2,811 research outputs found

    Magnetism, structure, and charge correlation at a pressure-induced Mott-Hubbard insulator-metal transition

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    We use synchrotron x-ray diffraction and electrical transport under pressure to probe both the magnetism and the structure of single crystal NiS2 across its Mott-Hubbard transition. In the insulator, the low-temperature antiferromagnetic order results from superexchange among correlated electrons and couples to a (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) superlattice distortion. Applying pressure suppresses the insulating state, but enhances the magnetism as the superexchange increases with decreasing lattice constant. By comparing our results under pressure to previous studies of doped crystals we show that this dependence of the magnetism on the lattice constant is consistent for both band broadening and band filling. In the high pressure metallic phase the lattice symmetry is reduced from cubic to monoclinic, pointing to the primary influence of charge correlations at the transition. There exists a wide regime of phase separation that may be a general characteristic of correlated quantum matter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Modus Vivendi Beyond the Social Contract: Peace, Justice, and Survival in Realist Political Theory

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    This essay examines the promise of the notion of modus vivendi for realist political theory. I interpret recent theories of modus vivendi as affirming the priority of peace over justice, and explore several ways of making sense of this idea. I proceed to identify two key problems for modus vivendi theory, so conceived. Normatively speaking, it remains unclear how this approach can sustain a realist critique of Rawlsian theorizing about justice while avoiding a Hobbesian endorsement of absolutism. And conceptually, the theory remains wedded to a key feature of social contract theory: political order is conceived as based on agreement. This construes the horizontal tensions among individual or group agents in society as prior to the vertical, authoritative relations between authorities and their subjects. Political authority thereby appears from the start as a solution to societal conflict, rather than a problem in itself. I argue that this way of framing the issue abstracts from political experience. Instead I attempt to rethink the notion of modus vivendi from within the lived experience of political conflict, as oriented not primarily toward peace, but political survival. With this shift of perspective, the idea of modus vivendi shows us, pace Bernard Williams, that the “first political question” is not how to achieve order and stability, but rather: what can I live with

    Verwey transition in Fe3_{3}O4_{4} at high pressure: quantum critical behavior at the onset of metallization

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    We provide evidence for the existence of a {\em quantum critical point} at the metallization of magnetite Fe3_{3}O4_{4} at an applied pressure of pc8p_{c} \approx 8 GPa. We show that the present ac magnetic susceptibility data support earlier resistivity data. The Verwey temperature scales with pressure TV(1p/pc)νT_{V}\sim (1-p/p_{c})^{\nu}, with ν1/3\nu\sim 1/3. The resistivity data shows a temperature dependence ρ(T)=ρ0+ATn\rho(T)=\rho_{0}+AT^{n}, with n3n\simeq 3 above and 2.5 at the critical pressure, respectively. This difference in nn with pressure is a sign of critical behavior at pcp_{c}. The magnetic susceptibility is smooth near the critical pressure, both at the Verwey transition and near the ferroelectric anomaly. A comparison with the critical behavior observed in the Mott-Hubbard and related systems is made.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    High sensitivity sensor for moderate pressures

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    The metal-insulator transition of (V_(0.99)Ti_(0.01))_2O_3 is marked by dramatic changes in the electrical resistivity and the magnetic susceptibility, with a linear pressure variation of -6.06 K/kbar for P≤15 kbar. We propose its use as the sensing element of a manometer in applications where the superconducting transition of soft metals has been traditional

    Effect of correlations and disorder on electron states in the Mott-Hubbard insulator V_2O_3

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    We compare vanadium-deficient (nonstoichiometric) and titanium-doped vanadium sesquioxide through measurements of the electrical resistivity at a series of hydrostatic pressures, the magnetic susceptibility, and the low-temperature specific heat: all as a function of T. The pressure dependence of the critical temperature for this discontinuous metal-antiferromagnetic-insulator transition as well as the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility track in the two cases. However, the pressure dependence of the Hubbard gap, the slower than exponential form of the low-temperature resistivity, and the concentration of two-level systems are markedly different for V_(1.9967)O_3 and (V_(0.99)Ti_(0.01))_2O_3. We discuss our results in terms of the intra-atomic Coulomb repulsion, which is of comparable magnitude to the bare bandwidth of the vanadium 3d states. The band splitting in the antiferromagnetic insulating state is argued to cross over to a Slater-type splitting between the subbands narrowed by correlations with a sufficient degree of oxygen nonstoichiometry or Ti doping

    Nonlinear electric field effects at a continuous Mott-Hubbard transition

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    We characterize the non-Ohmic portion of the conductivity at temperatures T < 1 K in the highly correlated transition metal chalcogenide Ni(S, Se)_2. Pressure tuning of the T = 0 metal-insulator transition reveals the influence of the quantum critical point and permits a direct determination of the dynamical critical exponent z = 2.7_(-0.4)^(+0.3) Within the framework of finite temperature scaling, we find that the spatial correlation length exponent ν and the conductivity exponent μ differ

    Relation among concentrations of incorporated Mn atoms, ionized Mn acceptors, and holes in p-(Ga,Mn)As epilayers

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    The amount of ionized Mn acceptors in various p-type Mn-doped GaAs epilayers has been evaluated by electrochemical capacitance-voltage measurements, and has been compared systematically with concentrations of incorporated Mn atoms and holes for wide range of Mn concentration (10^17 ~ 10^21 cm^-3). Quantitative assessment of anomalous Hall effect at room temperature is also carried out for the first time.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, tabl

    Mass enhancement and magnetic order at the Mott-Hubbard transition

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    We study the evolution with pressure P and band filling y of the heat capacity, Hall coefficient, and resistivity at the approach to the T→0 Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition (MIT) in highly correlated V_(2-y)O_3. Under P, the electronic effective mass m* diverges at the MIT with a negligible change in carrier concentration n away from half-filling. Conversely, in the doped system m* actually decreases as the MIT is approached, while n increases linearly with y. The low-T magnetic order in the metal helps us deconvolute contributions from charge correlations and spin fluctuations

    Magnetic and transport studies of pure V_2O_3 under pressure

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    We report a systematic study of the resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of pure V_2O_3, the original Mott-Hubbard system at half filling, for pressures 0≤P≤25 kbar and temperatures 0.35≤T≤300 K. We also study (V_(0.99)Ti_(0.01)_2O_3 under pressure in order to elucidate the role of disorder on a metal-insulator transition in the highly correlated limit. Despite the low level of doping, we find that the two systems are very different. We observe a conventional collapsing of the Mott-Hubbard gap only for stoichiometric V_2_O3; the Ti disorder stabilizes the long-range antiferromagnetic order and a magnetic Slater gap. Moreover, we discover different P-T phase diagrams for the two systems, with a decoupling of the charge and spin degrees of freedom at the approach to the T=0, pressure-driven metal-insulator transition in pure V_2O_3