35 research outputs found

    Primordial non-Gaussianity from two curvaton decays

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    We study a model where two scalar fields, that are subdominant during inflation, decay into radiation some time after inflation has ended but before primordial nucleosynthesis. Perturbations of these two curvaton fields can be responsible for the primordial curvature perturbation. We write down the full non-linear equations that relate the primordial perturbation to the curvaton perturbations on large scales, calculate the power spectrum of the primordial perturbation, and finally go to second order to find the non-linearity parameter, fNL. We find large positive values of fNL if the energy densities of the curvatons are sub-dominant when they decay, as in the single curvaton case. But we also find a large fNL even if the curvatons dominate the total energy density in the case when the inhomogeneous radiation produced by the first curvaton decay is diluted by the decay of a second nearly homogeneous curvaton. The minimum value min(fNL)=-5/4 which we find is the same as in the single-curvaton case.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Modulated curvaton decay

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    We study primordial density perturbations generated by the late decay of a curvaton field whose decay rate may be modulated by the local value of another isocurvature field, analogous to models of modulated reheating at the end of inflation. We calculate the primordial density perturbation and its local-type non-Gaussianity using the sudden-decay approximation for the curvaton field, recovering standard curvaton and modulated reheating results as limiting cases. We verify the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality between bispectrum and trispectrum parameters for the primordial density field generated by multiple field fluctuations, and find conditions for the bound to be saturated.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Small-scale Tests of Inflation

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    We investigate small-scale signatures of the inflationary particle content. We consider the case of a light spin-2 particle sourcing primordial gravitational waves by employing an effective field theory description. Upon allowing time-dependent sound speeds for the helicity modes, this setup delivers a blue tensor spectrum detectable, for example, by upcoming laser interferometers. Our focus is on the tensor non-Gaussianities that ensue from this field configuration. After characterising the bispectrum amplitude and shape-function at CMB scales, we move on to smaller scales where anisotropies induced in the tensor power spectrum by long-short modes coupling become the key handle on (squeezed) primordial non-Gaussianities. We identify the parameter space generating percent level anisotropies at scales soon to be probed by SKA and LISA.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures. Version accepted for publicatio

    Gravitational waves from an early matter era

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    We investigate the generation of gravitational waves due to the gravitational instability of primordial density perturbations in an early matter-dominated era which could be detectable by experiments such as LIGO and LISA. We use relativistic perturbation theory to give analytic estimates of the tensor perturbations generated at second order by linear density perturbations. We find that large enhancement factors with respect to the naive second-order estimate are possible due to the growth of density perturbations on sub-Hubble scales. However very large enhancement factors coincide with a breakdown of linear theory for density perturbations on small scales. To produce a primordial gravitational wave background that would be detectable with LIGO or LISA from density perturbations in the linear regime requires primordial comoving curvature perturbations on small scales of order 0.02 for Advanced LIGO or 0.005 for LISA, otherwise numerical calculations of the non-linear evolution on sub-Hubble scales are required.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Interferometer constraints on the inflationary field content

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    With an energy scale that can be as high as 1014 GeV10^{14}\,{\rm GeV}, inflation may provide a unique probe of high-energy physics. Both scalar and tensor fluctuations generated during this early accelerated expansion contain crucial information about the particle content of the primordial universe. The advent of ground- and space-based interferometers enables us to probe primordial physics at length-scales much smaller than those corresponding to current CMB constraints. One key prediction of single-field slow-roll inflation is a red-tilted gravitational wave spectrum, currently inaccessible at interferometer scales. Interferometers probe directly inflationary physics that deviates from the minimal scenario and in particular additional particle content with sizeable couplings to the inflaton field. We adopt here an effective description for such fields and focus on the case of extra spin-2 fields. We find that a time-dependent sound speed for the helicity-2 modes can generate primordial gravitational waves with a blue-tilted spectrum, potentially detectable at interferometer scales.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; references added; version matching the one published in JCA