56 research outputs found

    Cytoplasmic dynein and its regulatory proteins in Golgi pathology in nervous system disorders

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    The Golgi apparatus is a dynamic organelle involved in processing and sorting of lipids and proteins. In neurons, the Golgi apparatus is important for the development of axons and dendrites and maintenance of their highly complex polarized morphology. The motor protein complex cytoplasmic dynein has an important role in Golgi apparatus positioning and function. Together, with dynactin and other regulatory factors it drives microtubule minus-end directed motility of Golgi membranes. Inhibition of dynein results in fragmentation and dispersion of the Golgi ribbon in the neuronal cell body, resembling the Golgi abnormalities observed in some neurodegenerative disorders, in particular motor neuron diseases. Mutations in dynein and its regulatory factors, including the dynactin subunit p150Glued, BICD2 and Lis-1, are associated with several human nervous system disorders, including cortical malformation and motor neuropathy. Here we review the role of dynein and its regulatory factors in Golgi function and positioning, and the potential role of dynein malfunction in causing Golgi apparatus abnormalities in nervous system disorders

    Australian water security and Asian food security: complexity and macroeconomics of sustainability

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    The thesis focuses on the macroeconomics of sustainable development and the extension to energy, water and food security, using a system dynamics approach, i.e. the methods of differential equations systems with initial values. The work is divided into three related parts that build a narrative concerning the interaction between economics, policy, natural resources and society. First, after reviewing the concepts of complexity in environmental security, a simple system comprising three coupled differential equations is used to explain the effects of macroeconomic business cycles on the exploitation of ecological resources, and from this is inferred an implied importance of averting business cycles. The concept of entropy production is used to represent the exploitation of ecological resources. The second part establishes a system methodology inspired by Post Keynesian economics to develop the Murray-Darling Basin Economy Simulation Model that links food production/water users and food consumers at the micro scale, to the macroeconomic system dynamics. The goal of this study is to integrate and analyze the ecological-economic system in the Murray-Darling basin. The concepts of entropy production, useful work and income distribution are used as a bridge between the micro and macro subsystems. The system parameters are estimated using an ecological-economic data set for the Murray-Darling basin and for Australia (where data of the Basin are unavailable) from 1978-2005, and the model is validated using data from 2006-2012. The results reveal important structural linkages between the two subsystems and are used to predict the consequences of business cycles and government intervention for the coordination of growth and sustainability. The third, and final, part presents the development of an ``Asian Food Security Risk Engine'' that predicts the threat of civil unrest from food insecurity in Asian developing countries. A basal characteristics index for each developing country in Asia is defined and evaluated. Based on these measures, and introducing the concept of flow of anger, we use a differential equation system to integrate the threat of food security, the trigger for food riots, and food policy. The system parameters are estimated using a data set tracking indexes for threat, trigger and policy for Asian developing countries from 2006-2008, and the model is validated using data from 2009-2012. The results show the possible alternative approaches to simulating threat severity from food insecurity and are used to predict the threat of social unrest due to food security for a given country one month ahead

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated VAPB-P56S inclusions represent an ER quality control compartment

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    BACKGROUND: Protein aggregation and the formation of intracellular inclusions are a central feature of many neurodegenerative disorders, but precise knowledge about their pathogenic role is lacking in most instances. Here we have characterized inclusions formed in transgenic mice carrying the P56S mutant form of VAPB that causes various motor neuron syndromes including ALS8.RESULTS: Inclusions in motor neurons of VAPB-P56S transgenic mice are characterized by the presence of smooth ER-like tubular profiles, and are immunoreactive for factors that operate in the ER associated degradation (ERAD) pathway, including p97/VCP, Derlin-1, and the ER membrane chaperone BAP31. The presence of these inclusions does not correlate with signs of axonal and neuronal degeneration, and axotomy leads to their gradual disappearance, indicating that they represent reversible structures. Inhibition of the proteasome and knockdown of the ER membrane chaperone BAP31 increased the size of mutant VAPB inclusions in primary neuron cultures, while knockdown of TEB4, an ERAD ubiquitin-protein ligase, reduced their size. Mutant VAPB did not codistribute with mutant forms of seipin that are associated with an autosomal dominant motor neuron disease, and accumulate in a protective ER derived compartment termed ERPO (ER protective organelle) in neurons.CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that the VAPB-P56S inclusions represent a novel reversible ER quality control compartment that is formed when the amount of mutant VAPB exceeds the capacity of the ERAD pathway and that isolates misfolded and aggregated VAPB from the rest of the ER. The presence of this quality control compartment reveals an additional level of flexibility of neurons to cope with misfolded protein stress in the ER

    The mechanism of kinesin inhibition by kinesin binding protein

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    Subcellular compartmentalisation is necessary for eukaryotic cell function. Spatial and temporal regulation of kinesin activity is essential for building these local environments via control of intracellular cargo distribution. Kinesin binding protein (KBP) interacts with a subset of kinesins via their motor domains, inhibits their microtubule (MT) attachment and blocks their cellular function. However, its mechanisms of inhibition and selectivity have been unclear. Here we use cryo-electron microscopy to reveal the structure of KBP and of a KBP-kinesin motor domain complex. KBP is a TPR-containing, right-handed α-solenoid that sequesters the kinesin motor domain’s tubulin-binding surface, structurally distorting the motor domain and sterically blocking its MT attachment. KBP uses its α-solenoid concave face and edge loops to bind the kinesin motor domain, and selected structure-guided mutations disrupt KBP inhibition of kinesin transport in cells. The KBP-interacting motor domain surface contains motifs exclusively conserved in KBP-interacting kinesins, suggesting a basis for kinesin selectivity

    Visualization of microtubule growth in cultured neurons via the use of EB3-GFP (end-binding protein 3-green fluorescent protein)

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    Several microtubule binding proteins, including CLIP-170 (cytoplasmic linker protein-170), CLIP-115, and EB1 (end-binding protein 1), have been shown to associate specifically with the ends of growing microtubules in non-neuronal cells, thereby regulating microtubule dynamics and the binding of microtubules to protein complexes, organelles, and membranes. When fused to GFP (green fluorescent protein), these proteins, which collectively are called +TIPs (plus end tracking proteins), also serve as powerful markers for visualizing microtubule growth events. Here we demonstrate that e

    Antibodies to TRIM46 are associated with paraneoplastic neurological syndromes.

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    Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are often characterized by the presence of antineuronal antibodies in patient serum or cerebrospinal fluid. The detection of antineuronal antibodies has proven to be a useful tool in PNS diagnosis and the search for an underlying tumor. Here, we describe three patients with autoantibodies to several epitopes of the axon initial segment protein tripartite motif 46 (TRIM46). We show that anti-TRIM46 antibodies are easy to detect in routine immunohistochemistry screening and can be confirmed by western blotting and cell-based assay. Anti-TRIM46 antibodies can occur in patients with diverse neurological syndromes and are associated with small-cell lung carcinoma

    Dynein activating adaptor BICD2 controls radial migration of upper-layer cortical neurons in vivo

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    For the proper organization of the six-layered mammalian neocortex it is required that neurons migrate radially from their place of birth towards their designated destination. The molecular machinery underlying this neuronal migration is still poorly understood. The dynein-adaptor protein BICD2 is associated with a spectrum of human neurologi

    Developmental and Activity-Dependent miRNA Expression Profiling in Primary Hippocampal Neuron Cultures

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are evolutionarily conserved non-coding RNAs of ∼22 nucleotides that regulate gene expression at the level of translation and play vital roles in hippocampal neuron development, function and plasticity. Here, we performed a systematic and in-depth analysis of miRNA expression profiles in cultured hippocampal neurons during development and after induction of neuronal activity. MiRNA profiling of primary hippocampal cultures was carried out using locked nucleic-acid-based miRNA arrays. The expression of 264 different miRNAs was tested in young neurons, at various developmental stages (stage 2-4) and in mature fully differentiated neurons (stage 5) following the induction of neuronal activity using chemical stimulation protocols. We identified 210 miRNAs in mature hippocampal neurons; the expression of most neuronal miRNAs is low at early stages of development and steadily increases during neuronal differentiation. We found a specific subset of 14 miRNAs with reduced expression at stage 3 and showed that sustained expression of these miRNAs stimulates axonal outgrowth. Expression profiling following induction of neuronal activity demonstrates that 51 miRNAs, including miR-134, miR-146, miR-181, miR-185, miR-191 and miR-200a show altered patterns of expression after NMDA receptor-dependent plasticity, and 31 miRNAs, including miR-107, miR-134, miR-470 and miR-546 were upregulated by homeostatic plasticity protocols. Our results indicate that specific miRNA expression profiles correlate with changes in neuronal development and neuronal activity. Identification and characterization of miRNA targets may further elucidate translational control mechanisms involved in hippocampal development, differentiation and activity-depended processes