366 research outputs found

    Tension and stiffness of the hard sphere crystal-fluid interface

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    A combination of fundamental measure density functional theory and Monte Carlo computer simulation is used to determine the orientation-resolved interfacial tension and stiffness for the equilibrium hard-sphere crystal-fluid interface. Microscopic density functional theory is in quantitative agreement with simulations and predicts a tension of 0.66 kT/\sigma^2 with a small anisotropy of about 0.025 kT and stiffnesses with e.g. 0.53 kT/\sigma^2 for the (001) orientation and 1.03 kT/\sigma^2 for the (111) orientation. Here kT is denoting the thermal energy and \sigma the hard sphere diameter. We compare our results with existing experimental findings

    Capillary Waves in a Colloid-Polymer Interface

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    The structure and the statistical fluctuations of interfaces between coexisting phases in the Asakura-Oosawa (AO) model for a colloid--polymer mixture are analyzed by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We make use of a recently developed grand canonical cluster move with an additional constraint stabilizing the existence of two interfaces in the (rectangular) box that is simulated. Choosing very large systems, of size LxLxD with L=60 and D=120, measured in units of the colloid radius, the spectrum of capillary wave-type interfacial excitations is analyzed in detail. The local position of the interface is defined in terms of a (local) Gibbs surface concept. For small wavevectors capillary wave theory is verified quantitatively, while for larger wavevectors pronounced deviations show up. For wavevectors that correspond to the typical distance between colloids in the colloid-rich phase, the interfacial fluctuations exhibit the same structure as observed in the bulk structure factor. When one analyzes the data in terms of the concept of a wavevector-dependent interfacial tension, a monotonous decrease of this quantity with increasing wavevector is found. Limitations of our analysis are critically discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Critical Dynamics in a Binary Fluid: Simulations and Finite-size Scaling

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    We report comprehensive simulations of the critical dynamics of a symmetric binary Lennard-Jones mixture near its consolute point. The self-diffusion coefficient exhibits no detectable anomaly. The data for the shear viscosity and the mutual-diffusion coefficient are fully consistent with the asymptotic power laws and amplitudes predicted by renormalization-group and mode-coupling theories {\it provided} finite-size effects and the background contribution to the relevant Onsager coefficient are suitably accounted for. This resolves a controversy raised by recent molecular simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electrophoretic mobility of a charged colloidal particle: A computer simulation study

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    We study the mobility of a charged colloidal particle in a constant homogeneous electric field by means of computer simulations. The simulation method combines a lattice Boltzmann scheme for the fluid with standard Langevin dynamics for the colloidal particle, which is built up from a net of bonded particles forming the surface of the colloid. The coupling between the two subsystems is introduced via friction forces. In addition explicit counterions, also coupled to the fluid, are present. We observe a non-monotonous dependence of the electrophoretic mobility on the bare colloidal charge. At low surface charge density we observe a linear increase of the mobility with bare charge, whereas at higher charges, where more than half of the ions are co-moving with the colloid, the mobility decreases with increasing bare charge.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Kinetics of Phase Separation in Thin Films: Simulations for the Diffusive Case

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    We study the diffusion-driven kinetics of phase separation of a symmetric binary mixture (AB), confined in a thin-film geometry between two parallel walls. We consider cases where (a) both walls preferentially attract the same component (A), and (b) one wall attracts A and the other wall attracts B (with the same strength). We focus on the interplay of phase separation and wetting at the walls, which is referred to as {\it surface-directed spinodal decomposition} (SDSD). The formation of SDSD waves at the two surfaces, with wave-vectors oriented perpendicular to them, often results in a metastable layered state (also referred to as ``stratified morphology''). This state is reminiscent of the situation where the thin film is still in the one-phase region but the surfaces are completely wet, and hence coated with thick wetting layers. This metastable state decays by spinodal fluctuations and crosses over to an asymptotic growth regime characterized by the lateral coarsening of pancake-like domains. These pancakes may or may not be coated by precursors of wetting layers. We use Langevin simulations to study this crossover and the growth kinetics in the asymptotic coarsening regime.Comment: 39 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Static and Dynamic Properties of a Viscous Silica Melt Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations

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    We present the results of a large scale molecular dynamics computer simulation in which we investigated the static and dynamic properties of a silica melt in the temperature range in which the viscosity of the system changes from O(10^-2) Poise to O(10^2) Poise. We show that even at temperatures as high as 4000 K the structure of this system is very similar to the random tetrahedral network found in silica at lower temperatures. The temperature dependence of the concentration of the defects in this network shows an Arrhenius law. From the partial structure factors we calculate the neutron scattering function and find that it agrees very well with experimental neutron scattering data. At low temperatures the temperature dependence of the diffusion constants DD shows an Arrhenius law with activation energies which are in very good agreement with the experimental values. With increasing temperature we find that this dependence shows a cross-over to one which can be described well by a power-law, D\propto (T-T_c)^gamma. The critical temperature T_c is 3330 K and the exponent gamma is close to 2.1. Since we find a similar cross-over in the viscosity we have evidence that the relaxation dynamics of the system changes from a flow-like motion of the particles, as described by the ideal version of mode-coupling theory, to a hopping like motion. We show that such a change of the transport mechanism is also observed in the product of the diffusion constant and the life time of a Si-O bond, or the space and time dependence of the van Hove correlation functions.Comment: 30 pages of Latex, 14 figure

    A new model for simulating colloidal dynamics

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    We present a new hybrid lattice-Boltzmann and Langevin molecular dynamics scheme for simulating the dynamics of suspensions of spherical colloidal particles. The solvent is modeled on the level of the lattice-Boltzmann method while the molecular dynamics is done for the solute. The coupling between the two is implemented through a frictional force acting both on the solvent and on the solute, which depends on the relative velocity. A spherical colloidal particle is represented by interaction sites at its surface. We demonstrate that this scheme quantitatively reproduces the translational and rotational diffusion of a neutral spherical particle in a liquid and show preliminary results for a charged spherical particle. We argue that this method is especially advantageous in the case of charged colloids.Comment: For a movie click on the link below Fig

    Computer Simulations of Supercooled Liquids and Glasses

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    After a brief introduction to the dynamics of supercooled liquids, we discuss some of the advantages and drawbacks of computer simulations of such systems. Subsequently we present the results of computer simulations in which the dynamics of a fragile glass former, a binary Lennard-Jones system, is compared to the one of a strong glass former, SiO_2. This comparison gives evidence that the reason for the different temperature dependence of these two types of glass formers lies in the transport mechanism for the particles in the vicinity of T_c, the critical temperature of mode-coupling theory. Whereas the one of the fragile glass former is described very well by the ideal version of mode-coupling theory, the one for the strong glass former is dominated by activated processes. In the last part of the article we review some simulations of glass formers in which the dynamics below the glass transition temperature was investigated. We show that such simulations might help to establish a connection between systems with self generated disorder (e.g. structural glasses) and quenched disorder (e.g. spin glasses).Comment: 37 pages of Latex, 11 figures, to appear as a Topical Review article in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    A tutorial introduction to the technique of Molecular Dynamics (MD) is given, and some characteristic examples of applications are described. The purpose and scope of these simulations and the relation to other simulation methods is discussed, and the basic MD algorithms are described. The sampling of intensive variables (temperature T, pressure p) in runs carried out in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble (N= particle number, V = volume, E = energy) is discussed, as well as the realization of other ensembles (e.g. the NVT ensemble). For a typical application example, molten SiO2, the estimation of various transport coefficients (self-diffusion constants, viscosity, thermal conductivity) is discussed. As an example of Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD), a study of a glass-forming polymer melt under shear is mentioned.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    From Capillary Condensation to Interface Localization Transitions in Colloid Polymer Mixtures Confined in Thin Film Geometry

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    Monte Carlo simulations of the Asakura-Oosawa (AO) model for colloid-polymer mixtures confined between two parallel repulsive structureless walls are presented and analyzed in the light of current theories on capillary condensation and interface localization transitions. Choosing a polymer to colloid size ratio of q=0.8 and studying ultrathin films in the range of D=3 to D=10 colloid diameters thickness, grand canonical Monte Carlo methods are used; phase transitions are analyzed via finite size scaling, as in previous work on bulk systems and under confinement between identical types of walls. Unlike the latter work, inequivalent walls are used here: while the left wall has a hard-core repulsion for both polymers and colloids, at the right wall an additional square-well repulsion of variable strength acting only on the colloids is present. We study how the phase separation into colloid-rich and colloid-poor phases occurring already in the bulk is modified by such a confinement. When the asymmetry of the wall-colloid interaction increases, the character of the transition smoothly changes from capillary condensation-type to interface localization-type. The critical behavior of these transitions is discussed, as well as the colloid and polymer density profiles across the film in the various phases, and the correlation of interfacial fluctuations in the direction parallel to the confining walls. The experimental observability of these phenomena also is briefly discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figure
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