94 research outputs found

    Evaluation of color intensity enhanced by paprika as feed additive in goldfish and koi carp using computer-assisted image analysis

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    Body color intensity of red-colored koi carp Cyprinus carpio and goldfish Carassius auratus auratus varieties were measured to evaluate the effect of paprika used as a feed additive. Digital photos of the experimental fish were processed and analyzed by using special software. The red, green and blue (RGB) values of images were recorded and grayscale values of R, G and B were analyzed. The RGB values seem to play different roles in the development of the visible 'redness' of the two species. In most cases the B values decreased continuously during the administration of the paprika as a carotenoid feed additive, which seemed to have no effect on this process. The G values remained unchanged or decreased slightly as redness increased due to paprika feeding. The R values had a tendency to increase due to paprika feeding but significant differences can be expected only after 4 weeks at the feeding conditions applied here. Both the initial rate of redness and genetic background are thought to influence the rate of red color intensity change, which was observed to be different in the two fish species studied here

    Some strategic aspects of animal protein production

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    The access to food shaped human societies and dietary models throughout the history of mankind. Animal protein consumption became a part of human culture. Data are presented showing the relationship of daily calorie and animal protein consumption as affected by capita GDP changes. Examples are presented how genetic improvement of animal and fodder plants influenced the resource efficiency and the overall environmental footprint per unit product. The two examples presented are: the dairy industry of the USA the 1944 and 2007 situation, and the Hungarian broiler chicken sector considering data relevant to 1930, 1960 and 2010. In both cases, dramatic improvements in resource efficiency could be demonstrated. The agricultural area required to animal feed production was reduced by more than 80% in both cases per unit product. Future possibilities are briefly discussed, referring to the still unutilized land reserves of the Globe, the new evolving technologies in progress inclusive the CASPR/Cas 9 genetic editing methods

    Előszó Natura Somogyiensis 1. Somogy megye fauna katalógusa

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    A magyar arisztokrácia családi kapcsolatrendszere a 16-17. században = The family network of the Hungarian aristocracy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

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    A 16-17. századi arisztokrácia Magyarországon két részre tagolódott, a középkori előkelők utódaira és a kora újkori uralkodók által rangemelt családokra. A munkálat során a két elemet egy egységnek tekintettük. Elektronikus adatbázist készítettünk a házassági kapcsolataikról és az arisztokráciáról általában. Az adatokat személyek, családok, méltóságok szerint csoportosítottuk. Eredeti forrásokból gyűjtöttük őket, de a megfelelő szakirodalomra is hivatkozunk. A honlap: http://archivum.piar.hu/arisztokrata/ | Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century aristocracy in Hungary consisted of two parts. One had its origins in the middle ages, the other was created by early-modern-monarchs. In this project the two parts have been regarded as a whole, and we constructed an electronic database on their family connections and on the aristocracy in general. The data have been organized according to persons, families and dignities. They have been collected from original sources but references to relevant literature have been included as well. The homepage: http://archivum.piar.hu/arisztokrata