19 research outputs found

    K textové lingvistice: diachronní a synchronní hledisko uplatněné v rámci české a frankofonní lingvistiky

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    The main aim of our study is to introduce the topic of textual linguistics from the diachronic and synchronic perspective by employing the comparative approach during the processing of relevant linguistic sources. The study will explore the development of textual linguistics as one of the youngest linguistic fields. Furthermore, the study will focus on the research subjects of textual linguistics and the establishment of basic vocabulary in this field, with a heightened focus placed on the use of Czech and francophone linguistic sources. In the introductory chapter of our text, we will discuss the origins of textual linguistics/the linguistics of text, followed by the development of this field as documented by selected linguistic publications. The second section of this paper will seek to apply the comparative approach when processing sources in the Czech and French language so as to delineate the pivotal terms of textual linguistics

    Recepce – percepce – porozumění – interpretace ve vyučování cizímu jazyku

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    Článek definuje pojmy recepce, percepce, porozumění a interpretace z hlediska didaktiky cizích jazyků.The paper defines the concepts of reception, perception, understanding and interpretation from the point of view of the didactics of foreign languages

    Bayerisch-böhmisch gesungen – Eine neue bairische Übersetzung des chodischen Volksliedes Žádnej neví, co sou Domažlice: Koana woaß des, wos is Domaschlitze

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    Der Artikel widmet sich der Geschichte der bömisch-bayerischen Grenzregion und seiner Kultur. Besonders behandelt er die neue bairische Übersetzung des Volksliedes Žádnej neví, co sou Domažlice und ihrer Entstehung.The article is devoted to the history of the Czech-Bavarian border region and its culture. In particular, it deals with the new Bavarian translation of the folk song Žádnej neví, co sou Domažlice and its origin

    Term and definition in professional functional style (discussed in the framework of Czech and French / Francophone linguistics) Term and definition in professional functional style (discussed in the framework of Czech and French / Francophone linguistics)

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    Cílem naší studie je vymezit pojmy termín a definice jako základní jednotky odborného funkčního stylu, resp. odborného jazyka prostřednictvím uplatnění komparativního přístupu, jehož cílem je vymezit oba klíčové pojmy s ohledem na jejich definice ustálené v českých a francouzských/frankofonních lingvistických pramenech.The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part deals with the definition of professional functional style. The second part defines the term, terminology and types of definitions.The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part deals with the definition of professional functional style. The second part defines the term, terminology and types of definitions

    Term and definition in professional functional style (discussed in the framework of Czech and French / Francophone linguistics) Term and definition in professional functional style (discussed in the framework of Czech and French / Francophone linguistics)

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    Cílem naší studie je vymezit pojmy termín a definice jako základní jednotky odborného funkčního stylu, resp. odborného jazyka prostřednictvím uplatnění komparativního přístupu, jehož cílem je vymezit oba klíčové pojmy s ohledem na jejich definice ustálené v českých a francouzských/frankofonních lingvistických pramenech.The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part deals with the definition of professional functional style. The second part defines the term, terminology and types of definitions.The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part deals with the definition of professional functional style. The second part defines the term, terminology and types of definitions

    Porozumění francouzskému odbornému textu v kurzech pro vysokoškolské studenty (nefilology) na základě využití elementárních znalostí lexikologie

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    The aim of our study is to address the issue of professional reading and comprehension scholarly French text. We ask ourselves, both through knowledge of basic lexicological phenomena and problems enable students of French focus of professional skill of reading scholarly French texts. The study deals with reading comprehension skills. Different types of reading and definition of skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference are introduced. Attention is paid to three main approaches: the overall comprehension the text, understanding the part of the text and comprehension one sentence. The last part presents the phenomena of lexicology French, whose knowledge can facilitate reading and comprehension the scholarly French text

    Termín a definice v odborném funkčním stylu (pojednáno v rámci české a francouzské/frankofonní lingvistiky)

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    The aim of our study is to define terms term and definition as the basic units of professional functional style. The aim is to define both key terms with regard to their definitions established in Czech and French / Francophone linguistic sources. The introductory part deals with the definition of professional functional style. The second part defines the term, terminology and types of definitions

    Vývoj didaktiky odborné francouzštiny jako součásti oborové didaktiky cizích jazyků

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    The subject of didactics of foreign languages is the theory and art of teaching and learning foreign languages. The foreign language is to be understood as a living organism. It is a set of knowledge and skills to be mastered in the teaching process, then adopt ed. This is different from other disciplines by its vastness, complexity and considerable openness. An integral part of this issue is the methodology of technical/professional language. The problem of teaching professional foreign language is currently one of the hot topics in which foreign language didactics is engaged. This issue brings with it a whole new set of questions – questions which modern language teaching methodology strives to answer. The aim of our paper is to familiarize the reader with the development of language for specific purposes, didactics as an integral part of the French language, and didactics of foreign languages. Attention is paid to the diff erence between general and specific language training. The study chronologically presents different concepts from the 2nd half of the 20th century to the present

    Osvojování lexikální kompetence v didaktických směrech zaměřených na odborný jazyk

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer quelle est la place de l’acquisition de la compétence lexicale dans le cadre des approches didactiques orientées vers la communication spécialisée. Nous avons analysé un corpus de plusieurs ouvrages didactiques traitant de l’évolution des méthodologies du français langue étrangère et français langue de spécialité. L’objectif de notre contribution était donc de déterminer, quelle place la composante lexicale occupe dans les approches didactiques étudiées et quelles sont les pistes proposées pour acquérir le vocabulaire spécialisé dans les cours auprès du public spécialisé