169 research outputs found

    Quantum Teleportation Using Quantum Non-Demolition Technique

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    We propose a new scheme and protocol for quantum teleportation of a single-mode field state, based on entanglement produced by quantum non-demolition interaction. We show that the recently attained results in QND technique allow to perform the teleportation in quantum regime. We also show that applying QND coupling to squeezed fields will significantly improve the quality of teleportation for a given degree of squeezing.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 figure

    Dimensionality of the spatio-temporal entanglement of PDC photon pairs

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    In this work the Schmidt number of the two-photon state generated by parametric-down conversion (PDC) is evaluated in the framework of a fully spatio-temporal model for PDC. A comparison with the results obtained in either purely spatial or purely temporal models shows that the degree of entanglement of the PDC state cannot be trivially reduced to the product of the Schmidt numbers obtained in models with lower dimensionality, unless the detected bandwidth is very narrow. This result is a consequence of the non-factorability of the state in the spatial and temporal degrees of freedoms of twin photons. In the limit of a broad pump beam, we provide a geometrical interpretation of the Schmidt number, as the ratio between the volume of the phase matching region and of a correlation volume.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Afterpulsing model based on the quasi-continuous distribution of deep levels in single-photon avalanche diodes

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    We have performed a statistical characterization of the effect of afterpulsing in a free-running silicon single-photon detector by measuring the distribution of afterpulse waiting times in response to pulsed illumination and fitting it by a sum of exponentials. We show that a high degree of goodness of fit can be obtained for 5 exponentials, but the physical meaning of estimated characteristic times is dubious. We show that a continuous limit of the sum of exponentials with a uniform density between the limiting times gives excellent fitting results in the full range of the detector response function. This means that in certain detectors the afterpulsing is caused by a continuous band of deep levels in the active area of the photodetector.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Time-to-space ghost imaging

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    Temporal ghost imaging technique is based on temporal correlations of two optical beams and is known to form an image of a temporal object with a resolution, which is fundamentally limited by the resolution time of a photodetector in the reference arm and reaches 55 ps in a recent experiment. For further improvement of the temporal resolution, it is suggested to form a spatial ghost image of a temporal object relying on strong temporal-spatial correlations of two optical beams. Such correlations are known to exist between two entangled beams generated in type-I parametric downconversion. It is shown that a picosecond-scale temporal resolution is accessible with a realistic source of entangled photons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum temporal imaging: application of a time lens to quantum optics

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    We consider application of a temporal imaging system, based on the sum-frequency generation, to a nonclassical, in particular, squeezed optical temporal waveform. We analyze the restrictions on the pump and the phase matching condition in the summing crystal, necessary for preserving the quantum features of the initial waveform. We show that modification of the notion of the field of view in the quantum case is necessary, and that the quantum field of view is much narrower than the classical one for the same temporal imaging system. These results are important for temporal stretching and compressing of squeezed fields, used in quantum-enhanced metrology and quantum communications.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Acceleration of software execution time for operations involving sequences or matrices

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    The article describes three methods for lowering program runtime that are solutions to computer science Olympiad problems involving sequences or matrices. The first method relies on the representation of some sequences as matrices, after which the program for calculating the sequence's members will have asymptotics equivalent to the exponentiation algorithm's time complexity and be O(log (n)). The second strategy is to improve the existing code in order to significantly shorten program runtime. For scientists who create code for scientific inquiries and deal with matrix multiplication operations, understanding this approach is crucial. The author's challenge is presented and solved using the third strategy, which is based on minimizing temporal complexity by looking for regularities.The article describes three methods for lowering program runtime that are solutions to computer science Olympiad problems involving sequences or matrices. The first method relies on the representation of some sequences as matrices, after which the program for calculating the sequence's members will have asymptotics equivalent to the exponentiation algorithm's time complexity and be O(log (n)). The second strategy is to improve the existing code in order to significantly shorten program runtime. For scientists who create code for scientific inquiries and deal with matrix multiplication operations, understanding this approach is crucial. The author's challenge is presented and solved using the third strategy, which is based on minimizing temporal complexity by looking for regularities

    Interferometric sorting of temporal Hermite-Gauss modes via temporal Gouy phase

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    We propose a device consisting of mm Mach-Zehnder interferometers and realizing sorting of first 2m2^m temporal Hermite-Gauss modes of light passing though it by adjusting the accumulated temporal Gouy phase acquired by every mode. This mode-order-dependent phase shift is achieved by a fractional Fourier transform realized by a time lens in one of interferometer's arms. We consider application of such a sorter with just two interferometers to sorting the Schmidt modes of a photon pair generated in spontaneous parametric downconversion and find the theoretical lower bond on the cross-talk probability of 5.5%.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure