4,789 research outputs found

    N=2 Supersymmetric Sigma Models and D-branes

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    We study D-branes of N=2 supersymmetric sigma models. Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models with 2-dimensional target space have D0,D1,D2-branes, which are realized as A-,B-type supersymmetric boundary conditions on the worldsheet. When we embed the models in the string theory, the Kahler potential is restricted and leads to a 2-dim black hole metric with a dilaton background. The D-branes in this model are susy cycles and consistent with the analysis of conjugacy classes. The generalized metrics with U(n) isometry is proposed and dynamics on them are realized by linear sigma models. We investigate D-branes of the linear sigma models and compare the results with those in the nonlinear sigma models.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Non-Supersymmetric Seiberg Duality, Orientifold QCD and Non-Critical Strings

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    We propose an electric-magnetic duality and conjecture an exact conformal window for a class of non-supersymmetric U(N_c) gauge theories with fermions in the (anti)symmetric representation of the gauge group and N_f additional scalar and fermion flavors. The duality exchanges N_c with N_f -N_c \mp 4 leaving N_f invariant, and has common features with Seiberg duality in N=1 SQCD with SU or SO/Sp gauge group. At large N the duality holds due to planar equivalence with N=1 SQCD. At finite N we embed these gauge theories in a setup with D-branes and orientifolds in a non-supersymmetric, but tachyon-free, non-critical type 0B string theory and argue in favor of the duality in terms of boundary and crosscap state monodromies as in analogous supersymmetric situations. One can verify explicitly that the resulting duals have matching global anomalies. Finally, we comment on the moduli space of these gauge theories and discuss other potential non-supersymmetric examples that could exhibit similar dualities.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur

    Orientifolds of Gepner Models

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    We systematically construct and study Type II Orientifolds based on Gepner models which have N=1 supersymmetry in 3+1 dimensions. We classify the parity symmetries and construct the crosscap states. We write down the conditions that a configuration of rational branes must satisfy for consistency (tadpole cancellation and rank constraints) and spacetime supersymmetry. For certain cases, including Type IIB orientifolds of the quintic and a two parameter model, one can find all solutions in this class. Depending on the parity, the number of vacua can be large, of the order of 10^{10}-10^{13}. For other models, it is hard to find all solutions but special solutions can be found -- some of them are chiral. We also make comparison with the large volume regime and obtain a perfect match. Through this study, we find a number of new features of Type II orientifolds, including the structure of moduli space and the change in the type of O-planes under navigation through non-geometric phases.Comment: 142 page

    Bulk perturbations of N=2 branes

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    The evolution of supersymmetric A-type D-branes under the bulk renormalization group flow between two different N=2 minimal models is studied. Using the Landau-Ginzburg description we show that a specific set of branes decouples from the infrared theory, and we make detailed predictions for the behavior of the remaining branes. The Landau-Ginzburg picture is then checked against a direct conformal field theory analysis. In particular we construct a natural index pairing which is preserved by the RG flow, and show that the branes that decouple have vanishing index with the surviving branes.Comment: 35 pages (30 pages plus title and references), 8 figure

    NS5-Branes, T-Duality and Worldsheet Instantons

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    The equivalence of NS5-branes and ALF spaces under T-duality is well known. However, a naive application of T-duality transforms the ALF space into a smeared NS5-brane, de-localized on the dual, transverse, circle. In this paper we re-examine this duality, starting from a two-dimensional N=(4,4) gauged linear sigma model describing Taub-NUT space. After dualizing the circle fiber, we find that the smeared NS5-brane target space metric receives corrections from multi-worldsheet instantons. These instantons are identified as Nielsen-Olesen vortices. We show that their effect is to break the isometry of the target space, localizing the NS5-brane at a point. The contribution from the k-instanton sector is shown to be proportional to the weighted integral of the Euler form over the k-vortex moduli space. The duality also predicts the, previously unknown, asymptotic exponential decay coefficient of the BPS vortex solution.Comment: 26 pages. v2: Fourier modes of multi-vortex fermion zero mode corrected. Reference added. v3: typo correcte

    Elaborations on the String Dual to N=1 SQCD

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    In this paper we make further refinements to the duality proposed between N=1 SQCD and certain string (supergravity plus branes) backgrounds, working in the regime of comparable large number of colors and flavors. Using the string theory solutions, we predict different field theory observables and phenomena like Seiberg duality, gauge coupling and its running, the behavior of Wilson and 't Hooft loops, anomalous dimensions of the quark superfields, quartic superpotential coupling and its running, continuous and discrete anomaly matching. We also give evidence for the smooth interpolation between higgsed and confining vacua. We provide several matchings between field theory and string theory computations.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figures. References added, minor rewritings, published versio

    Mirror Symmetry and Landau Ginzburg Calabi-Yau Superpotentials in F-theory Compactifications

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    We study Landau Ginzburg (LG) theories mirror to 2D N=2 gauged linear sigma models on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. We derive and solve new constraint equations for Landau Ginzburg elliptic Calabi-Yau superpotentials, depending on the physical data of dual linear sigma models. In Calabi-Yau threefolds case, we consider two examples. First, we give the mirror symmetry of the canonical line bundle over the Hirzebruch surfaces Fn\bf F_n. Second, we find a special geometry with the affine so(8) Lie algebra toric data extending the geometry of elliptically fibered K3. This geometry leads to a pure N=1 six dimensional SO(8) gauge model from the F-theory compactification. For Calabi-Yau fourfolds, we give a new algebraic realization for ADE hypersurfaces.Comment: 27 pages, latex. To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Direct evidence for ferromagnetic spin polarization in gold nanoparticles

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    We report the first direct observation of ferromagnetic spin polarization of Au nanoparticles with a mean diameter of 1.9 nm using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). Owing to the element selectivity of XMCD, only the gold magnetization is explored. Magnetization of gold atoms estimated by XMCD shows a good agreement with the results obtained by conventional magnetometry. This result is evidence of intrinsic spin polarization in nano-sized gold.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Stoyanovsky-Ribault-Teschner Map and String Scattering Amplitudes

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    Recently, Ribault and Teschner pointed out the existence of a one-to-one correspondence between N-point correlation functions for the SL(2,C)_k/SU(2) WZNW model on the sphere and certain set of 2N-2-point correlation functions in Liouville field theory. This result is based on a seminal work by Stoyanovsky. Here, we discuss the implications of this correspondence focusing on its application to string theory on curved backgrounds. For instance, we analyze how the divergences corresponding to worldsheet instantons in AdS_3 can be understood as arising from the insertion of the dual screening operator in the Liouville theory side. We also study the pole structure of N-point functions in the 2D Euclidean black hole and its holographic meaning in terms of the Little String Theory. This enables us to interpret the correspondence between CFTs as encoding a LSZ-type reduction procedure. Furthermore, we discuss the scattering amplitudes violating the winding number conservation in those backgrounds and provide a formula connecting such amplitudes with observables in Liouville field theory. Finally, we study the WZNW correlation functions in the limit k -> 0 and show that, at the point k=0, the Stoyanovsky-Ribault-Teschner dictionary turns out to be in agreement with the FZZ conjecture at a particular point of the space of parameters where the Liouville central charge becomes c=-2. This result makes contact with recent studies on the dynamical tachyon condensation in closed string theory.Comment: 30 pages; no figure

    Integrability of the N=2 boundary sine-Gordon model

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    We construct a boundary Lagrangian for the N=2 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model which preserves (B-type) supersymmetry and integrability to all orders in the bulk coupling constant g. The supersymmetry constraint is expressed in terms of matrix factorisations.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, no figures; v2: title changed, minor improvements, refs added, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge
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