37 research outputs found

    Demonstration of homologous recombination events in the evolution of bovine viral diarrhoea virus by in silico investigations

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    Complete genome sequences of bovine viral diarrhoea virus types 1 and 2 (BVDV-1 and 2) deposited in the GenBank were submitted to bioinformatic analysis using a recombination-detecting software. The results indicate that recombination events are not rare in the case of BVDV, which frequently causes immunotolerance and, consequently, persistent infection in calves. The lack of specific immunity provides an ideal possibility for multiple infections by antigenically related but genetically different BVDV strains, and hence recombinations may occur. Among the 62 BVDV-1 genomes five recombinants and their possible parent strains, while among the 50 BVDV-2 genomes one simple recombinant and its parent strains were identified, which were supported by extremely strong probability values (P values varying between 1.26 × 10–4 and 1.58 × 10–310). Besides the newly identified recombinants, recombination events described previously were confirmed, but in some of these cases former information was completed with new data, or different parent(s) were suggested by the programme (RDP 4.46 BETA) used in this study

    Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in cattle farms in Hungary

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    A study was performed to survey the virological prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus (BVDV) in cattle herds in Hungary between 2008 and 2012. A total of 40,413 samples for BVDV detection and 24,547 samples for antibody testing were collected from 3,247 herds (570,524 animals), thus representing approximately 75% of the cattle population in Hungary. Retrospective Bayesian analysis demonstrated that (1) the herd-level true virus prevalence was 12.4%, (2) the mean individual (within-herd) true virus prevalence was 7.2% in the herds having at least one virus-positive animal and 0.89% for all investigated herds with a mean apparent prevalence of 1.15% for the same population. This is the first study about BVDV prevalence in Hungary

    Vaccine-associated rabies in red fox, Hungary

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    Rabies vaccine strain was isolated from a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) with signs of neurological disorder during an oral vaccination campaign in 2015, Hungary. The whole genome sequence of the isolated strain shared >99.9% nucleotide sequence identity to the whole genomes of vaccines strains recently used in Hungarian oral vaccination campaigns. The neuroinvasive potential of rabies vaccines that leads to development of clinical manifestations is rarely seen among wild animals; however, the observed residual pathogenicity needs aware ness of field experts and requires close monitoring of rabies cases in areas where elimination programs are implemented

    Arterivírusok vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a hazai izolátumok genetikai tulajdonságaira = Investigation of arteriviruses with special regard to the genomic characteristics of local isolates

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    Az elmúlt négy évben vizsgáltuk a két állategészségügyi szempontból fontos arterivírus, a sertések szaporodásbiológiai zavarokkal és légzőszervi tünetekkel járó tünetegyüttesét előidéző vírus (PRRSV) és a lovak fertőző arteritisét előidéző vírus (EAV) hazai elterjedtségét és megállapítottuk, hogy mindkét vírus hazai előfordulása elmarad a nyugat-európai országokban megfigyelttől. Mindkét vírusfertőzés diagnosztikájában kidolgoztuk és széleskörűen alkalmaztuk az RT-PCR alapú diagnosztikai módszert. Az amplifikációs termékek nukleotid-sorrendjének meghatározása után vizsgáltuk a két vírus filogenetikai viszonyait magyarországi és a környező országokból származó pozitív minták felhasználásával, továbbá összehasonlítottuk ezeket a nemzetközi génbankban elhelyezett szekvenciákkal is. A PriProET és Taqman technikára valamint valós idejű RT-PCR eljárásra alapozott módszerekkel a vírusfertőzések in vitro és in vivo zajló kinetikájáról tudtunk adatokat gyűjteni. Eredményeinket nyolc referált szakfolyóiratben megjelent vagy közlésre elfogadott közleményben és két PhD értekezésben közöltük illetve foglaltuk össze. | In the four years of the study period the occurrence of the two arteriviruses of veterinary significance, the porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and the equine arteritis virus has been investigated, and it was demonstrated, that the presence of both viruses is lower then in the Western European countries. An RT-PCR based diagnostic method has been developed and routinely applied in the diagnosis of both viral infections. After sequencing the amplicons the phylogenetic relationship of the viruses was investigated using positive samples collected in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries, and these were compared to sequences deposited in the GenBank. Data were collected on the in vitro and in vivo kinetics of the virus multiplication using methods based on PriProET and Taqman technique and real time RT-PCR methods. The results were published and summarised in eight articles published in peer reviewed periodicals and in two PhD theses

    In Vitro Host-Cell Susceptibility to Usutu Virus

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    We investigated the susceptibility to Usutu virus (Flavivirus) of 13 permanent cell lines, 3 primary cell cultures, and chicken embryos. Vero, PK-15, and goose embryo fibroblast cells developed cytopathic effects; however, viral multiplication was detected in all mammalian cell types by immunohistochemical tests. Chicken embryo fibroblast cells and chicken embryos were resistant

    Ectopia cordis cervicalis esete Holstein fríz borjúban Esetismertetés

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    A szerzők esetleírásukban bemutatják egy, ectopia cordis cervicalis fejlődési rendellenességben szenvedő, majd két napos korban elhullott, 36 kg testtömegű, Holstein Fríz fajtájú bika borjú rendellenesen helyeződő szívének kamra és pitvar falainak, a megnyúlt aortájának és truncus pulmonalisának, valamint a tüdő lebenyeinek patológiai, kórszövettani vizsgálatát. A jobb és bal pitvarban a szívizomsejtek hypertrophiáját és multifocalis degeneratióját, lysisét; multiplex interstitialis, ill. intramuscularis acut vérzést; enyhefokú lympho(histio)cytás gyulladást; interstitialis vizenyőt, valamint a jobb pitvarban interstitialis fibrosis jeleit észlelték. A kamrai szabad falakban, ill. a septumban szívizomsejtek hypertrophiáját, enyhefokú perinuclearis lipofuscin felhalmozódást, valamint cardiomyocyták multifocalis vacuolisatióját, lysisét; multiplex interstitialis, ill. intramuscularis acut vérzést; interstitialis vizenyőt (lymphoedemát); enyhefokú lympho(histio)cytás gyulladást; lymphangiectasiát tapasztaltak. Az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatok során valamennyi szívizommintában, ill. a pericardiumban CD3-pozitív T-lymphocytákat figyeltek meg. Az anti-claudin-5 ellenanyaggal végzett immunhisztokémiai vizsgálat során intenzív, linearis membrán-pozitivitást észleltek az intramyocardialis erek endotheliumában, defectusok jelei nélkül. A megnyúlt aorta- és truncus pulmonalis falakban nem tapasztaltunk a kórszövettani és az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatokkal elváltozást. A tüdőben multiplex thrombosist, heveny vénás pangást, haemostasist; heveny multifocalis, confluáló interstitialis és intraalveolaris vérzést; multifocalis meconiumaspiratiót, ill. aspiratiós-pneumoniát figyeltek meg. A qRT-PCR technikával, BVD-, IBR-, Bluetongue-, ill. Schmallenberg vírus nukleinsavának kimutatására irányuló vizsgálatok negatív eredménnyel zárultak

    Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Hungary — situation before launching an eradication campaign

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    Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is a viral disease appearing in various forms and causing high economic losses in the cattle stocks of Hungary. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Hungary through a monitoring survey carried out on samples collected in cattle-keeping units throughout the country. Since no such survey had been carried out in Hungary during the last thirty years, our study may serve as a basis for later monitoring investigations aimed at following the progress of an expected eradication campaign of BVD. The tests were carried out using an ELISA method, on a total of 1200 blood samples submitted from 54 cattle herds. The herds had not been vaccinated against BVDV before the sampling. Out of the 1200 samples, 521 proved to be positive (43.4%), 40 gave doubtful result (3.3%) and 639 were negative (53.3%). In some stocks the samples were collected from cows having completed several lactation periods, and therefore the seronegativity indicates the BVDV-free status of the given stock. Moreover, among the positive herds we found a few where the seropositivity rate was rather low (< 5%). According to the results of the survey, a rather high portion (about one third) of the cattle-keeping units of Hungary can be regarded as BVDV free, which ratio is much higher than had been expected on the basis of surveys carried out on a lower number of samples and in smaller regions of the country. Hence, the chances of an eradication campaign launched in the near future, or carried out parallel to the IBR eradication programme, are better than previously expected

    Low incidence of Schmallenberg virus infection in natural cases of abortion in domestic ruminants in Hungary

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    An epizootic caused by a new orthobunyavirus called Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was recognised in European ruminants in 2011 and 2012. The re-emergence of the infection was reported in several countries in the subsequent years. Although the main clinical sign of SBV infection is abortion, the impact of SBV in natural cases of abortion in domestic ruminants had not been systematically examined before this study. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of SBV infection and to compare it to the importance of other causes of abortion by examining 537 natural cases of abortion that had occurred between 2011 and 2017 in Hungary. The cause of abortion was determined in 165 (31%) cases. An infectious cause was proved in 88 (16%) cases. SBV infection was found only in a total of four cases (0.8%) using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Three of them proved to be inapparent SBV infection, and one case was attributed to SBV-induced abortion by detecting non-purulent encephalitis and SBV nucleoprotein by immunohistochemistry in a brain tissue sample. According to the results, SBV played a minor role in natural cases of domestic ruminant abortion in Hungary during the 7-year period following the first SBV outbreak in 2011