40 research outputs found

    MicroLux: high-precision timing of high-speed photometric observations

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    MicroLux is a GPS-based high precision and high speed timing add-on to the Calar Alto Lucky Imaging camera AstraLux. It allows timestamping of individual CCD exposures at frame rates of more than 1 kHz with an accuracy better than one microsecond with respect to the UTC timeframe. The system was successfully used for high speed observations of the optical pulse profile of the Crab pulsar in January and November 2007. I present the technical design concept of MicroLux as well as first results from these observations, in particular the reconstructed pulse profile of the pulsar.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to appear in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II" SPIE conference, Marseille, 23-28 June 200

    AstraLux: the Calar Alto Lucky Imaging Camera

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    AstraLux is the Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope, based on an electron-multiplying high speed CCD. By selecting only the best 1-10% of several thousand short exposure frames, AstraLux provides nearly diffraction limited imaging capabilities in the SDSS i' and z' filters over a field of view of 24x24 arcseconds. By choosing commercially available components wherever possible, the instrument could be built in short time and at comparably low cost. We present the instrument design, the data reduction pipeline, and summarise the performance and characteristicsComment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II" SPIE conference, Marseille, 23-28 June 200

    Examining the T Tauri system with SPHERE

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    Context. The prototypical low-mass young stellar object, T Tauri, is a well-studied multiple system with at least three components. Aims. We aim to explore the T Tau system with the highest spatial resolution, study the time evolution of the known components, and re-determine the orbital parameters of the stars. Methods. Near-infrared classical imaging and integral field spectrograph observations were obtained during the Science Verification of SPHERE, the new high-contrast imaging facility at the VLT. The obtained FWHM of the primary star varies between 0.050" and 0.059", making these the highest spatial resolution near-infrared images of the T Tauri system obtained to date. Results. Our near-infrared images confirm the presence of extended emission south of T Tau Sa, reported in the literature. New narrow-band images show, for the first time, that this feature shows strong emission in both the Br-{\gamma} and H2 1-0 S(1) lines. Broadband imaging at 2.27 {\mu}m shows that T Tau Sa is 0.92 mag brighter than T Tau Sb, which is in contrast to observations from Jan. 2014 (when T Tau Sa was fainter than Sb), and demonstrates that T Tau Sa has entered a new period of high variability. The newly obtained astrometric positions of T Tau Sa and Sb agree with orbital fits from previous works. The orbit of T Tau S (the center of gravity of Sa and Sb) around T Tau N is poorly constrained by the available observations and can be fit with a range of orbits ranging from a nearly circular orbit with a period of 475 years to highly eccentric orbits with periods up to 2.7*10^4 years. We also detected a feature south of T Tau N, at a distance of 144±3144 \pm 3 mas, which shows the properties of a new companion.Comment: Accepted by A&A Letter

    The AstraLux large M dwarf survey

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    AstraLux is the Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope and the 3.5-m NTT at La Silla. It allows nearly diffraction limited imaging in the SDSS i' and z' bands of objects as faint as i'=15.5mag with minimum technical effort. One of the ongoing AstraLux observing programs is a binarity survey among late-type stars with spectral types K7 to M8, covering more than 1000 targets on the northern and southern hemisphere. The survey is designed to refine binarity statistics and especially the dependency of binarity fraction on spectral type. The choice of the SDSS i' and z' filters allows to obtain spectral type and mass estimates for resolved binaries. With an observing efficiency of typically 6 targets per hour we expect to complete the survey in mid-2009. Selected targets will be followed up astrometrically and photometrically, contributing to the calibration of the mass-luminosity relation at the red end of the main sequence and at visible wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in proceedings of Cool Stars 15 conference, St. Andrews, 200

    AstraLux - the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope Lucky Imaging camera

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    AstraLux is a Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope, based on an electron-multiplying high speed CCD. By selecting only the best 1-10% of several thousand short exposure frames, AstraLux provides nearly diffraction limited imaging capabilities in the SDSS i' and z' filters over a field of view of 24x24 arcseconds. By choosing commercially available components wherever possible, the instrument could be built in short time and at comparably low cost. We briefly present the instrument design, the data reduction pipeline, and summarise the performance and characteristicsComment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series by Institute of Physics Publishin

    Multi-epoch, high spatial resolution observations of multiple T Tauri systems

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    Context. In multiple pre-main-sequence systems the lifetime of circumstellar disks appears to be shorter than around single stars, and the actual dissipation process may depend on the binary parameters of the systems. Aims. We report high spatial resolution observations of multiple T Tauri systems at optical and infrared wavelengths. We determine if the components are gravitationally bound and orbital motion is visible, derive orbital parameters and investigate possible correlations between the binary parameters and disk states. Methods. We selected 18 T Tau multiple systems (16 binary and two triple systems, yielding 16+2×2=2016 + 2\times2=20 binary pairs) in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region from the survey by Leinert et al. (1993), with spectral types from K1 to M5 and separations from 0.22" (31 AU) to 5.8" (814 AU). We analysed data acquired in 2006-07 at Calar Alto using the AstraLux lucky imaging system, along with data from SPHERE and NACO at the VLT, and from the literature. Results. We found ten pairs to orbit each other, five pairs that may show orbital motion and five likely common proper motion pairs. We found no obvious correlation between the stellar parameters and binary configuration. The 10 ÎŒ\mum infra-red excess varies between 0.1 and 7.2 magnitudes (similar to the distribution in single stars, where it is between 1.7 and 9.1), implying that the presence of the binary star does not greatly influence the emission from the inner disk. Conclusions. We have detected orbital motion in young T Tauri systems over a timescale of ≈20\approx20 years. Further observations with even longer temporal baseline will provide crucial information on the dynamics of these young stellar systems.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Atmosphere-like turbulence generation with surface-etched phase-screens

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    We built and characterized an optical system that emulates the optical characteristics of an 8m-class telescope like the Very Large Telescope. The system contains rotating glass phase-screens to generate realistic atmosphere-like optical turbulence, as needed for testing multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems. In this paper we present an investigation of the statistical properties of two phase-screens etched on glass-plate surfaces, obtained from Silios Technologies. Those etched screens are highly transmissive (above 85%) from 0.45 to 2.5 microns. From direct imaging, their Fried parameter r0 values (0.43+-0.04 mm and 0.81+-0.03 mm, respectively, at 0.633 microns) agree with the expectation to within 10%. This is also confirmed by a comparison of measured and expected Zernike coefficient variances. Overall, we find that those screens are quite reproducible, allowing sub-millimetre r0 values, which were difficult to achieve in the past. We conclude that the telescope emulator and phase-screens form a powerful atmospheric turbulence generator allowing systematic testing of different kinds of AO instrumentation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 mpeg movies. Submitted to Optics Expres

    NGC 346 in The Small Magellanic Cloud. IV. Triggered Star Formation in the HII Region N66

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    Stellar feedback, expanding HII regions, wind-blown bubbles, and supernovae are thought to be important triggering mechanisms of star formation. Stellar associations, being hosts of significant numbers of early-type stars, are the loci where these mechanisms act. In this part of our photometric study of the star-forming region NGC346/N66 in the Small Magellanic Cloud, we present evidence based on previous and recent detailed studies, that it hosts at least two different events of triggered star formation and we reveal the complexity of its recent star formation history. In our earlier studies of this region (Papers I, III) we find that besides the central part of N66, where the bright OB stellar content of the association NGC346 is concentrated, an arc-like nebular feature, north of the association, hosts recent star formation. This feature is characterized by a high concentration of emission-line stars and Young Stellar Objects, as well as embedded sources seen as IR-emission peaks that coincide with young compact clusters of low-mass pre-main sequence stars. All these objects indicate that the northern arc of N66 encompasses the most current star formation event in the region. We present evidence that this star formation is the product of a different mechanism than that in the general area of the association, and that it is triggered by a wind-driven expanding HII region (or bubble) blown by a massive supernova progenitor, and possibly other bright stars, a few Myr ago. We propose a scenario according to which this mechanism triggered star formation away from the bar of N66, while in the bar of N66 star formation is introduced by the photo-ionizing OB stars of the association itself.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, In Press. 10 pages, 4 figures, emulateapj LaTeX style. Figures with Scaled-down resolution. Related Press Releases: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/spitzer/news/spitzer-20081008.html and http://www.eso.org/public/outreach/press-rel/pr-2008/pr-34-08.htm