812 research outputs found

    Neutrino Clustering in the Galaxy with a Global Monopole

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    In spherically symmetric, static spacetime, we show that only j=1/2 fermions can satisfy both Einstein's field equation and Dirac's equation. It is also shown that neutrinos are able to have effective masses and cluster in the galactic halo when they are coupled to a global monopole situated at the galactic core. Astronomical implications of the results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex

    Physical Response Functions of Strongly Coupled Massive Quantum Liquids

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    We study physical properties of strongly coupled massive quantum liquids from their spectral functions using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The generic model that we consider is dense, heavy fundamental matter coupled to SU(N_c) super Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature above the deconfinement phase transition but below the scale set by the baryon number density. In this setup, we study the current-current correlators of the baryon number density using new techniques that employ a scaling behavior in the dual geometry. Our results, the AC conductivity, the quasi-particle spectrum and the Drude-limit parameters like the relaxation time are simple temperature-independent expressions that depend only on the mass-squared to density ratio and display a crossover between a baryon- and meson-dominated regime. We concentrated on the (2+1)-dimensional defect case, but in principle our results can also be generalized straightforwardly to other cases.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, extra paragraph and figure are added in response to referee's comment

    Bridging a Bridge: Bringing Two HCI Communities Together

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    ACM SIGCHI is the largest association for professionals in HCI that bridges computer science, information science, as well as the social and psychological sciences. Meanwhile, a parallel HCI community was formed in 2001 within the Association of Information Systems (AIS SIGHCI) community. While some researchers have already bridged these two HCI subdisciplines, the history and core values of these respective fields are quite different, offering new insights for how we can move forward together to sustain the future of HCI research. The main goal of this workshop is to begin building a bridge between these two communities to maximize the relevance, rigor, and generalizability of HCI research.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140402/1/wks0159-djamasbi CHI 2018.pdfDescription of wks0159-djamasbi CHI 2018.pdf : Main Fil

    Quantum finite-size effects for dyonic magnons in the AdS_4 x CP^3

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    We compute quantum corrections to finite-size effects for various dyonic giant magnons in the AdS_4 x CP^3 in two different approaches. The off-shell algebraic curve method is used to quantize the classical string configurations in semi-classical way and to compute the corrections to the string energies. These results are compared with the F-term L\"uscher formula based on the S-matrix of the AdS_4 / CFT_3. The fact that the two results match exactly provides another stringent test for the all-loop integrability conjecture and the exact S-matrix based on it.Comment: 21 pages, No figures, corrected typos, added some reference

    Complexity of multi-dimensional spontaneous EEG decreases during propofol induced general anaesthesia

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    Emerging neural theories of consciousness suggest a correlation between a specific type of neural dynamical complexity and the level of consciousness: When awake and aware, causal interactions between brain regions are both integrated (all regions are to a certain extent connected) and differentiated (there is inhomogeneity and variety in the interactions). In support of this, recent work by Casali et al (2013) has shown that Lempel-Ziv complexity correlates strongly with conscious level, when computed on the EEG response to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Here we investigated complexity of spontaneous high-density EEG data during propofol-induced general anaesthesia. We consider three distinct measures: (i) Lempel-Ziv complexity, which is derived from how compressible the data are; (ii) amplitude coalition entropy, which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of active channels; and (iii) the novel synchrony coalition entropy (SCE), which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of synchronous channels. After some simulations on Kuramoto oscillator models which demonstrate that these measures capture distinct ‘flavours’ of complexity, we show that there is a robustly measurable decrease in the complexity of spontaneous EEG during general anaesthesia

    Suppression of HBV by Tenofovir in HBV/HIV coinfected patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Hepatitis B coinfection is common in HIV-positive individuals and as antiretroviral therapy has made death due to AIDS less common, hepatitis has become increasingly important. Several drugs are available to treat hepatitis B. The most potent and the one with the lowest risk of resistance appears to be tenofovir (TDF). However there are several questions that remain unanswered regarding the use of TDF, including the proportion of patients that achieves suppression of HBV viral load and over what time, whether suppression is durable and whether prior treatment with other HBV-active drugs such as lamivudine, compromises the efficacy of TDF due to possible selection of resistant HBV strains. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis following PRISMA guidelines and using multilevel mixed effects logistic regression, stratified by prior and/or concomitant use of lamivudine and/or emtricitabine. Results: Data was available from 23 studies including 550 HBV/HIV coinfected patients treated with TDF. Follow up was for up to seven years but to ensure sufficient power the data analyses were limited to three years. The overall proportion achieving suppression of HBV replication was 57.4%, 79.0% and 85.6% at one, two and three years, respectively. No effect of prior or concomitant 3TC/FTC was shown. Virological rebound on TDF treatment was rare. Interpretation: TDF suppresses HBV to undetectable levels in the majority of HBV/HIV coinfected patients with the proportion fully suppressed continuing to increase during continuous treatment. Prior treatment with 3TC/FTC does not compromise efficacy of TDF treatment. The use of combination treatment with 3TC/FTC offers no significant benefit over TDF alone

    The nuclear immune receptor RPS4 is required for RRS1SLH1-dependent constitutive defense activation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) disease resistance (R) proteins recognize specific ‘‘avirulent’’ pathogen effectors and activate immune responses. NB-LRR proteins structurally and functionally resemble mammalian Nod-like receptors (NLRs). How NB-LRR and NLR proteins activate defense is poorly understood. The divergently transcribed Arabidopsis R genes, RPS4 (resistance to Pseudomonas syringae 4) and RRS1 (resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum 1), function together to confer recognition of Pseudomonas AvrRps4 and Ralstonia PopP2. RRS1 is the only known recessive NBLRR R gene and encodes a WRKY DNA binding domain, prompting suggestions that it acts downstream of RPS4 for transcriptional activation of defense genes. We define here the early RRS1-dependent transcriptional changes upon delivery of PopP2 via Pseudomonas type III secretion. The Arabidopsis slh1 (sensitive to low humidity 1) mutant encodes an RRS1 allele (RRS1SLH1) with a single amino acid (leucine) insertion in the WRKY DNA-binding domain. Its poor growth due to constitutive defense activation is rescued at higher temperature. Transcription profiling data indicate that RRS1SLH1-mediated defense activation overlaps substantially with AvrRps4- and PopP2-regulated responses. To better understand the genetic basis of RPS4/RRS1-dependent immunity, we performed a genetic screen to identify suppressor of slh1 immunity (sushi) mutants. We show that many sushi mutants carry mutations in RPS4, suggesting that RPS4 acts downstream or in a complex with RRS1. Interestingly, several mutations were identified in a domain C-terminal to the RPS4 LRR domain. Using an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay system, we demonstrate that the P-loop motif of RPS4 but not of RRS1SLH1 is required for RRS1SLH1 function. We also recapitulate the dominant suppression of RRS1SLH1 defense activation by wild type RRS1 and show this suppression requires an intact RRS1 P-loop. These analyses of RRS1SLH1 shed new light on mechanisms by which NB-LRR protein pairs activate defense signaling, or are held inactive in the absence of a pathogen effector

    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognize decameric peptide sequences of retinoblastoma binding protein 1 (RBP-1) associated with human breast cancer

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    Retinoblastoma binding protein 1 (RBP-1) is a 143-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein that promotes cell growth by inhibiting the product of retinoblastoma tumour suppressor gene (pRB). We recently found that RBP-1 contains KASIFLK, a heptameric peptide (250–256) recognized by human antibodies and overexpressed by breast cancer cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that human T-cells stimulated with RBP-1 decameric peptides containing KASIFLK can kill human breast cancer cells. These decamers, GLQKASIFLK (247–256) and KASIFLKTRV (250–259), have anchor motifs for both HLA-A2 and HLA-A3. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 41 normal donors were stimulated by these peptides in culture media containing 15 IU ml−1 interleukin-2, 25 IU ml−1 interleukin-7 and 500 IU ml−1 granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Cytotoxic activity of the T-cells was assessed against autologous B lymphoblastoid cells pulsed with each peptide. Stimulation by GLQKASIFLK generated specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) lines from HLA-A2, A3 donors, HLA-A2 donors and HLA-A3 donors. Stimulation with KASIFLKTRV generated specific CTL lines from HLA-A2 donors. No HLA-A2−, A3− CTL line showed specific cytotoxicity against these target cells. These CTL lines were also cytotoxic against HLA-A2 and HLA-A3 breast cancer cells but not against normal fibroblastoid cell lines, normal epidermal cell lines, or a melanoma cell line. RBP-1 peptide antigens may be of clinical significance as a potential peptide vaccine against human breast cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig