743 research outputs found

    Anharmonicity of flux lattices and thermal fluctuations in layered superconductors

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    We study elasticity of a perpendicular flux lattice in a layered superconductor with Josephson coupling between layers. We find that the energy contains ln(flux displacement) terms, so that elastic constants cannot be strictly defined. Instead we define effective elastic constants by a thermal average. The tilt modulus has terms with ln(T) which for weak fields, i.e. Josephson length smaller than the flux line spacing, lead to displacement square average proportional to T/ln(T). The expansion parameter indicates that the dominant low temperature phase transition is either layer decoupling at high fields or melting at low fields.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures, Revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Sunj-class: superconductivit

    Phase transitions for a collective coordinate coupled to Luttinger liquids

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    We study various realizations of collective coordinates, e.g. the position of a particle, the charge of a Coulomb box or the phase of a Bose or a superconducting condensate, coupled to Luttinger liquids (LL) with N flavors. We find that for Luttinger parameter 1/2<K<1 there is a phase transition from a delocalized phase into a phase with a periodic potential at strong coupling. In the delocalized phase the dynamics is dominated by an effective mass, i.e. diffusive in imaginary time, while on the transition line it becomes dissipative. At K=1/2 there is an additional transition into a localized phase with no diffusion at zero temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Disorder Induced Transitions in Layered Coulomb Gases and Superconductors

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    A 3D layered system of charges with logarithmic interaction parallel to the layers and random dipoles is studied via a novel variational method and an energy rationale which reproduce the known phase diagram for a single layer. Increasing interlayer coupling leads to successive transitions in which charge rods correlated in N>1 neighboring layers are nucleated by weaker disorder. For layered superconductors in the limit of only magnetic interlayer coupling, the method predicts and locates a disorder-induced defect-unbinding transition in the flux lattice. While N=1 charges dominate there, N>1 disorder induced defect rods are predicted for multi-layer superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Field-induced charge transport at the surface of pentacene single crystals: a method to study charge dynamics of 2D electron systems in organic crystals

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    A method has been developed to inject mobile charges at the surface of organic molecular crystals, and the DC transport of field-induced holes has been measured at the surface of pentacene single crystals. To minimize damage to the soft and fragile surface, the crystals are attached to a pre-fabricated substrate which incorporates a gate dielectric (SiO_2) and four probe pads. The surface mobility of the pentacene crystals ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 cm^2/Vs and is nearly temperature-independent above ~150 K, while it becomes thermally activated at lower temperatures when the induced charges become localized. Ruling out the influence of electric contacts and crystal grain boundaries, the results contribute to the microscopic understanding of trapping and detrapping mechanisms in organic molecular crystals.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Glass phases of flux lattices in layered superconductors

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    We study a flux lattice which is parallel to superconducting layers, allowing for dislocations and for disorder of both short wavelength and long wavelength. We find that the long wavelength disorder has a significant effect on the phase diagram -- it produces a first order transition within the Bragg glass phase and leads to melting at strong disorder. This then allows a Friedel scenario of 2D superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 eps figure, Revte

    Modern Trends in Workmen\u27s Compensation (a nation-wide review of basic principles)

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    National Symposium on Scientific Proof and Relations of Law and Medicine, Second Series

    Worldwide Workmen\u27s Compensation Trends

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    Quantum Hall effects in layered disordered superconductors

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    Layered singlet paired superconductors with disorder and broken time reversal symmetry are studied. The phase diagram demonstrates charge-spin separation in transport. In terms of the average intergrain transmission and the interlayer tunnelling we find quantum Hall phases with spin Hall coefficients of 0 and 2 separated by a spin metal phase. We identify a spin metal-insulator localization exponent as well as a spin conductivity exponent of ~0.9. In presence of a Zeeman term an additional phase with spin Hall coefficient of 1 appears.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Antiferromagnetic domain walls in lightly doped layered cuprates

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    Recent ESR data shows rotation of the antiferromagnetic (AF) easy axis in lightly doped layered cuprates upon lowering the temperature. We account for the ESR data and show that it has significant implications on spin and charge ordering according to the following scenario: In the high temperature phase AF domain walls coincide with (110) twin boundaries of an orthorhombic phase. A magnetic field leads to annihilation of neighboring domain walls resulting in antiphase boundaries. The latter are spin carriers, form ferromagnetic lines and may become charged in the doped system. However, hole ordering at low temperatures favors the (100) orientation, inducing a pi/4 rotation in the AF easy axis. The latter phase has twin boundaries and AF domain walls in (100) planes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (1 eps). v2: no change in content, Tex shadow problem cleare

    Transconducting transition for a dynamic boundary coupled to several Luttinger liquids

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    We study a dynamic boundary, e.g. a mobile impurity, coupled to N independent Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids (TLLs) each with interaction parameter K. We demonstrate that for N>2 there is a quantum phase transition at K>1/2, where the TLL phases lock together at the particle position, resulting in a non-zero transconductance equal to e^2/Nh. The transition line terminates for strong coupling at K=1- 1/N, consistent with results at large N. Another type of a dynamic boundary is a superconducting (or Bose-Einstein condensate) grain coupled to N>2 TLLs, here the transition signals also the onset of a relevant Josephson coupling.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur