oxygen lines as well as in the hydrogen recombination lines of these sources. For 4 of the sources we find that, within the calibration uncertainties, the variations in continuum and line spectra of the sources are very small. We argue that it is mainly the difference in black hole mass between the samples that is responsible for the different degree of continuum variability. In addition we find that for an otherwise constant accretion rate the total line variability (dominated by the narrow line contributions) reverberates the continuum variability with a dependency ΔLline(ΔLcont.)32\Delta L_{line} \propto (\Delta L_{cont.})^{\frac{3}{2}}. Since this dependency is prominently expressed in the narrow line emission it implies that the luminosity dominating part of the narrow line region must be very compact with a size of the order of at least 10 light years. A comparison to literature data shows that these findings describe the variability characteristics of a total of 61 broad and narrow line sources.Comment: 30 pages including the appendix, 18 figures including the appendix. Accepted 2015 September 3. Received 2015 August 24; in original form 2015 July 3 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Peer-review in a world with rational scientists: Toward selection of the average

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    One of the virtues of peer review is that it provides a self-regulating selection mechanism for scientific work, papers and projects. Peer review as a selection mechanism is hard to evaluate in terms of its efficiency. Serious efforts to understand its strengths and weaknesses have not yet lead to clear answers. In theory peer review works if the involved parties (editors and referees) conform to a set of requirements, such as love for high quality science, objectiveness, and absence of biases, nepotism, friend and clique networks, selfishness, etc. If these requirements are violated, what is the effect on the selection of high quality work? We study this question with a simple agent based model. In particular we are interested in the effects of rational referees, who might not have any incentive to see high quality work other than their own published or promoted. We find that a small fraction of incorrect (selfish or rational) referees can drastically reduce the quality of the published (accepted) scientific standard. We quantify the fraction for which peer review will no longer select better than pure chance. Decline of quality of accepted scientific work is shown as a function of the fraction of rational and unqualified referees. We show how a simple quality-increasing policy of e.g. a journal can lead to a loss in overall scientific quality, and how mutual support-networks of authors and referees deteriorate the system.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Further Wolf-Rayet stars in the starburst cluster Westerlund 1

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    We present new low and intermediate-resolution spectroscopic observations of the Wolf Rayet (WR) star population in the massive starburst cluster Westerlund 1. Finding charts are presented for five new WRs - four WNL and one WCL - raising the current total of known WRs in the cluster to 19. We also present new spectra and correct identifications for the majority of the 14 WR stars previously known, notably confirming the presence of two WNVL stars. Finally we briefly discuss the massive star population of Westerlund 1 in comparison to other massive young galactic clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Eight pages, six figures. Replaced with final version, some minor change

    Evaluation of Vehicle Ride Height Adjustments Using a Driving Simulator

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    Testing of vehicle design properties by car manufacturers is primarily performed on-road and is resource-intensive, involving costly physical prototypes and large time durations between evaluations of alternative designs. In this paper, the applicability of driving simulators for the virtual assessment of ride, steering and handling qualities was studied by manipulating vehicle air suspension ride height (RH) (ground clearance) and simulator motion platform (MP) workspace size. The evaluation was carried out on a high-friction normal road, routinely used for testing vehicle prototypes, modelled in a driving simulator, and using professional drivers. The results showed the differences between the RHs were subjectively distinguishable by the drivers in many of the vehicle attributes. Drivers found standard and low RHs more appropriate for the vehicle in terms of the steering and handling qualities, where their performance was deteriorated, such that the steering control effort was the highest in low RH. This indicated inconsistency between subjective preferences and objective performance and the need for alternative performance metrics to be defined for expert drivers. Moreover, an improvement in drivers’ performance was observed, with a reduction of steering control effort, in larger MP configurations

    The effects of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the expression of nm-23 in human cancer cells.

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    This study examined the effect of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on the expression of nm-23, a metastasis-suppressor gene, in two highly invasive human cancer cell lines, HT115 and MDA MB 231. A range of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs were tested. We report that while linoleic acid and arachidonic acid reduced the expression of nm-23-H1, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and its soluble lithium salt markedly increased the expression of the molecules. The stimulation of the expression of nm-23 by GLA was seen at both protein and mRNA levels. Up-regulation of nm-23 was also associated with a reduction of the in vitro invasiveness of these cells. It is concluded that gamma linolenic acid (GLA) enhances the expression of nm-23. This contributes to the inhibition of the in vitro invasion of tumour cells

    Nuclear Activity and the Conditions of Star-formation at the Galactic Center

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    The Galactic Center is the closest galactic nucleus that can be studied with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity. We summarize recent basic observational results on Sagittarius A* and the conditions for star formation in the central stellar cluster. We cover results from the radio, infrared, and X-ray domain and include results from simulation as well. From (sub-)mm and near-infrared variability and near-infrared polarization data we find that the SgrA* system (supermassive black hole spin, a potential temporary accretion disk and/or outflow) is well ordered in its geometrical orientation and in its emission process that we assume to reflect the accretion process onto the supermassive black hole (SMBH).Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; published in PoS-SISSA Proceedings of the: Frontier Research in Astrophysics - II, 23-28 May 2016, Mondello (Palermo), Ital