165 research outputs found

    Hydrogen peroxide in deep waters from the Mediterranean Sea, South Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is present ubiquitously in marine surface waters where it is a reactive intermediate in the cycling of many trace elements. Photochemical processes are considered the dominant natural H2O2 source, yet cannot explain nanomolar H2O2 concentrations below the photic zone. Here, we determined the concentration of H2O2 in full depth profiles across three ocean basins (Mediterranean Sea, South Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans). To determine the accuracy of H2O2 measurements in the deep ocean we also re-assessed the contribution of interfering species to ‘apparent H2O2’, as analysed by the luminol based chemiluminescence technique. Within the vicinity of coastal oxygen minimum zones, accurate measurement of H2O2 was not possible due to interference from Fe(II). Offshore, in deep (>1000 m) waters H2O2 concentrations ranged from 0.25 ± 0.27 nM (Mediterranean, Balearics-Algeria) to 2.9 ± 2.2 nM (Mediterranean, Corsica-France). Our results indicate that a dark, pelagic H2O2 production mechanism must occur throughout the deep ocean. A bacterial source of H2O2 is the most likely origin and we show that this source is likely sufficient to account for all of the observed H2O2 in the deep ocean

    Greenland Subglacial Discharge as a Driver of Hotspots of Increasing Coastal Chlorophyll Since the Early 2000s

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    Subglacial discharge emerging from the base of Greenland\u27s marine-terminating glaciers drives upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom waters to the euphotic zone, which can fuel nitrate-limited phytoplankton growth. Here, we use buoyant plume theory to quantify this subglacial discharge-driven nutrient supply on a pan-Greenland scale. The modeled nitrate fluxes were concentrated in a few critical systems, with half of the total modeled nitrate flux anomaly occurring at just 14% of marine-terminating glaciers. Increasing subglacial discharge fluxes results in elevated nitrate fluxes, with the largest flux occurring at Jakobshavn Isbræ in Disko Bay, where subglacial discharge is largest. Subglacial discharge and nitrate flux anomaly also account for significant temporal variability in summer satellite chlorophyll a (Chl) within 50 km of Greenland\u27s coast, particularly in some regions in central west and northwest Greenland

    The heterogeneous nature of Fe delivery from melting icebergs

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    The micronutrient iron (Fe) can be transported from marine terminating glaciers to the ocean by icebergs. There are however few observations of iceberg Fe content, and the flux of Fe from icebergs to the offshore surface ocean is poorly constrained. Here we report the dissolved Fe (DFe), total dissolvable Fe (TdFe) and ascorbic acid extractable Fe (FeAsc) sediment content of icebergs from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The concentrations of DFe (range 0.63 nM – 536 nM, mean 37 nM, median 6.5 nM) and TdFe (range 46 nM – 57 µM, mean 3.6 µM, median 144 nM) both demonstrated highly heterogeneous distributions and there was no significant correlation between these two fractions. FeAsc (range 0.0042 to 0.12 wt. %) was low compared to both previous measurements in Kongsfjorden and to current estimates of the global mean. FeAsc content per volume ice did however, as expected, show a significant relationship with sediment loading (which ranged from < 0.1 – 234 g L-1 of meltwater). In the Arctic, icebergs lose their sediment load faster than ice volume due to the rapid loss of basal ice after calving. We therefore suggest that the loss of basal ice is a potent mechanism for the reduction of mean TdFe and FeAsc per volume of iceberg. Delivery of TdFe and FeAsc to the ocean is thereby biased towards coastal waters where, in Kongsfjorden, DFe (18 ± 17 nM) and TdFe (mean 8.1 µM, median 3.7 µM) concentrations were already elevated

    Photochemical vs. Bacterial Control of H2O2 Concentration Across a pCO2 Gradient Mesocosm Experiment in the Subtropical North Atlantic

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    In the surface ocean, microorganisms are both a source of extracellular H2O2 and, via the production of H2O2 destroying enzymes, also one of the main H2O2 sinks. Within microbial communities, H2O2 sources and sinks may be unevenly distributed and thus microbial community structure could influence ambient extracellular H2O2 concentrations. Yet the biogeochemical cycling of H2O2 and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) is rarely investigated at the community level. Here, we present a time series of H2O2 concentrations during a 28-day mesocosm experiment where a pCO2 gradient (400–1,450 μatm) was applied to subtropical North Atlantic waters. Pronounced changes in H2O2 concentration were observed over the duration of the experiment. Initially H2O2 concentrations in all mesocosms were strongly correlated with surface H2O2 concentrations in ambient seawaters outside the mesocosms which ranged from 20 to 92 nM over the experiment duration (Spearman Rank Coefficients 0.79–0.93, p-values 300 nM in some mesocosms (2–6 fold higher than ambient seawaters). The correlation with ambient H2O2 was then no longer significant (p > 0.05) in all treatments. Furthermore, changes in H2O2 could not be correlated with inter-day changes in integrated irradiance. Yet H2O2 concentrations in most mesocosms were inversely correlated with bacterial abundance (negative Spearman Rank Coefficients ranging 0.59–0.94, p-values < 0.001–0.03). Our results therefore suggest that ambient H2O2 concentration can be influenced by microbial community structure with shifts toward high bacterial abundance correlated with low extracellular H2O2 concentrations. We also infer that the nature of mesocosm experiment design, i.e., the enclosure of water within open containers at the ocean surface, can strongly influence extracellular H2O2 concentrations. This has potential chemical and biological implications during incubation experiments due to the role of H2O2 as both a stressor to microbial functioning and a reactive component involved in the cycling of numerous chemical species including, for example, trace metals and haloalkanes

    Unprecedented Fe delivery from the Congo River margin to the South Atlantic Gyre

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    Rivers are a major supplier of particulate and dissolved material to the ocean, but their role as sources of bio-essential dissolved iron (dFe) is thought to be limited due to rapid, efficient Fe removal during estuarine mixing. Here, we use trace element and radium isotope data to show that the influence of the Congo River margin on surface Fe concentrations is evident over 1000 km from the Congo outflow. Due to an unusual combination of high Fe input into the Congo-shelf-zone and rapid lateral transport, the Congo plume constitutes an exceptionally large offshore dFe flux of 6.8 ± 2.3 × 108 mol year−1. This corresponds to 40 ± 15% of atmospheric dFe input into the South Atlantic Ocean and makes a higher contribution to offshore Fe availability than any other river globally. The Congo River therefore contributes significantly to relieving Fe limitation of phytoplankton growth across much of the South Atlantic

    A mosaic of phytoplankton responses across Patagonia, the SE Pacific and SW Atlantic Ocean to ash deposition and trace metal release from the Calbuco 2015 volcanic eruption

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    Following the April 2015 eruption of the Calbuco volcano, an extensive ash plume spread across northern Patagonia and into the SE Pacific and SW Atlantic Ocean. Here we report the results of field surveys conducted in the marine region receiving the highest ash load following the eruption (Reloncaví Fjord). The fortuitous location of a long-term monitoring station in Reloncaví Fjord provided data to evaluate inshore phytoplankton bloom dynamics and carbonate chemistry during April–May 2015. Satellite derived chlorophyll-a measurements over the ocean regions affected by the ash plume in May 2015 were obtained to determine the spatial-temporal gradient in offshore phytoplankton response to ash. Additionally, leaching experiments were performed to quantify the release of total alkalinity, trace elements (Fe, Mn, Pb, Co, Cu, Ni and Cd) and major ions (Fl, Cl, SO4, NO3, Li, Na, NH4, K, Mg, Ca) from ash into solution. Within Reloncaví Fjord, integrated peak diatom abundances during the May 2015 austral bloom were higher than usual (up to 1.4 × 1011 cells m−2, integrated to 15 m depth), with the bloom intensity perhaps moderated due to high ash loadings in the two weeks following the eruption. In the offshore SE Pacific, a short duration phytoplankton bloom corresponded closely in space and time to the maximum observed ash plume, potentially in response to Fe-fertilization of a region where phytoplankton growth is typically Fe-limited at this time of year. Conversely, no clear fertilization was found in the area subject to an ash plume over the SW Atlantic where the availability of fixed nitrogen is thought to limit phytoplankton growth which was consistent with no significant release of fixed nitrogen from ash. In addition to release of nanomolar concentrations of dissolved Fe from ash suspended in seawater, it was observed that low loadings (< 5 mg L−1) of freshly deposited ash were an unusually prolific source of Fe(II) into solution (up to 1.0 µmol Fe g−1), suggesting that the release of bioaccessible Fe from ash sources may generally be under-estimated when quantified from aged ash. This release of Fe(II) may make freshly deposited ash an unusually efficient dissolved Fe source with the 18–38 % fraction of dissolved Fe released as Fe(II) from Calbuco ash roughly comparable to literature values for Fe released into seawater from aerosols collected over the Pacific Ocean

    The influence of Arctic Fe and Atlantic fixed N on summertime primary production in Fram Strait, North Greenland Sea

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    Climate change has led to a ~ 40% reduction in summer Arctic sea-ice cover extent since the 1970s. Resultant increases in light availability may enhance phytoplankton production. Direct evidence for factors currently constraining summertime phytoplankton growth in the Arctic region is however lacking. GEOTRACES cruise GN05 conducted a Fram Strait transect from Svalbard to the NE Greenland Shelf in summer 2016, sampling for bioessential trace metals (Fe, Co, Zn, Mn) and macronutrients (N, Si, P) at ~ 79°N. Five bioassay experiments were conducted to establish phytoplankton responses to additions of Fe, N, Fe + N and volcanic dust. Ambient nutrient concentrations suggested N and Fe were deficient in surface seawater relative to typical phytoplankton requirements. A west-to-east trend in the relative deficiency of N and Fe was apparent, with N becoming more deficient towards Greenland and Fe more deficient towards Svalbard. This aligned with phytoplankton responses in bioassay experiments, which showed greatest chlorophyll-a increases in + N treatment near Greenland and + N + Fe near Svalbard. Collectively these results suggest primary N limitation of phytoplankton growth throughout the study region, with conditions potentially approaching secondary Fe limitation in the eastern Fram Strait. We suggest that the supply of Atlantic-derived N and Arctic-derived Fe exerts a strong control on summertime nutrient stoichiometry and resultant limitation patterns across the Fram Strait region.S.K. was financed by GEOMAR and the German Research Foundation (DFG Award Number AC 217/1-1 to E.P.A). T.J.B. acknowledges funding from a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral European Fellowship (OceanLiNES; Project ID 658035). Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL

    Sediment release in the Benguela Upwelling System dominates trace metal input to the shelf and eastern South Atlantic Ocean

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    Upwelling of subsurface waters injects macronutrients (fixed N, P and Si) and micronutrient trace metals (TMs) into surface waters supporting elevated primary production in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Regions (EBUR). The eastern South Atlantic features a highly productive shelf sea transitioning to a low productivity N-Fe (co)limited open ocean. Whilst a gradient in most TM concentrations is expected in any off-shelf transect, the factors controlling the magnitude of cross-shelf TM fluxes are poorly constrained. Here, we present dissolved TM concentrations of Fe, Co, Mn, Cd, Ni and Cu within the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) from the coastal section of the GEOTRACES GA08 cruise. Elevated dissolved Fe, Co, Mn, Cd, Ni, Cu and macronutrient concentrations were observed near shelf sediments. Benthic sources supplied 2.22 ± 0.99 μmol Fe m-2 d-1, 0.05 ± 0.03 μmol Co m-2 d-1, 0.28 ± 0.11 μmol Mn m-2 d-1 and were found to be the dominant source to shallow shelf waters compared to atmospheric depositions. Similarly, off-shelf transfer was a more important source of TMs to the eastern South Atlantic Ocean compared to atmospheric deposition. Assessment of surface (shelf, upper 200 m) and subsurface (shelf edge, 200 - 500 m) fluxes of Fe and Co indicated TM fluxes from subsurface were 2 - 5 times larger than those from surface into the eastern South Atlantic Ocean. Under future conditions of increasing ocean deoxygenation, these fluxes may increase further, potentially contributing to a shift towards more extensive regional limitation of primary production by fixed N availability. Key Points Shelf sediments release redox-sensitive trace metals (TMs) to overlying oxygen-depleted waters in the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) Sediment-derived TMs are upwelled and laterally transported constituting a major source to shelf waters and to the eastern South Atlantic Subsurface fluxes of dissolved Fe and Co from the shelf edge play an important role in supplying Fe and Co to the eastern South Atlanti
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