79 research outputs found

    Iron oxide nanoparticle enhancement of ionizing radiation cancer therapy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of IONP in combination with fractionated ionizing radiation, with and without magnetically induced mild localized hyperthermia, to enhance conventional fractionated radiation. It has been shown that ionizing radiation combined with hyperthermia can result in a greater therapeutic ratio than radiation or hyperthermia alone. Recent work has also shown that iron oxide nanoparticles may have potential as radiation sensitizers. IONP are additionally interesting because when IONP are exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF), a localized hyperthermia can be induced. In 1977 Adams et al. published a study which showed enhanced radiation-induced lymphocyte toxicity caused by the iodine (contrast agent) in angiocardiography patients. Since then, the body of materials shown to modify the toxicity of radiation has grown, including not only high-Z materials, but also nanoparticles, which also may act as carriers for pharmacologic agents. These materials may the reverse radiation resistance, enhance sensitivity, or provide radioprotection of normal tissue. Though largely unexplored, a proposed mechanism for radiation sensitization by IONP includes the increase in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when ionizing radiation interacts with IONP. While IONP are just beginning to be investigated as ionizing radiation sensitizers, significant research has been conducted to develop IONP-AMF mediated hyperthermia as a primary or adjuvant cancer therapy. Physiologically meaningful changes due to the combination of mild heat and radiation have been demonstrated in numerous cancer studies using a wide variety of heating techniques (microwave, ultrasound, perfusion and regional/whole body). Previous studies, have shown that raising the temperature of tumors with IONP-mediated hyperthermia can potentiate the efficacy of ionizing radiation. However, these studies have not considered the interaction of the IONP themselves with the ionizing radiation or as part of a fractionated treatment plan

    Fabrication of monodisperse magnetic nanorods for improving hyperthermia efficacy

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    Background: Hyperthermia is one of the promising cancer treatment strategies enabled by local heating with the use of tumor-targeting magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) under a non-invasive magnetic field. However, one of the remaining challenges is how to achieve therapeutic levels of heat (without causing damages to regular tissues) in tumors that cannot be effectively treated with anti-tumor drug delivery. Results: In this work, we report a facile method to fabricate magnetic nanorods for hyperthermia by one-step wet chemistry synthesis using 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) as the shape-controlling agent and ferric and ferrous ions as precursors. By adjusting the concentration of APTMS, hydrothermal reaction time, ratios of ferric to ferrous ions, magnetic nanorods with aspect ratios ranging from 4.4 to 7.6 have been produced. At the clinically recommended field strength of 300 Oe (or less) and the frequency of 184 kHz, the specific absorption rate (SAR) of these nanorods is approximately 50 % higher than that of commercial Bionized NanoFerrite particles. Conclusions: This increase in SAR, especially at low field strengths, is crucial for treating deep tumors, such as pancreatic and rectal cancers, by avoiding the generation of harmful eddy current heating in normal tissues.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Fluorescent Affibody Peptide Penetration in Glioma Margin Is Superior to Full Antibody

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    Object: Fluorescence imaging has the potential to significantly improve neurosurgical resection of oncologic lesions through improved differentiation between normal and cancerous tissue at the tumor margins. In order to successfully mark glioma tissue a fluorescent tracer must have the ability to penetrate through the blood brain barrier (BBB) and provide delineation in the tumor periphery where heterogeneously intact BBB may exist. In this study it was hypothesized that, due to its smaller size, fluorescently labeled anti-EGFR Affibody protein (~7 kDa) would provide a more clear delineation of the tumor margin than would fluorescently labeled cetuximab, a full antibody (~150 kDa) to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Methods: Cetuximab and anti-EGFR targeted Affibody were conjugated to two different fluorescent dyes (both emitting in the near-infrared) and injected intravenously into 6 athymic mice which were inoculated orthotopically with green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing human U251 glioma cells. Each mouse was sacrificed at 1-h post injection, at which time brains were removed, snap frozen, sectioned and quantitatively analyzed for fluorescence distribution. Results: Ex vivo analysis showed on average, nearly equal concentrations of cetuximab and Affibody within the tumor (on average Affibody made up 49 ± 6% of injected protein), however, the cetuximab was more confined to the center of the tumor with Affibody showing significantly higher concentrations at the tumor periphery (on average Affibody made up 72 ± 15% of injected protein in the outer 50 um of the tumor). Further ex vivo analysis of detection studies showed that the Affibody provided superior discrimination for differentiation of tumor from surrounding normal brain. Conclusions: The present study indicates that fluorescently labeled anti-EGFR Affibody can provide significantly better delineation of tumor margins than a fluorescently labeled anti-EGFR antibody and shows considerable potential for guiding margin detection during neurosurgery

    Noninvasive Measurement of Aminolevulinic Acid-Induced Protoporphyrin IX Fluorescence Allowing Detection of Murine Glioma In Vivo

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    Aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence is studied as a contrast agent for noninvasive detection of murine glioma, using the fluorescence-to-transmission ratio measured through the cranium. Signals measured prior to administration of ALA are very similar between control animals, 9L-GFP, and U251 tumor-bearing animals. However, 2 h after ALA administration, the PpIX signal from both tumor-bearing groups is significantly higher than the control group (9L-GFP group p-value=0.016, and U251 group p-value=0.004, relative to the control group). The variance in signal from the 9L-GFP group is much larger than either the control group or the U251 group, which is consistent with higher intrinsic PpIX fluorescence heterogeneity as seen in situ at ex vivo analysis. Decreasing the skin PpIX fluorescence via intentional photobleaching using red light (635 nm) is examined as a tool for increasing PpIX contrast between the tumor-bearing and control groups. The red light bleaching is found to increase the ability to accurately quantify PpIX fluorescence in vivo, but decreases the specificity of detection between tumor-bearing and nontumor-bearing groups

    Quantitative Imaging of Scattering Changes Associated with Epithelial Proliferation, Necrosis and Fibrosis in Tumors Using Microsampling Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    Highly localized reflectance measurements can be used to directly quantify scatter changes in tissues. We present a microsampling approach that is used to raster scan tumors to extract parameters believed to be related to the tissue ultrastructure. A confocal reflectance imager was developed to examine scatter changes across pathologically distinct regions within tumor tissues. Tissue sections from two murine tumors, AsPC-1 pancreas tumor and the Mat-LyLu Dunning prostate tumor, were imaged. After imaging, histopathology-guided region-of-interest studies of the images allowed analysis of the variations in scattering resulting from differences in tissue ultra-structure. On average, the median scatter power of tumor cells with high proliferation index (HPI) was about 26% less compared to tumor cells with low proliferation index (LPI). Necrosis exhibited the lowest scatter power signature across all the tissue types considered, with about 55% lower median scatter power than LPI tumor cells. Additionally, the level and maturity of the tumor\u27s fibroplastic response was found to influence the scatter signal. This approach to scatter visualization of tissue ultrastructure in situ could provide a unique tool for guiding surgical resection, but this kind of interpretation into what the signal means relative to the pathology is required before proceeding to clinical studies

    Collagen Complexity Spatially Defines Microregions of Total Tissue Pressure in Pancreatic Cancer.

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    The poor efficacy of systemic cancer therapeutics in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is partly attributed to deposition of collagen and hyaluronan, leading to interstitial hypertension collapsing blood and lymphatic vessels, limiting drug delivery. The intrinsic micro-regional interactions between hyaluronic acid (HA), collagen and the spatial origins of mechanical stresses that close off blood vessels was investigated here. Multiple localized pressure measurements were analyzed with spatially-matched histochemical images of HA, collagen and vessel perfusion. HA is known to swell, fitting a linear elastic model with total tissue pressure (TTP) increasing above interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) directly with collagen content. However, local TTP appears to originate from collagen area fraction, as well as increased its entropy and fractal dimension, and morphologically appears to be maximized when HA regions are encapsulated by collagen. TTP was inversely correlated with vascular patency and verteporfin uptake, suggesting interstitial hypertension results in vascular compression and decreased molecular delivery in PDAC. Collagenase injection led to acute decreases in total tissue pressure and increased drug perfusion. Large microscopic variations in collagen distributions within PDAC leads to microregional TPP values that vary on the hundred micron distance scale, causing micro-heterogeneous limitations in molecular perfusion, and narrows viable treatment regimes for systemically delivered therapeutics

    Spatial Frequency Analysis of Anisotropic Drug Transport in Tumor Samples

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    Directional Fourier spatial frequency analysis was used on standard histological sections to identify salient directional bias in the spatial frequencies of stromal and epithelial patterns within tumor tissue. This directional bias is shown to be correlated to the pathway of reduced fluorescent tracer transport. Optical images of tumor specimens contain a complex distribution of randomly oriented aperiodic features used for neoplastic grading that varies with tumor type, size, and morphology. The internal organization of these patterns in frequency space is shown to provide a precise fingerprint of the extracellular matrix complexity, which is well known to be related to the movement of drugs and nanoparticles into the parenchyma, thereby identifying the characteristic spatial frequencies of regions that inhibit drug transport. The innovative computational methodology and tissue validation techniques presented here provide a tool for future investigation of drug and particle transport in tumor tissues, and could potentially be used a priori to identify barriers to transport, and to analyze real-time monitoring of transport with respect to therapeutic intervention

    Real-time in vivo Cherenkoscopy Imaging During External Beam Radiation Therapy

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    Cherenkov radiation is induced when charged particles travel through dielectric media (such as biological tissue) faster than the speed of light through that medium. Detection of this radiation or excited luminescence during megavoltage external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) can allow emergence of a new approach to superficial dose estimation, functional imaging, and quality assurance for radiation therapy dosimetry. In this letter, the first in vivo Cherenkov images of a real-time Cherenkoscopy during EBRT are presented. The imaging system consisted of a time-gated intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) coupled with a commercial lens. The ICCD was synchronized to the linear accelerator to detect Cherenkov photons only during the 3.25-μs radiation bursts. Images of a tissue phantom under irradiation show that the intensity of Cherenkov emission is directly proportional to radiation dose, and images can be acquired at 4.7  frames/s with SNR\u3c30 . Cherenkoscopy was obtained from the superficial regions of a canine oral tumor during planned, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approved, conventional (therapeutically appropriate) EBRT irradiation. Coregistration between photography and Cherenkoscopy validated that Cherenkov photons were detected from the planned treatment region. Real-time images correctly monitored the beam field changes corresponding to the planned dynamic wedge movement, with accurate extent of overall beam field, and expected cold and hot regions

    Automated segmentation based upon remitted scatter spectra from pathologically distinct tumor regions

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    Multi-spectral scatter visualization of tissue ultra-structure in situ can provide a unique tool for guiding surgical resection, but since changes are subtle and the data is multi-parametric, an automated methodology was sought to interpret these data, in order to classify their tissue sub-type. Tissue types observed across AsPC-1 pancreatic tumor samples were pathologically classified under three major groups (epithelium, fibrosis and necrosis) and the variations in scattering parameters, i.e. scattering power, scattering amplitude and average scattered intensity, across these groups were analyzed. The proposed scheme uses statistical pre-processing of the scattering parameter images to create additional data features followed by a k-nearest neighbors (kNN) based algorithm for tissue type classification. The classification accuracy inside some predefined regions of interest was determined and the mean region values of scattering parameters turned out to be stronger data sets for classification, rather than the individual pixel values. This presumably indicates that pixel-to-pixel variations in the remitted spectra need to be minimized for reliable classification approaches. Results show a strong correlation between the automated and expert-based classification within the predefined regions of interest
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