272 research outputs found

    Regulatory Competition in European Corporate and Capital Market Law: An Empirical Analysis

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    The Effect of Community Managers on Online Idea Crowdsourcing Activities

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    In this study, we investigate whether and to what extent community managers in online collaborative communities can stimulate community activities through their engagement. Using a novel data set of 22 large online idea crowdsourcing campaigns, we find that moderate but steady manager activities are adequate to enhance community participation. Moreover, we show that appreciation, motivation, and intellectual stimulation by community managers are positively associated with community participation but that the effectiveness of these communication strategies depends on the form of participation managers wish to encourage. Finally, the data reveal that community manager activities requiring more effort, such as media file uploads vs. simple written comments, have a stronger effect on community participation

    The Emergence of Crowdinvesting in Europe

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    This paper first presents the development of the crowdinvesting market in Europe since its start in 2007. Then, using hand-collected data on the complete set of crowdinvesting campaigns run in Germany, the paper shows that successful campaigns tend to be launched by new startups and when the minimum ticket size is small so that more crowd investors can participate. Moreover, the use of the partiarisches Darlehen (a specific form of equity-linked notes not subject to prospectus regulation) adopted at the end of 2012 in Germany (as a response to alleviating regulatory constraints) has led to larger amounts being raised but also campaigns becoming more likely to achieve their targets. These two results combined indicate that contractual arrangements that enable more participation from the crowd tend to work best. Finally, campaigns launched on portals already having some experience are more likely to raise larger amounts. These findings should be of use to entrepreneurs who need to choose among a larger range of different crowdinvesting portals

    Hourly Wages in Crowdworking: A Meta-Analysis

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    In the past decade, crowdworking on online labor market platforms has become an important source of income for a growing number of people worldwide. This development has led to increasing political and scholarly interest in the wages people can earn on such platforms. This study extends the literature, which is often based on a single platform, region, or category of crowdworking, through a meta-analysis of prevalent hourly wages. After a systematic literature search, the paper considers 22 primary empirical studies, including 105 wages and 76,765 data points from 22 platforms, eight different countries, and 10 years. It is found that, on average, microtasks results in an hourly wage of less than $6. This wage is significantly lower than the mean wage of online freelancers, which is roughly three times higher when not factoring in unpaid work. Hourly wages accounting for unpaid work, such as searching for tasks and communicating with requesters, tend to be significantly lower than wages not considering unpaid work. Legislators and researchers evaluating wages in crowdworking need to be aware of this bias when assessing hourly wages, given that the majority of literature does not account for the effect of unpaid work time on crowdworking wages. To foster the comparability of different research results, the article suggests that scholars consider a wage correction factor to account for unpaid work. Finally, researchers should be aware that remuneration and work processes on crowdworking platforms can systematically affect the data collection method and inclusion of unpaid work

    EuropÀischer Nichtwohnhochbau weiterhin auf Wachstumskurs

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    Nach den aktuellen Prognosen der Experten fĂŒr die in der Euroconstruct-Gruppe zusammengeschlossenen 19 europĂ€ischen LĂ€nder wird im Nichtwohnbau bis 2009 ein durchschnittliches Wachstum von rund 2% pro Jahr erwartet. Dabei wird, neben Belgien und Irland, in allen vier mittelosteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern mit einem deutlich ĂŒberdurchschnittlichen Wachstum gerechnet. Eine rĂŒcklĂ€ufige Entwicklung wird lediglich fĂŒr Portugal prognostiziert.Bauwirtschaft, Prognose, Wohnungsbau, Tiefbau, GeschĂ€ftsklima, Wohnungsbaupolitik, Europa

    Should Securities Regulation Promote Crowdinvesting?

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    In this paper, we show that too strong investor protection may harm small firms and entrepreneurial initiatives, which contrasts with the traditional ‘law & finance’ view that stronger investor protection is better. This situation is particularly relevant in crowdinvesting, which refers to a recent financial innovation originating on the Internet and targets small, innovative firms. In many jurisdictions, securities regulation offers exemptions to prospectus and registration requirements. We provide an into-depth discussion of recent regulatory reforms in different countries and discuss how they may impact crowdinvesting. Building on a theoretical framework, we show that optimal regulation depends on the availability of alternative early-stage financing such as venture capital and angel finance. Finally, we offer exploratory portal-level evidence from Germany on the impact of securities regulation on small business finance

    Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf die Bauwirtschaft

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    Das Schwerpunktthema der 62. Euroconstruct-Konferenz, die am 1. Dezember 2006 in MĂŒnchen stattfand, lautete "Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf die Bauwirtschaft". FĂŒnf namhafte Experten stellten, neben den gravierenden VerĂ€nderungen der letzten Jahre, ihre Prognosen zur Entwicklung der Bauwirtschaft vor und benannten die zukĂŒnftigen Wachstumsfelder. Ihre Referate sind hier kurz zusammengefasst.Bauwirtschaft, Globalisierung, Welt

    The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company

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    Ever since 2004 companies located in Member States of the European Economic Area have been able to opt to incorporate in a supranational legal form, the Societas Europaea. We found that companies located in Member States where the Societas Europaea offers additional legal arbitrage opportunities benefit most. Moreover, our results show that the stock price reaction is positive when the decision to incorporate as an Societas Europaea involves moving the firm's registered office and that firms are moving to jurisdictions with significantly lower corporate tax rates. Finally, we found evidence of uncertainty at the registration date but not at the time of the shareholder meeting

    Which updates during an equity crowdfunding campaign increase crowd participation?

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    Start-ups often post updates during equity crowdfunding campaigns. However, little is known about the effects of such updates on crowd participation. We investigate this question by using hand-collected data from 71 funding campaigns and 39,399 investment decisions on two German equity crowdfunding portals. Using a combination of different empirical research techniques, we find that posting an update has a significant positive effect on the number of investments made by the crowd and the investment amount collected by the start-up. This effect does not occur immediately in its entirety; rather, it lags the update by a few days. Furthermore, the effect of updates loses statistical significance with the number of updates posted during a campaign. We also find that an easier language used in updates increases crowd participation, whereas the length of updates has no effects. With respect to the update’s content, we find that the positive effect can be attributed to updates about new developments of the start-up such as campaign developments, new funding, business developments, and cooperation projects. Updates on the start-up team, business model, product developments, and promotional campaigns do not have meaningful effects. Our paper contributes to the literature on the effects of information disclosure on equity crowdfunding participation. Furthermore, our results have practical implications for start-ups and their investor communication during equity crowdfunding campaigns
