18 research outputs found

    Ambivalent Relations of India and China: Cooperation and Caution

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    US Asian Policy in the Post-Cold War Period : US-India Nuclear Cooperation

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    The Japan-India nuclear agreement : enhancing bilateral agreement?

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Japan-India relations have been improving rapidly since 2005 when the Japanese and Indian prime ministers began alternating reciprocal visits. Building on the momentum created by the establishment of the Japan-India strategic partnership two years earlier, the Japanese and Indian governments issued a joint statement on security cooperation to mark Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Japan in 2008. In February 2011, the two governments indicated a further strengthening of relations by signing the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), a major step in fostering closer economic ties. Takenori Horimoto, Professor of Contemporary South Asian Politics and US Asian Policy at Shobi University in Saitama, Japan, highlights recent developments and stumbling blocks in the increasingly close relations between Japan and India

    Ambivalent Relations of India and China: Cooperation and Caution

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    Japan-India Rapprochement and Its Future Issues

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    Originally published as 堀本武功 「第3章 緊密化する日印関係と今後の課題」『インド 第三の大国へ—〈戦略的自律〉外交の追求 』、岩波書店、2015年、99-126

    A Metamorphosis of the India-Pakistan Relationship?

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    Japan-India Rapprochement and Its Future Issues

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