26 research outputs found

    The classification of genotyes on the quantitative characters at Alopecurus pratensis L., in SimiƟoara conditions

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    The increasing production of forage crops is the basis that can provide a modern animal husbandry. This is possible only through the existence of a biological material of great value on the one hand, and on the other hand, the existence of appropriate agricultural technology required to a superior capitalization of the biological potential (COJOCARIU L. AND LALESCU D.V., 2010). The goal of this paper is to classify some biotypes of Alopecurus pratensis collected from spontaneous flora through the main morphological production characters (namely the shoot plant number, the leaf plant number, the plant height and the dry matter) emphasizing the correlations between these characters. The biological material studied was the Alopecurus pratensis biotypes collected from Banat area. More precisely, there where studied Alopecurus pratensis biotypes around Remetea Mare Mare Topolovatu, Lugoj, Traian Vuia Sinersig, Buzias and Albina. It was shown the similarities between Alpha and Sinersig biotypes; Topolovatu Mare, Buzias, Albina and Lugoj biotypes; Remetea Mare and Traian Vuia biotypes

    Behavior of some winter wheat varieties and perspective lines at A.R.D.S. Lovrin

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    The present paper aims to analyze the behavior of twenty-five Romanian wheat varieties and perspective lines, in the process of homologation, in terms of the yields of the grains obtained in the agricultural year 2016-2017 at SCDA Lovrin.The climatic year 2016-2017 was an excellent year due to the fact that sowing was done late in autumn, and emergence of the plants occurred in the spring, which determined the specific reactions of the wheat varieties, expressed in the productions as well as in morphological characters.Variance analysis revealed differences between the twentyfive varieties studied, with climatic conditions in this period having significant effects on the behavior of studied wheat varieties.The average production of the studied genotypes ranged between 7917 kg/ha at the Viteaz prospecting wheat variety, and 4958 kg/ha 11424G-1 the winter wheat prospecting variety, and the coefficient of variation had the lowest values for perspective winter wheat Pitar, Pajura, Signal and 11424G-1

    Changes in the structure of actinomycete populations in the rhizosphere of vicia sativa species

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    It is a known fact that species of legumes improve the soil they are grown on, but at the same time, they produce the so-called rhizosphere effect or rhizodeposit that has a selective effect on the microorganisms which are considered "fertility effectors" for soil. From the three studied area the highest number of actinomycetes was found in edaphosphere and the lowest number in the area influenced by roots. Among the few factors under research for the purpose of this paper, humus and potassium were observed to have the strongest impact on this group. Humidity is a factor that could change the competition between soil microorganisms and plants in the soil for N and it could affect the stability of aggregates

    Plant-soil interrelationship, factor of evolution for bacterial populations

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    The rhizosphere is influenced by the region, soil and plant roots. The area that is not influenced by plant roots has been named edaphosphere. Plant roots release a wide range of compounds in the rhizosphere, which create unique micro-environments for the microorganisms present in the soil. By its root exudates, species Vicia sativa contributes to an increase in the bacterial density (fact proven by comparison with the control variant), to the improvement of the fertility of the soil (moderately gleyic eutric cambisol) on which it is cultivated and to plant growth. Even there are similarities between the rhizospheric area (culture medium: soil extract), control variants, and respectively edaphosphere (culture medium: soil extract) and rhizospherical bacteria isolated on Topping medium, small differences have been noticed

    Production dimension and potential of permanent grasslands of Romania in relation to animals growth

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    Permanent grassland is part of the national land heritage, the destination of which can never be changed. The current surface of Romania's permanent grasslands is estimated at 4.81 million hectares, representing 20% of the country's surface area and 34% of the agricultural area, surface that increased by 9% compared to 1990. Romania's permanent grasslands are found in all the altitude zones, from the Black Sea shore to the alpine peaks, being permanently under the influence of the natural factors of these areas (soil, slope, altitude, exposition, etc.), resulting in a decrease in the degree of use of the resulting phytomass as animal feed. Thus, it is estimated that out of the total area of grassland about 17% (780 thousand hectares) are affected by natural limiting factors. Bovines are found in 50% in the plain area, 30% in the hill area and 20% in the mountain area. Sheep and goats are found in the highest proportion in the hill area (40%), followed by the plain and mountain areas by 30%. In the current situation of the distribution of ruminant animals, on relief areas, except for hill and mountain meadows where there is a green mass overflow in these areas, the largest green mass deficit is found in the plains (75%)

    Researches regarding the production capacity and quality of alfalfa in crisurilor plain condition

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    Nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, even though plants can directly absorb the mineral N. For species such as alfalfa, in addition to the inhibitory effect, mineral fertilization decreases the useful life of the crop and the quality of protein in the dry matter According to some authors there is a positive response in biomass production for N application only in excess of 100 kg ha-1 year. The aim of this paper is to find conditions resulting in higher production of alfalfa under different variants of fertilisation in Batar conditions, Bihor county and the chemical analysis of this forage. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experiment being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The experimental setup was randomized block design, in three repetitions, the plot surface being 45 m2 . Sowing was made on October 5th 2010. In order to determine the production, the harvesting was done at 61st phenophase (beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open) of alfalfa (the extended BBCH-scale, general). Considering the analyses regarding alfalfa production capacity the biggest production of green mass was obtained at N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant of 47.00 t ha-1. The differences are statistically assured as very significant and have been registered between alfalfa production obtained at variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha-1); variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha-1): variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha-1). Regarding the chemical composition of the yield of N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant we can conclude: crude protein content is 178.7 g/kg, crude fiber content is 302.4 g/kg, NDF is 520.8 g/kg, ADF is 307.6 g/kg and ADL is 91.9 content on dry matter basis (kg DM)

    Investigation regarding the production capacity of triticale under different variant of nitrogen

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    Some authors say that nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, Triticale (xTriticosecale Wittmack), resulting from crossing between wheat and rye, has the potential to introduce valuable economic benefits to both grain and herbage production systems. Others say that triticale produces at least 20% more forage than wheat, and is higher in forage quality than rye or wheat and triticale has agronomic advantages, it can be grown on more marginal land (arid, acidic, etc.) and requires less agricultural chemicals (fertilizer, agronomic chemicals, etc.). For this triticale seems to be an interesting alternative to other cereals, particularly bread wheat, in environments where growing conditions are unfavorable or in low-input systems. The aim of this paper is to find the maximum production of triticale taking under different variant with chemical fertilisation in Batăr conditions, Bihor county and the chemical composition of this. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experience being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The biggest production of triticale obtained in 2012, under different fertilisation variant was registered at N50P50K50 + N100 variant (5,4 t.ha -1 ), which shows us, that exist significant statistic differences between the production obtained at fertilisation variant N50P50K50 + N100 (5,4 t.ha-1 ) and the production obtained at fertilized variant N50P50K50 that have obtained 4,8 t.ha-1 . Regarding the chemical composition we can conclude that: the dry matter content is 88.56%, crude protein content is 134.41 g/kg, crude fiber content is 17.4 g/kg, NDF is 470.27 g/kg, ADF is 22.13 g/kg and ADL is 18.45 g/kg, content on 1000 g fresh matter

    Influence of the long-term fertilization on the wheat yield, in period 1996-2018, at A.R.D.S. Lovrin

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    This study aims to analyze the evolution of winter wheat production, between 1996 and 2018, under the influence of 25 fertilization combinations with nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen fertilizers applied have graduations of 0,30,60,90 and 120 kg active substance/ha, and of phosphorus 0, 40,80,120 and 160 kg of active substance/ha. The research carried out on a typical chernozem in the West of Romania showed that the fertilizers are well used by the winter wheat crop. During the 1996-2018 period, the influence of chemical fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus has been studied in a 3 years rotation (soya bean- wheatmaize). Unilateral application of nitrogen and phosphorus bring production increases within the range 573 kg grains/ha - 1016 kg/ha, nitrogen and 282 kg grains/ha - 998 kg/ha, phosphorus. The obtained results highlight the fundamental role of the combined application of the two types of fertilizers. The optimal dose of fertilizer, from an economic point of view is N88P122, with a production of 6866 kg wheat/ha