9 research outputs found

    Teaching Legislative Drafting in Law School: A Model Course

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    Law Schools traditionally have failed to provide adequate instruction in legislative drafting and this failure has been the subject of recent criticism. The author, a teacher of legal writing, advances for consideration his model course in legislative drafting as a means of increasing writing abilities and applying analytical skills. The author discusses the operation of his course and has included many of the materials he has developed for use in the course

    Standards of Judicial Review in Supreme Court Land Use Opinions: A Taxonomy, an Analytical Framework, and a Synthesis

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    To address the confused picture that has emerged in land use litigation, this Article offers (1) a taxonomy, i.e. a classification system; (2) an analytical framework; and (3) a synthesis of the standards of judicial review utilized in Supreme Court land use cases since Mugler v. Kansas was decided in 1887. Unlike some previous efforts, it focuses on a dimension-standards of judicial review- that has not previously received detailed and systematic attention

    A State Legislative Strategy for Ending Exclusionary Zoning of Community Homes

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    The purpose of this Article is to discuss the strategy used to achieve adoption of state zoning legislation in Ohio, and to recommend a strategy that can be effectively used to achieve the same results in the thirty-three states that have not yet enacted such legislation