15 research outputs found
Evaluating Atlantic bluefin tuna harvest strategies that use conventional genetic tagging data
An individual tagging model was implemented within the spatial, seasonal, multi-stock, multi-fleet operating models of the peer-reviewed Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework for Atlantic bluefin tuna to evaluate the benefits of a harvest strategy that utilizes conventional gene tagging. A multi-year Brownie estimator was developed to test the accuracy and precision of exploitation rate estimates arising from gene tagging programs with various scenarios for spatial release distribution, release numbers and fishery exploitation rates. Harvest strategies that used the Brownie estimator were tested to evaluate yield and resource conservation performance relative to idealized management using perfect information. For the eastern stock, releasing 1,000 fish throughout the Atlantic and genotyping 27% of all landed fish at an estimated cost of US2.5M. Harvest strategies using the gene tagging data provided expected yield and resource conservation performance that was not substantially lower than a harvest strategy assuming using perfect information regarding vulnerable biomass. Reducing the number of releases most strongly affected the worst-case ‘lower-tail’ outcomes for West area yield and eastern stock biomass. Conventional gene tagging harvest strategies offer a promising basis for calculating management advice for Atlantic bluefin tuna that may be cheaper, simpler, and more robust than the current conventional stock assessment paradigm
Pengelolaan perikanan di Indonesia saat ini belum sepenuhnya mampu mengatasi motivasi perlombaan menangkap ikan. Kondisi yang dikenal sebagai open access ini, perlu segera diatasi untuk mencegah berlanjutnya tangkap lebih. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Hak Pengelolaan Perikanan (HPP), yang berpotensi diterapkan sebagai alat pengelolaan perikanan termasuk yang berada dekat pantai di Indonesia untuk mengatasi masalah perikanan open access. Metoda qualitative content analysis yang ditriangulasi melalui diskusi kelompok terfokus melibatkan para ahli, pengambil keputusan dan praktisi, digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep HPP di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan pengelolaan HPP melegitimasi entitas pemegang HPP mengamankan kesempatannya menangkap ikan secara ekslusif dengan mencegah pihak lain mengeksploitasi sumber daya ikan secara berlebihan. Pembelajaran dari negara lain menunjukkan bahwa HPP yang diintegrasikan kedalam kerangka rencana pengelolaan perikanan, bisa mengatasi permasalahan perikanan open access, karena mampu meredam motivasi dan tindakan nelayan dalam melakukan perlombaan menangkap ikan. Penggunaan ilmu pengetahuan kontemporer dan kearifan lokal dalam menentukan batasan tangkapan lestari dibarengi dengan upaya pemantauan dan penegakan aturan menentukan keberhasilan penerapannya. Terlihat juga bahwa praktek tradisional seperti Sasi di Maluku yang dimungkinkan oleh adanya pengakuan hak ulayat ‘petuanan laut’ merupakan konsep pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara eksklusif yang selaras dengan esensi dari HPP. Direkomendasikan agar model pengelolaan berbasis HPP ini dilegitimasi kedalam peraturan perundang-undangan, termasuk Undang-Undang Perikanan Republik Indonesia. The existing management measures of Indonesian fisheries has not yet successfully resolved the overfishing. Fishers are still motivated to race for fish resources as typically occurs in an open access fisheries. This circumstance must be addressed immediately to prevent fisheries collapse. This research aims to describe a concept of Fisheries Management Rights (FMRs) as a management tool. This concept is potentially applicable in Indonesia, especially for near-shore fisheries. A qualitative content analysis method, triangulated through focus group discussions that involved experts, decision makers and practitioners was used to describe FMRs concept. The results indicated that this approach legitimizes the entities of the right holders to secure their exploitation right and to prevent others from over exploiting their fisheries resources. Lessons learnt from other countries showed that this approach that have been integrated within fisheries management plan, successfully addressed open access problem as it prevents fishers’ motivation to the race for fish. This approach need the contemporary and traditional sciences to inform allowable catch to ensure the success implementation. For instance, “Sasi”, traditional fishing right in Maluku is have similar framework with the contemporary FMRs. Therefore, FMRs should be acknowledged and adopted into Indonesian’ regulations to prevent the over-exploitatio
Evaluation of performance of candidate management procedures for the North Atlantic swordfish management strategy evaluation
[EN] A variety of candidate management procedures (CMPs) were developed and tested in the
management strategy evaluation (MSE) of the northern swordfish fishery. The performance of
the CMPs was evaluated across a set of nine reference operating models and five robustness
models. The reference operating models spanned the uncertainty in the natural mortality rate and
the steepness of the Beverton-Holt stock-recruit relationship. The robustness tests considered
additional uncertainties, including hyperstability in the indices of abundance, the influence of
climate change on future recruitment, and the impact of illegal, unreported, and unregulated
fishing. A set of performance metrics (PMs) were defined to calculate the performance of the
CMPs. The PMs included metrics related to the biological status of the stock, the probability of
breaching the limit reference point, and the magnitude and variability of the total allowable catch
recommendations from each CMP. The results from the MSE are presented in an interactive
application. This paper provides an overview of the technical specifications of the north Atlantic
swordfish MSE and describes the figures and tables that are available in the interactive
application.[FR] Plusieurs procédures de gestion potentielles (CMP) ont été développées et testées dans le cadre
de l’évaluation de la stratégie de gestion (MSE) de la pêcherie d’espadon du Nord. La
performance des CMP a été évaluée sur un ensemble de neuf modèles opérationnels de référence
et cinq modèles de robustesse. Les modèles opérationnels de référence couvraient l’incertitude
dans le taux de mortalité naturelle et la pente de la relation stock-recrutement de Beverton-Holt.
Les tests de robustesse étudiaient des incertitudes additionnelles, dont l’hyperstabilité des indices
d’abondance, l’influence du changement climatique sur le futur recrutement et l’impact de la
pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée. Un ensemble de mesures de performance (PM)
ont été définies pour calculer la performance des CMP. Les PM incluaient des mesures liées à
l’état biologique du stock, la probabilité de dépasser le point de référence limite et l’ampleur et
la variabilité du total admissible de captures recommandé par chaque CMP. Les résultats de la
MSE sont présentés dans une application interactive. Ce document offre un aperçu des
spécifications techniques de la MSE de l’espadon de l’Atlantique Nord et décrit les figures et
tableaux qui sont disponibles dans l’application interactive.[ES] En la evaluación de la estrategia de ordenación (MSE) de la pesquería de pez espada del norte
se desarrollaron y probaron diversos procedimientos de ordenación candidatos (CMP). El
desempeño de los CMP se evaluó a través de un conjunto de nueve modelos operativos de
referencia y cinco modelos de robustez. Los modelos operativos de referencia abarcaban la incertidumbre de la tasa de mortalidad natural y la inclinación de la relación stock-reclutamiento
de Beverton-Holt. Las pruebas de robustez tuvieron en cuenta incertidumbres adicionales, como
la hiperestabilidad en los índices de abundancia, la influencia del cambio climático en el
reclutamiento futuro y el impacto de la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada. Se definió
un conjunto de métricas de desempeño (PM) para calcular el desempeño de los CMP. Las PM
incluían métricas relacionadas con el estado biológico del stock, la probabilidad de superar el
punto de referencia límite y la magnitud y variabilidad del total admisible de capturas
recomendadas por cada CMP. Los resultados de la MSE se presentan en una aplicación
interactiva. Este documento ofrece una visión general de las especificaciones técnicas de la MSE
del pez espada del Atlántico norte y describe las figuras y tablas disponibles en la aplicación
interactiva.Peer reviewe
Development state of the North Atlantic Swordfish MSE process in May 2023
[EN] This document describes proposed updates to the North Atlantic Swordfish Management Strategy
Evaluation Process including revisions to operating models and performance metrics. Many of
these revisions are in response to the SCRS’s discussion with Panel 4 in March of 2023.[FR] Le présent document décrit les actualisations proposées au processus d'évaluation de la stratégie
de gestion de l'espadon de l'Atlantique Nord, comprenant les révisions des modèles opérationnels
et des mesures de performance. Bon nombre de ces révisions font suite à la discussion du SCRS
avec la Sous-commission 4 au mois de mars 2023.[ES] Este documento describe las actualizaciones propuestas para el proceso de evaluación de la
estrategia de ordenación para el pez espada del Atlántico norte, incluidas las revisiones de los
modelos operativos y las mediciones de desempeño. Muchas de estas revisiones responden al
debate del SCRS con la Subcomisión 4 en marzo de 2023.Peer reviewe
Pengelolaan perikanan di Indonesia saat ini belum sepenuhnya mampu mengatasi motivasi perlombaan menangkap ikan. Kondisi yang dikenal sebagai open access ini, perlu segera diatasi untuk mencegah berlanjutnya tangkap lebih. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Hak Pengelolaan Perikanan (HPP), yang berpotensi diterapkan sebagai alat pengelolaan perikanan termasuk yang berada dekat pantai di Indonesia untuk mengatasi masalah perikanan open access. Metoda qualitative content analysis yang ditriangulasi melalui diskusi kelompok terfokus melibatkan para ahli, pengambil keputusan dan praktisi, digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep HPP di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan pengelolaan HPP melegitimasi entitas pemegang HPP mengamankan kesempatannya menangkap ikan secara ekslusif dengan mencegah pihak lain mengeksploitasi sumber daya ikan secara berlebihan. Pembelajaran dari negara lain menunjukkan bahwa HPP yang diintegrasikan kedalam kerangka rencana pengelolaan perikanan, bisa mengatasi permasalahan perikanan open access, karena mampu meredam motivasi dan tindakan nelayan dalam melakukan perlombaan menangkap ikan. Penggunaan ilmu pengetahuan kontemporer dan kearifan lokal dalam menentukan batasan tangkapan lestari dibarengi dengan upaya pemantauan dan penegakan aturan menentukan keberhasilan penerapannya. Terlihat juga bahwa praktek tradisional seperti Sasi di Maluku yang dimungkinkan oleh adanya pengakuan hak ulayat ‘petuanan laut’ merupakan konsep pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara eksklusif yang selaras dengan esensi dari HPP. Direkomendasikan agar model pengelolaan berbasis HPP ini dilegitimasi kedalam peraturan perundang-undangan, termasuk Undang-Undang Perikanan Republik Indonesia. The existing management measures of Indonesian fisheries has not yet successfully resolved the overfishing. Fishers are still motivated to race for fish resources as typically occurs in an open access fisheries. This circumstance must be addressed immediately to prevent fisheries collapse. This research aims to describe a concept of Fisheries Management Rights (FMRs) as a management tool. This concept is potentially applicable in Indonesia, especially for near-shore fisheries. A qualitative content analysis method, triangulated through focus group discussions that involved experts, decision makers and practitioners was used to describe FMRs concept. The results indicated that this approach legitimizes the entities of the right holders to secure their exploitation right and to prevent others from over exploiting their fisheries resources. Lessons learnt from other countries showed that this approach that have been integrated within fisheries management plan, successfully addressed open access problem as it prevents fishers’ motivation to the race for fish. This approach need the contemporary and traditional sciences to inform allowable catch to ensure the success implementation. For instance, “Sasi”, traditional fishing right in Maluku is have similar framework with the contemporary FMRs. Therefore, FMRs should be acknowledged and adopted into Indonesian’ regulations to prevent the over-exploitatio
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish: Overexploitation of the Regionally Endemic Galapagos Grouper Mycteroperca olfax (Jenyns, 1840)
The regionally endemic Galapagos Grouper, locally known as bacalao, is one of the most highly prized finfish species within the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR). Concerns of overfishing, coupled with a lack of fishing regulations aimed at this species raises concerns about the current population health. We assessed changes in population health over a 30-year period using three simple indicators: (1) percentage of fish below reproductive size (L(m)); (2) percentage of fish within the optimum length interval (L(opt)); and (3) percentage of mega-spawners in the catch. Over the assessed period, none of the indicators reached values associated with healthy populations, with all indicators declining over time. Furthermore, the most recent landings data show that the vast majority of the bacalao caught (95.7%,) were below L(m), the number of fish within the L(opt) interval was extremely low (4.7%), and there were virtually no mega-spawners (0.2%). Bacalao fully recruit to the fishery 15 cm below the size at which 50% of the population matures. The Spawning Potential Ratio is currently 5% of potential unfished fecundity, strongly suggesting severe overfishing. Our results suggest the need for bacalao-specific management regulations that should include minimum (65 cm TL) and maximum (78 cm TL) landing sizes, slot limits (64–78 cm TL), as well as a closed season during spawning from October to January. It is recognized that these regulations are harsh and will certainly have negative impacts on the livelihoods of fishers in the short term, however, continued inaction will likely result in a collapse of this economically and culturally valuable species. Alternative sources of income should be developed in parallel with the establishment of fishing regulations to limit the socio-economic disruption to the fishing community during the transition to a more sustainable management regime