2,066 research outputs found

    Quasi-phasematching of harmonic generation via multimode beating in waveguides

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    A new scheme for quasi-phasematching high harmonic generation (HHG) in gases is proposed. In this, the rapid variation of the axial intensity resulting from excitation of more than one mode of a waveguide is used to achieve quasi phasematching. Numerical modeling demonstrates enhancement of the harmonic signal over that achieved for a single coherence length by factors >10^4.Comment: 6 pages including 3 figure

    A l% and 1cm Perspective Leads to a Novel CDOM Absorption Algorithm

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    A next-generation in-water profiler designed to measure the apparent optical properties of seawater was developed and validated across a wide dynamic range of water properties. This new Compact-Optical Profiling System (C-OPS) design uses a novel, kite-shaped, free-falling backplane with adjustable buoyancy and is based on 19 state-of-the-art microradiometers, spanning 320-780 nm. Data collected as part of the field commissioning were of a previously unachievable quality and showed that systematic uncertainties in the sampling protocols were discernible at the 1% optical and 1cm depth resolution levels. A sensitivity analysis as a function of three water types, established by the peak in the remote sensing reflectance spectra, revealed which water types and spectral domains were the most indicative of data acquisition uncertainties. The unprecedented vertical resolution of C-OPS measurements provided near-surface data products at the spectral endpoints with a quality level that has not been obtainable. The improved data allowed development of an algorithm for predicting the spectral absorption due to chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) using ratios of diffuse attenuation coefficients with over 99% of the variance in the data explained

    Structure of 10N in 9C+p resonance scattering

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    The structure of exotic nucleus 10N was studied using 9C+p resonance scattering. Two L=0 resonances were found to be the lowest states in 10N. The ground state of 10N is unbound with respect to proton decay by 2.2(2) or 1.9(2) MeV depending on the 2- or 1- spin-parity assignment, and the first excited state is unbound by 2.8(2) MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Satellite-Derived Distributions, Inventories and Fluxes of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Along the Northeastern U.S. Continental Margin

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    Estuaries and the coastal ocean experience a high degree of variability in the composition and concentration of particulate and dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a consequence of riverine and estuarine fluxes of terrigenous DOM, sediments, detritus and nutrients into coastal waters and associated phytoplankton blooms. Our approach integrates biogeochemical measurements, optical properties and remote sensing to examine the distributions and inventories of organic carbon in the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine. Algorithms developed to retrieve colored DOM (CDOM), Dissolved (DOC) and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) from NASA's MODIS-Aqua and SeaWiFS satellite sensors are applied to quantify the distributions and inventories of DOC and POC. Horizontal fluxes of DOC and POC from the continental margin to the open ocean are estimated from SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua distributions of DOC and POC and horizontal divergence fluxes obtained from the Northeastern North Atlantic ROMS model. SeaWiFS and MODIS imagery reveal the importance of estuarine outflow to the export of CDOM and DOC to the coastal ocean and a net community production of DOC on the shelf

    A scale-down mimic for mapping the process performance of centrifugation, depth and sterile filtration

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    In the production of biopharmaceuticals disk-stack centrifugation is widely used as a harvest step for the removal of cells and cellular debris. Depth filters followed by sterile filters are often then employed to remove residual solids remaining in the centrate. Process development of centrifugation is usually conducted at pilot-scale so as to mimic the commercial scale equipment but this method requires large quantities of cell culture and significant levels of effort for successful characterization. A scale-down approach based upon the use of a shear device and a bench-top centrifuge has been extended in this work towards a preparative methodology that successfully predicts the performance of the continuous centrifuge and polishing filters. The use of this methodology allows the effects of cell culture conditions and large-scale centrifugal process parameters on subsequent filtration performance to be assessed at an early stage of process development where material availability is limited

    New Role, New Country: introducing US physician assistants to Scotland

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    This paper draws from research commissioned by the Scottish Executive Health Department (SEHD). It provides a case study in the introduction of a new health care worker role into an already well established and "mature" workforce configuration It assesses the role of US style physician assistants (PAs), as a precursor to planned "piloting" of the PA role within the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland

    SeaWiFS technical report series. Volume 15: The simulated SesWiFS data set, version 2

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    This document describes the second version of the simulated SeaWiFS data set. A realistic simulated data set is essential for mission readiness preparations and can potentially assist in all phases of ground support for a future mission. The second version improves on the first version primarily through additional realism and complexity. This version incorporates a representation of virtually every aspect of the flight mission. Thus, it provides a high-fidelity data set for testing several aspects of the ground system, including data acquisition, data processing, data transfers, calibration and validation, quality control, and mission operations. The data set is constructed for a seven-day period, 25-31 March 1994. Specific features of the data set include Global Area coverage (GAC), recorded Local Area Coverage (LAC), and realtime High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) data for the seven-day period. A realistic orbit, which is propagated using a Brouwer-Lyddane model with drag, is used to simulate orbit positions. The simulated data corresponds to the command schedule based on the orbit for this seven-day period. It includes total (at-satellite) radiances not only for ocean, but for land, clouds, and ice. The simulation also utilizes a high-resolution land-sea mask. It includes the April 1993 SeaWiFS spectral responses and sensor saturation responses. The simulation is formatted according to July 1993 onboard data structures, which include corresponding telemetry (instrument and spacecraft) data. The methods are described and some examples of the output are given. The instrument response functions made available in April 1993 have been used to produce the Version 2 simulated data. These response functions will change as part of the sensor improvements initiated in July-August 1993
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