11 research outputs found

    A Risk Analysis of International Investments

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    この数十年間、株式市場においては益々グローバル化が進み、株の取引システムの電子化により外国株式市場への投資が容易になった。特に、新興国市場は先進国市場よりずっと高い利回りをもたらす可能性を示している。しかし、新興国市場への投資は高いリスクを伴う。本稿は新興国市場のリスクと利回りを分析し、先進国市場のそれと比較する。また、効率的ポートフォリオによって、利回りを減少させずにどの程度までリスクを分散できるか、或はリスクを増加させずにどの程度まで利回りを増加できるかを測定する。併せて、実際のデータから求めた結果を示す。Over the last few decades, stock markets have become increasingly global and computerized trading systems have kept facilitating investments into foreign stock markets. In particular, emerging markets have shown possibilities of returns considerably higher than those of developed markets. However, an important downside is the high risk often pertaining to investments in emerging markets. In this paper, we analyze the risk and returns of emerging markets and compare them to those of developed markets. Further, we attempt to determine to what extent an efficient international portfolio can diversify risk without lowering returns, or increase returns without increasing risk. Results from actual data are provided


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    明代文学の一大歴史小説、馮夢龍の「東周列国志」は、大歴史書である司馬遷の「史記」を元にした作品である。周宣王時代に焦点を当て、「史記」を軸として他の中国古典「墨子」「説苑」なども織り交ぜられた「東周列国志」の小説の比較分析を行う。また中国古典の内容をより豊かに仕上げ脚色として用いられている特徴についても触れてゆく。We present a comparative analysis between a major piece of Ming literature from the Ming dynasty titled Chronicles of Eastern Zhou Powers by Feng Menglong and pre-Han classical texts such as The Grand Scribe’s Records, Mozi, and Garden of Stories. These classical texts pertain to the thought of Sima Qian, also known as the first Grand Historian of China. This paper focuses on historical events during the reign of King Xuan of Zhou, and we consider through concrete examples how the thought of Sima Qian was dramatized in this piece of Ming literature


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    Over the last few decades, there has been in the west a strong interest for ancient Chinese texts in military strategy such as the Art of War by Sun Tzu and the Thirty-six Stratagems. In particular, concrete applications of the concepts enunciated in these texts have been found not only in modern warfare but also in corporate strategy. However, one ancient historical text little known in the west is of equal or greater relevance to ancient Chinese strategy: The Commentary of Zuo. In this paper, we demonstrate the importance of this text through a contextual analysis involving each of the thirty-six stratagems. Examples are provided.:欧米では、この数十年間「孫子兵法」や「三十六計」等、古代中国の兵法に注目が集まっている。特に、その文献に記載される概念は戦術だけではなく企業の戦略にも応用されてきた。しかし、同じく重要な古代中国の兵法である古典「左伝」は欧米ではあまり知られていない。本稿は「左伝」の重要性を示すため、三十六計との関連分析を行い事例も記述する

    Phonetic Patterns in Sino-Japanese Poetry

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    The focus of this paper is on phonetic patterns of ancient Chinese poetry and Sino-Japanese poetry, and one objective is to assess the validity of the Cantonese dialect for reconstructing the phonetic rules of ancient Chinese poetry. A comparative data analysis is presented. While our results are in accordance with widely accepted facts in Chinese phonology on the topic, they also include several counter-intuitive exceptions. This study aims to be relevant not only in Chinese poetry but also in a Japanese literary context, as the work of a large number of prominent Japanese literary thinkers includes numerous Sino-Japanese poems, or nihon kanshi (日本漢詩), whose rules and patterns are known to be based on ancient Chinese phonetics rather than on Japanese phonetics. Numerical data and examples are provided

    ジェネリックスキルテストを使用した言語学習能力評価の実行可能性:2018 年度多摩大学共同研究プロジェクト報告

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    This report explains the preliminary findings of a longitudinal study that uses statistical analyses of PROG scores and TOEIC scores to determine if the PROG might be an indicator of language learning ability. PROG scores for Literacy and Competency from 2018 for a group of university freshmen were correlated with English grades, TOEIC scores and changes in TOEIC scores over time. Additional correlations were calculated for sub-groups such as TOEIC range and gender. The preliminary findings indicate weak correlations between PROG scores and TOEIC scores. Similarly, there are weak to moderate correlations between PROG scores and final grades in English classes. More importantly, the correlation coefficients are statistically significant at less than .05 p value and less than .01 p value. Although more data analysis is necessary, the results indicate that generic skills tests can provide language educators with valuable information for both language course design and student placement into language course levels.本稿では、PROG が言語学習能力の指標であるかどうかを判断するために行ったPROG スコアとTOEIC スコアの統計分析を使用した縦断的研究の予備調査結果を報告する。2018 年の大学の新入生のグループが受験したPROG のリテラシーとコンピテンシーのスコアが、英語の成績、TOEIC スコア、及び時間経過に伴うTOEICスコアの変化と相関しているかを分析した。さらに、TOEIC スコアの分布や性別などの下位グループについても相関関係を調べた。予備調査の結果は、PROG スコアとTOEIC スコアの間に弱い相関があることを示している。同様に、PROG スコアと英語クラスの成績との間には弱から中程度の相関がみられた。より重要なことに、相関係数は .05p値未満および .01p値未満で、統計的に有意である。より多くのデータの分析が必要であるが、本研究は、ジェネリックスキルテストが語学コースの設計とコース受講者のプレースメントに役立ち、語学教育の担当者に貴重な情報を提供できる可能性を示している

    Phonetic Patterns in Sino-Japanese Poetry

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    Phonetic Patterns in Sino-Japanese Poetry

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    publisher藤沢The focus of this paper is on phonetic patterns of ancient Chinese poetry and Sino-Japanese poetry, and one objective is to assess the validity of the Cantonese dialect for reconstructing the phonetic rules of ancient Chinese poetry. A comparative data analysis is presented. While our results are in accordance with widely accepted facts in Chinese phonology on the topic, they also include several counter-intuitive exceptions. This study aims to be relevant not only in Chinese poetry but also in a Japanese literary context, as the work of a large number of prominent Japanese literary thinkers includes numerous Sino-Japanese poems, or nihon kanshi (日本漢詩), whose rules and patterns are known to be based on ancient Chinese phonetics rather than on Japanese phonetics. Numerical data and examples are provided.