797 research outputs found
Generalized Centrifugal Force Model for Pedestrian Dynamics
A spatially continuous force-based model for simulating pedestrian dynamics
is introduced which includes an elliptical volume exclusion of pedestrians. We
discuss the phenomena of oscillations and overlapping which occur for certain
choices of the forces. The main intention of this work is the quantitative
description of pedestrian movement in several geometries. Measurements of the
fundamental diagram in narrow and wide corridors are performed. The results of
the proposed model show good agreement with empirical data obtained in
controlled experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication as a Regular Article
in Physical Review E. This version contains minor change
Quantitative analysis of pedestrian counterflow in a cellular automaton model
Pedestrian dynamics exhibits various collective phenomena. Here we study
bidirectional pedestrian flow in a floor field cellular automaton model. Under
certain conditions, lane formation is observed. Although it has often been
studied qualitatively, e.g., as a test for the realism of a model, there are
almost no quantitative results, neither empirically nor theoretically. As basis
for a quantitative analysis we introduce an order parameter which is adopted
from the analysis of colloidal suspensions. This allows to determine a phase
diagram for the system where four different states (free flow, disorder, lanes,
gridlock) can be distinguished. Although the number of lanes formed is
fluctuating, lanes are characterized by a typical density. It is found that the
basic floor field model overestimates the tendency towards a gridlock compared
to experimental bounds. Therefore an anticipation mechanism is introduced which
reduces the jamming probability.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Constant net-time headway as key mechanism behind pedestrian flow dynamics
We show that keeping a constant lower limit on the net-time headway is the
key mechanism behind the dynamics of pedestrian streams. There is a large
variety in flow and speed as functions of density for empirical data of
pedestrian streams, obtained from studies in different countries. The net-time
headway however, stays approximately constant over all these different data
sets. By using this fact, we demonstrate how the underlying dynamics of
pedestrian crowds, naturally follows from local interactions. This means that
there is no need to come up with an arbitrary fit function (with arbitrary fit
parameters) as has traditionally been done. Further, by using not only the
average density values, but the variance as well, we show how the recently
reported stop-and-go waves [Helbing et al., Physical Review E, 75, 046109]
emerge when local density variations take values exceeding a certain maximum
global (average) density, which makes pedestrians stop.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
Solving the Direction Field for Discrete Agent Motion
Models for pedestrian dynamics are often based on microscopic approaches
allowing for individual agent navigation. To reach a given destination, the
agent has to consider environmental obstacles. We propose a direction field
calculated on a regular grid with a Moore neighborhood, where obstacles are
represented by occupied cells. Our developed algorithm exactly reproduces the
shortest path with regard to the Euclidean metric.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
The Fundamental Diagram of Pedestrian Movement Revisited
The empirical relation between density and velocity of pedestrian movement is
not completely analyzed, particularly with regard to the `microscopic' causes
which determine the relation at medium and high densities. The simplest system
for the investigation of this dependency is the normal movement of pedestrians
along a line (single-file movement). This article presents experimental results
for this system under laboratory conditions and discusses the following
observations: The data show a linear relation between the velocity and the
inverse of the density, which can be regarded as the required length of one
pedestrian to move. Furthermore we compare the results for the single-file
movement with literature data for the movement in a plane. This comparison
shows an unexpected conformance between the fundamental diagrams, indicating
that lateral interference has negligible influence on the velocity-density
relation at the density domain . In addition we test a
procedure for automatic recording of pedestrian flow characteristics. We
present preliminary results on measurement range and accuracy of this method.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure
Statistical mechanics of non-hamiltonian systems: Traffic flow
Statistical mechanics of a small system of cars on a single-lane road is
developed. The system is not characterized by a Hamiltonian but by a
conditional probability of a velocity of a car for the given velocity and
distance of the car ahead. Distribution of car velocities for various densities
of a group of cars are derived as well as probabilities of density fluctuations
of the group for different velocities. For high braking abilities of cars
free-flow and congested phases are found. Platoons of cars are formed for
system of cars with inefficient brakes. A first order phase transition between
free-flow and congested phase is suggested.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, presented at TGF, Paris, 200
Calibrating Car-Following Models using Trajectory Data: Methodological Study
The car-following behavior of individual drivers in real city traffic is
studied on the basis of (publicly available) trajectory datasets recorded by a
vehicle equipped with an radar sensor. By means of a nonlinear optimization
procedure based on a genetic algorithm, we calibrate the Intelligent Driver
Model and the Velocity Difference Model by minimizing the deviations between
the observed driving dynamics and the simulated trajectory when following the
same leading vehicle. The reliability and robustness of the nonlinear fits are
assessed by applying different optimization criteria, i.e., different measures
for the deviations between two trajectories. The obtained errors are in the
range between~11% and~29% which is consistent with typical error ranges
obtained in previous studies. In addition, we found that the calibrated
parameter values of the Velocity Difference Model strongly depend on the
optimization criterion, while the Intelligent Driver Model is more robust in
this respect. By applying an explicit delay to the model input, we investigated
the influence of a reaction time. Remarkably, we found a negligible influence
of the reaction time indicating that drivers compensate for their reaction time
by anticipation. Furthermore, the parameter sets calibrated to a certain
trajectory are applied to the other trajectories allowing for model validation.
The results indicate that ``intra-driver variability'' rather than
``inter-driver variability'' accounts for a large part of the calibration
errors. The results are used to suggest some criteria towards a benchmarking of
car-following models
Criterion for traffic phases in single vehicle data and empirical test of a microscopic three-phase traffic theory
A microscopic criterion for distinguishing synchronized flow and wide moving
jam phases in single vehicle data measured at a single freeway location is
presented. Empirical local congested traffic states in single vehicle data
measured on different days are classified into synchronized flow states and
states consisting of synchronized flow and wide moving jam(s). Then empirical
microscopic characteristics for these different local congested traffic states
are studied. Using these characteristics and empirical spatiotemporal
macroscopic traffic phenomena, an empirical test of a microscopic three-phase
traffic flow theory is performed. Simulations show that the microscopic
criterion and macroscopic spatiotemporal objective criteria lead to the same
identification of the synchronized flow and wide moving jam phases in congested
traffic. It is found that microscopic three-phase traffic models can explain
both microscopic and macroscopic empirical congested pattern features. It is
obtained that microscopic distributions for vehicle speed difference as well as
fundamental diagrams and speed correlation functions can depend on the spatial
co-ordinate considerably. It turns out that microscopic optimal velocity (OV)
functions and time headway distributions are not necessarily qualitatively
different, even if local congested traffic states are qualitatively different.
The reason for this is that important spatiotemporal features of congested
traffic patterns are it lost in these as well as in many other macroscopic and
microscopic traffic characteristics, which are widely used as the empirical
basis for a test of traffic flow models, specifically, cellular automata
traffic flow models.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure
Experimental study of pedestrian flow through a bottleneck
In this work the results of a bottleneck experiment with pedestrians are
presented in the form of total times, fluxes, specific fluxes, and time gaps. A
main aim was to find the dependence of these values from the bottleneck width.
The results show a linear decline of the specific flux with increasing width as
long as only one person at a time can pass, and a constant value for larger
bottleneck widths. Differences between small (one person at a time) and wide
bottlenecks (two persons at a time) were also found in the distribution of time
gaps.Comment: accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec
Two-way multi-lane traffic model for pedestrians in corridors
We extend the Aw-Rascle macroscopic model of car traffic into a two-way
multi-lane model of pedestrian traffic. Within this model, we propose a
technique for the handling of the congestion constraint, i.e. the fact that the
pedestrian density cannot exceed a maximal density corresponding to contact
between pedestrians. In a first step, we propose a singularly perturbed
pressure relation which models the fact that the pedestrian velocity is
considerably reduced, if not blocked, at congestion. In a second step, we carry
over the singular limit into the model and show that abrupt transitions between
compressible flow (in the uncongested regions) to incompressible flow (in
congested regions) occur. We also investigate the hyperbolicity of the two-way
models and show that they can lose their hyperbolicity in some cases. We study
a diffusive correction of these models and discuss the characteristic time and
length scales of the instability
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