28 research outputs found


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    RESUMEN  Este artículo describe una propuesta arquitectónica basada en servicios web orientada al desarrollo de aplicaciones colaborativas de calidad. La arquitectura ha sido diseñada para abordar las carencias que presentan los modelos arquitectónicos y entornos existentes para el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. Estas limitaciones incluyen dependencias de plataformas, lenguajes y sistemas operativos, así como el hecho de que su funcionalidad, a menudo, está pensada para aplicaciones muy concretas. Nuestra propuesta, gracias a su diseño y a que está basada en servicios web, es capaz de proporcionar aplicaciones con atributos no funcionales (específicamente, atributos de calidad) como reusabilidad, portabilidad, interoperabilidad, ubicuidad y adaptabilidad, permitiendo reorganizar dinámicamente los componentes para adaptar la arquitectura a la forma en que se organiza el trabajo en grupo en cada momento. Dicha adaptación puede lograse, si es necesario, extendiendo la propuesta con nuevos servicios (que pueden ser aplicaciones, componentes o herramientas) cuando éstos se requieran, de manera consistente y sin necesidad de realizar modificaciones en los servicios existentes. Además, el grupo puede adaptarse a nuevas necesidades o estilos de trabajo,gracias a que nuestra arquitectura permite modificar las políticas de manejo de sesión en tiempo de ejecución. Nuestra propuesta también resuelve problemas significativos encontrados en los modelos y entornos existentes para el desarrollo de aplicaciones colaborativas, como el hecho de que no proporcionan sesiones flexibles y/o no suministran un modelo consistente para integrar componentes de terceros. PALABRAS CLAVE Arquitectura SoftwareAtributos de CalidadAplicaciones ColaborativasServiciosWebArquitectura Orientada a Servicios ABSTRACT This article describes a web service-based architectural proposal oriented to the development of quality collaborative applications. The architecture has been designed to overcome the lacks that existing architectural models and environments for developing this type of applications present. These limitations include platform, language and operative system dependencies, and also the fact that their functionality is often intended for very specific applications. Our proposal, thanks to its design and since it is based on web services, is able to provide applications with non functional attributes (specifically, quality attributes) such as reusability, portability, interoperability, ubiquity and adaptability, which allow to dynamically reorganize the components in order to adapt the architecture to the form in which groupwork is organized at each moment. This adaptation can be achieved, if necessary, extending the proposal with new services (which can be applications, components or tools) when these are required, in a consistent way and without necessity to modify existing services. Moreover, the group can adapt to different needsand work styles, thanks to our architecture allows to modify the session management policies in run time. Our proposal also solves significant problems found in the existing models and environments for the development of collaborative applications, as the fact that they do not provide flexible sessions and/or they do not provide a consistent model to integrate third-party components. KEYWORDSSoftware ArchitectureQuality AttributesCollaborative ApplicationsWeb ServicesService-Oriented Architecture (SOA)


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    RESUMEN  Este artículo describe una propuesta arquitectónica basada en servicios web orientada al desarrollo de aplicaciones colaborativas de calidad. La arquitectura ha sido diseñada para abordar las carencias que presentan los modelos arquitectónicos y entornos existentes para el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. Estas limitaciones incluyen dependencias de plataformas, lenguajes y sistemas operativos, así como el hecho de que su funcionalidad, a menudo, está pensada para aplicaciones muy concretas. Nuestra propuesta, gracias a su diseño y a que está basada en servicios web, es capaz de proporcionar aplicaciones con atributos no funcionales (específicamente, atributos de calidad) como reusabilidad, portabilidad, interoperabilidad, ubicuidad y adaptabilidad, permitiendo reorganizar dinámicamente los componentes para adaptar la arquitectura a la forma en que se organiza el trabajo en grupo en cada momento. Dicha adaptación puede lograse, si es necesario, extendiendo la propuesta con nuevos servicios (que pueden ser aplicaciones, componentes o herramientas) cuando éstos se requieran, de manera consistente y sin necesidad de realizar modificaciones en los servicios existentes. Además, el grupo puede adaptarse a nuevas necesidades o estilos de trabajo,gracias a que nuestra arquitectura permite modificar las políticas de manejo de sesión en tiempo de ejecución. Nuestra propuesta también resuelve problemas significativos encontrados en los modelos y entornos existentes para el desarrollo de aplicaciones colaborativas, como el hecho de que no proporcionan sesiones flexibles y/o no suministran un modelo consistente para integrar componentes de terceros. PALABRAS CLAVE Arquitectura SoftwareAtributos de CalidadAplicaciones ColaborativasServiciosWebArquitectura Orientada a Servicios ABSTRACT This article describes a web service-based architectural proposal oriented to the development of quality collaborative applications. The architecture has been designed to overcome the lacks that existing architectural models and environments for developing this type of applications present. These limitations include platform, language and operative system dependencies, and also the fact that their functionality is often intended for very specific applications. Our proposal, thanks to its design and since it is based on web services, is able to provide applications with non functional attributes (specifically, quality attributes) such as reusability, portability, interoperability, ubiquity and adaptability, which allow to dynamically reorganize the components in order to adapt the architecture to the form in which groupwork is organized at each moment. This adaptation can be achieved, if necessary, extending the proposal with new services (which can be applications, components or tools) when these are required, in a consistent way and without necessity to modify existing services. Moreover, the group can adapt to different needsand work styles, thanks to our architecture allows to modify the session management policies in run time. Our proposal also solves significant problems found in the existing models and environments for the development of collaborative applications, as the fact that they do not provide flexible sessions and/or they do not provide a consistent model to integrate third-party components. KEYWORDSSoftware ArchitectureQuality AttributesCollaborative ApplicationsWeb ServicesService-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    A hybrid model for decision-making in the information and Communications Technology sector

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    The majority of businesses in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector face decision-making problems on a daily basis. Most of these problems are based on contexts of uncertainty, where decisions are founded on qualitative information which may be imprecise or perception-based. In these cases, the information which is expressed by experts and users of evaluated services can be treated using processes of computing with words (CW). In this paper, we present a hybrid decision-making model especially designed for the ICT sector whereby the experts have the support of an intelligent system which provides information about the opinions of users related to those problems which are to be analysed. These opinions are obtained by using different mechanisms and techniques when users conduct business with the service provider. In addition, we employ a procedure for obtaining consensus between experts which enriches and strengthens the decision-making process

    Linguistic multi-criteria decision-making model with output variable expressive richness

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In general, traditional decision-making models are based on methods that perform calculations on quantitative measures. These methods are usually applied to assess possible solutions to a problem, resulting in a ranking of alternatives. However, when it comes to making decisions about qualitative measures –such as service quality–, the quantitative assessment is a bit difficult to interpret. Therefore, taking into account the maturity of the linguistic assessment models, this paper puts forth a new solution proposal. It is a decision-making model that uses linguistic labels –represented with the 2-tuple notation– and a variable expressive richness when providing output results. This solution allows expressing results in a manner closer to the human cognitive system. To achieve this goal, a mechanism has been implemented for measuring the distance among the aggregate ratings, providing the decision-maker with a fast and intuitive answer. The proposal is illustrated with an application example based on the TOPSIS model, using linguistic labels throughout the entire process


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     RESUMEN En este artículo se propone un modelo jerárquico de roles de usuario para el diseño de sistemas Web que permite un diseño estructurado de la interfaz de usuario, una mejor adaptabilidad al perfil del usuario y la simplificación de la especificación de tareas del sistema. Dicho modelo ha sido aplicado al desarrollo de un sistema Web, denominado Tutor, que da soporte a la docencia, al aprendizaje y a la gestión de datos académicos (de alumnos, profesores, titulaciones, etc.) relacionados con asignaturas de la Universidad de Granada. El equipo de desarrollo ha estado formado por profesores, estudiantes y técnicos de los servicios de informática y redes de comunicaciones de dicha universidad, por lo que desde el principio se ha tenido presente la finalidad pedagógica de cada utilidad a la hora de incluirla en el sistema. El sistema implementado ofrece una serie de servicios electrónicos, siendo algunos de ellos de acceso libre, mientras que otros son de acceso restringido sólo a usuarios registrados en el sistema (cuando se requiere proteger la privacidad de los datos). La principal finalidad de nuestro sistema consiste en lograr algunos de los objetivos establecidos en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, que fija y unifica los criterios de calidad que deben cumplir los estudios superiores en los estados miembros.  PALABRAS CLAVESSistema Web de Apoyo a la DocenciaSistema Web de Soporte al AprendizajeTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Aplicadas a la EducaciónInnovación Docente  ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model of user roles to be applied in the development of Web-based applications. The model facilitates a structured design of user interfaces, a better adaptability to user profiles and the simplification of the specification of system tasks. This model has been applied to the development of a Web-based system, called Tutor, that provides support for teaching and learning some subjects taught at the University of Granada, and for the management of academic data (of students, teachers, degrees, etc.) related with these subjects. The development team is made up of teachers, students and technicians of computer science and communication network services belonging to this university. For that reason, we have always had in mind the pedagogic purpose of each utility included in the system. The implemented system offers a series of electronic services, some of them are free access, while others are restricted access only to users registered in the system (when data privacy protection is required). The main aim of our system is to achieve some of the objectives established in the context of the European Space of Higher Education, which sets and unifies quality criteria that the higher studies within its member states must satisfy.  KEYWORDSWeb-Based Teaching-Support SystemWeb-Based Learning-Support SystemInformation and Communication Technologies Appliedto EducationTeaching Innovation


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     RESUMEN En este artículo se propone un modelo jerárquico de roles de usuario para el diseño de sistemas Web que permite un diseño estructurado de la interfaz de usuario, una mejor adaptabilidad al perfil del usuario y la simplificación de la especificación de tareas del sistema. Dicho modelo ha sido aplicado al desarrollo de un sistema Web, denominado Tutor, que da soporte a la docencia, al aprendizaje y a la gestión de datos académicos (de alumnos, profesores, titulaciones, etc.) relacionados con asignaturas de la Universidad de Granada. El equipo de desarrollo ha estado formado por profesores, estudiantes y técnicos de los servicios de informática y redes de comunicaciones de dicha universidad, por lo que desde el principio se ha tenido presente la finalidad pedagógica de cada utilidad a la hora de incluirla en el sistema. El sistema implementado ofrece una serie de servicios electrónicos, siendo algunos de ellos de acceso libre, mientras que otros son de acceso restringido sólo a usuarios registrados en el sistema (cuando se requiere proteger la privacidad de los datos). La principal finalidad de nuestro sistema consiste en lograr algunos de los objetivos establecidos en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, que fija y unifica los criterios de calidad que deben cumplir los estudios superiores en los estados miembros.  PALABRAS CLAVESSistema Web de Apoyo a la DocenciaSistema Web de Soporte al AprendizajeTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Aplicadas a la EducaciónInnovación Docente  ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model of user roles to be applied in the development of Web-based applications. The model facilitates a structured design of user interfaces, a better adaptability to user profiles and the simplification of the specification of system tasks. This model has been applied to the development of a Web-based system, called Tutor, that provides support for teaching and learning some subjects taught at the University of Granada, and for the management of academic data (of students, teachers, degrees, etc.) related with these subjects. The development team is made up of teachers, students and technicians of computer science and communication network services belonging to this university. For that reason, we have always had in mind the pedagogic purpose of each utility included in the system. The implemented system offers a series of electronic services, some of them are free access, while others are restricted access only to users registered in the system (when data privacy protection is required). The main aim of our system is to achieve some of the objectives established in the context of the European Space of Higher Education, which sets and unifies quality criteria that the higher studies within its member states must satisfy.  KEYWORDSWeb-Based Teaching-Support SystemWeb-Based Learning-Support SystemInformation and Communication Technologies Appliedto EducationTeaching Innovation

    Additive effects of LPL, APOA5 and APOE variant combinations on triglyceride levels and hypertriglyceridemia: results of the ICARIA genetic sub-study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is a well-established independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the influence of several genetic variants in genes related with triglyceride (TG) metabolism has been described, including <it>LPL</it>, <it>APOA5 </it>and <it>APOE</it>. The combined analysis of these polymorphisms could produce clinically meaningful complementary information.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A subgroup of the ICARIA study comprising 1825 Spanish subjects (80% men, mean age 36 years) was genotyped for the <it>LPL</it>-HindIII (rs320), S447X (rs328), D9N (rs1801177) and N291S (rs268) polymorphisms, the <it>APOA5</it>-S19W (rs3135506) and -1131T/C (rs662799) variants, and the <it>APOE </it>polymorphism (rs429358; rs7412) using PCR and restriction analysis and TaqMan assays. We used regression analyses to examine their combined effects on TG levels (with the log-transformed variable) and the association of variant combinations with TG levels and hypertriglyceridemia (TG ≥ 1.69 mmol/L), including the covariates: gender, age, waist circumference, blood glucose, blood pressure, smoking and alcohol consumption.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a significant lowering effect of the <it>LPL</it>-HindIII and S447X polymorphisms (<it>p </it>< 0.0001). In addition, the D9N, N291S, S19W and -1131T/C variants and the <it>APOE</it>-ε4 allele were significantly associated with an independent additive TG-raising effect (<it>p </it>< 0.05, <it>p </it>< 0.01, <it>p </it>< 0.001, <it>p </it>< 0.0001 and <it>p </it>< 0.001, respectively). Grouping individuals according to the presence of TG-lowering or TG-raising polymorphisms showed significant differences in TG levels (<it>p </it>< 0.0001), with the lowest levels exhibited by carriers of two lowering variants (10.2% reduction in TG geometric mean with respect to individuals who were homozygous for the frequent alleles of all the variants), and the highest levels in carriers of raising combinations (25.1% mean TG increase). Thus, carrying two lowering variants was protective against HTG (OR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.39-0.98; <it>p </it>= 0.042) and having one single raising polymorphism (OR = 1.20; 95% CI, 1.39-2.87; <it>p </it>< 0.001) or more (2 or 3 raising variants; OR = 2.90; 95% CI, 1.56-5.41; <it>p </it>< 0.001) were associated with HTG.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results showed a significant independent additive effect on TG levels of the <it>LPL </it>polymorphisms HindIII, S447X, D9N and N291S; the S19W and -1131T/C variants of <it>APOA5</it>, and the ε4 allele of <it>APOE </it>in our study population. Moreover, some of the variant combinations studied were significantly associated with the absence or the presence of hypertriglyceridemia.</p