548 research outputs found

    A Micro Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter for Astrobiology Applications

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    A micro-scale Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter (microFACS) for astrobiology applications is under development. This device is designed to have a footprint of 7 cm x 7 cm x 4 cm and allow live-dead counts and sorting of cells that have fluorescent characteristics from staining. The FACS system takes advantage of microfluidics to create a cell sorter that can fit in the palm of the hand. A micron-scale channel allows cells to pass by a blue diode which causes emission of marker-expressed cells which are detected by a filtered photodetector. A small microcontroller then counts cells and operates high speed valves to select which chamber the cell is collected in (a collection chamber or a waste chamber). Cells with the expressed characteristic will be collected in the collection chamber. This system has been built and is currently being tested. We are also designing a system with integrated MEMS-based pumps and valves for a small and compact unit to fly on small satellite-based biology experiments

    Research and Critical Thinking : An Important Link for Exercise Science Students Transitioning to Physical Therapy

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    Int J Exerc Sci 5(2) : 93-96, 2012. Critical thinking skills are increasingly necessary for success in professional health care careers. Changes in the contemporary healthcare system in the United States arguably make these critical thinking skills more important than they have ever been, as clinicians are required on a daily basis to evaluate multiple bits of information about patients with multiple-systemic health concerns and make appropriate treatment decisions based on this information. We believe the IJES, with its emphasis on engaging undergraduate and graduate students in research and scholarly activity, is a valuable resource for promoting the higher-order critical thinking skills necessary for preparing exercise science students with an interest in professional healthcare careers such as physical therapy

    Buy low, sell high, get in now: Low-stakes/low-investment information literacy initiatives pay off big

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    Become familiar with the concept of low stakes/low investment information literacy initiatives in order to communicate their potential value to faculty members, other librarians, and administrators. Recognize how collaboration between your library and other entities on campus can reinforce information literacy initiatives in order to draw upon the strengths and shared values of existing programs. Learn about successful initiatives in order to generate ideas that would be useful for your institution

    Microfluidics microFACS for Life Detection

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    A prototype micro-scale Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter (microFACS) for life detection has been built and is undergoing testing. A functional miniature microfluidics instrument with the ability to remotely distinguish live or dead bacterial cells from abiotic particulates in ice or permafrost of icy bodies of the solar system would be of fundamental value to NASA. The use of molecular probes to obtain the bio-signature of living or dead cells could answer the most fundamental question of Astrobiology: Does life exist beyond Earth? The live-dead fluorescent stains to be used in the microFACS instrument function only with biological cell walls. The detection of the cell membranes of living or dead bacteria (unlike PAH's and many other Biomarkers) would provide convincing evidence of present or past life. This miniature device rapidly examine large numbers of particulates from a polar ice or permafrost sample and distinguish living from dead bacteria cells and biological cells from mineral grains and abiotic particulates and sort the cells and particulates based on a staining system. Any sample found to exhibit fluorescence consistent with living cells could then be used in conjunction with a chiral labeled release experiment or video microscopy system to seek addition evidence for cellular metabolism or motility. Results of preliminary testing and calibration of the microFACS prototype instrument system with pure cultures and enrichment assemblages of microbial extremophiles will be reported

    Introducing the “Topics Brief”: Bridging the Gap Between University and Non-Academics in a Potentially More Meaningful Way

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 4: Issue 1, Article 5, 2023. Introducing the “Topics Brief”, aiming to bridge the gap between university and non-academics. Topics Briefs should include the following: 1. Share what was done to a non-academic audience, 2. Condensed format (limited to 1-2 pages, 1 page preferred), 3. Include only the most important parts (i.e., main concepts, main results, main learned experience) to be implemented in practical application, 4. May be heavily visual (we encourage authors to be creative

    Guidelines for “Topics Brief” Submissions

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 4: Issue 1, Article 6, 2023. The “Topics Brief”, a novel submissions format, is introduced with authors guidelines. Within this submissions format, a category describing a target audience should be identified, such as Topics Brief for: Patients, Clinicians, Practitioners, or Students. Authors may also suggest their own category for a target audience. The title should be descriptive and allow for maximum searchability. Authorship criteria include a substantial contribution, assisting with the manuscript draft, and approval of the final version. The format is open, with a focus of presenting work in a clear and understandable manner that members of a target audience may choose to implement in some manner. The following items should be considered: 1) use of appropriate reading level, 2) visual representation is encouraged, 3) condensed format, ideally no longer than 1-2 pages, and 4) the most important information is shared. Authors publishing a Topics Brief will agree to review a future Topics Brief submission


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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of static stretching on gross motor coordination patterns (GMCP) exhibited during vigorous cycling. The performance of 29 females between the ages of eighteen and thirty were analyzed during the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). The participants completed the test under two conditions, following static stretching and no stretching. Results showed statistically significant differences (p = 0.05) between conditions for dependent variables assessed throughout this common 30 second test of maximal cycling. These findings suggest that static stretching subtly influenced GMCP exhibited during the WAnT


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    Static stretching has been linked to lesser performance in many sport activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of static stretching upon power and fatigue performance measures during vigorous cycling. In this study, vigorous cycling was assessed using the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). Using a counterbalanced design, twenty nine female participants completed standardized static stretching and nonstretching protocols prior to completing the WAnT. No statistically-significant differences (p = 0.05) were found between conditions for measures of peak power (PP), low power (LP) or fatigue index (FI). These findings suggest that static stretching had no statistically-significant effect on these performance measures commonly assessed during the WAnT

    Important Updates to Submission Types in Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 2: Issue 1, Article 1, 2021. While Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology (TESK) was originally designed to fill a void in publishing applied information for practitioners in physical activity and sport, the TESK editors have determined a need to update the submission categories. The categories of Process of Science and Implementation Strategies have been retained, and three new types of submissions now will be accepted: Expedited Articles, Review Articles, and Case Studies. Process of Science submissions should seek to answer the question, “What was learned from the experience of performing the investigation?”, while Implementation Strategies should address, “How can what was carried out be explained?” Required elements for both submission types are outlined along with guidelines for conducting peer-reviews. Expedited Articles can be submitted to TESK and undergo an accelerated review by the editors. Required elements and the peer review processes are also outlined for Review Articles and Case Studies
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