2,131 research outputs found

    Myopic Versus Farsighted Behaviors in a Low-Carbon Supply Chain with Reference Emission Effects

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    The increased carbon emissions cause relatively climate deterioration and attract more attention of governments, consumers, and enterprises to the low-carbon manufacturing. This paper considers a dynamic supply chain, which is composed of a manufacturer and a retailer, in the presence of the cap-and-trade regulation and the consumers’ reference emission effects. To investigate the manufacturer’s behavior choice and its impacts on the emission reduction and pricing strategies together with the profits of both the channel members, we develop a Stackelberg differential game model in which the manufacturer acts in both myopic and farsighted manners. By comparing the equilibrium strategies, it can be found that the farsighted manufacturer always prefers to keep a lower level of emission reduction. When the emission permit price is relatively high, the wholesale/retail price is lower if the manufacturer is myopic and hence benefits consumers. In addition, there exists a dilemma that the manufacturer is willing to act in a farsighted manner but the retailer looks forward to a partnership with the myopic manufacturer. For a relatively high price of emission permit, adopting myopic strategies results in a better performance of the whole supply chain

    Existence of periodic solutions for a periodic mutualism model on time scales

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    AbstractBy using Mawhin's continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, sufficient criteria are obtained for the existence of periodic solutions of the mutualism model{xΔ(t)=r1(t)[K1(t)+α1(t)exp{y(t−τ2(t,y(t)))}1+exp{y(t−τ2(t,y(t)))}−exp{x(t−σ1(t,x(t)))}],yΔ(t)=r2(t)[K2(t)+α2(t)exp{x(t−τ1(t,x(t)))}1+exp{x(t−τ1(t,x(t)))}−exp{y(t−σ2(t,y(t)))}], where ri,Ki,αi∈C(T,R+), αi>Ki, i=1,2, τi,σi∈C(T×R,T+), i=1,2, ri, Ki, αi, τi, σi (i=1,2) are functions of period ω>0

    Extremal Solutions of Periodic Boundary Value Problems for First-Order Impulsive Integrodifferential Equations of Mixed-Type on Time Scales

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    We consider the existence of minimal and maximal solutions of periodic boundary value problems for first-order impulsive integrodifferential equations of mixed-type on time scales by establishing a comparison result and using the monotone iterative technique

    Research and Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Petroleum Colleges Based on OBE Concept

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    Deepening the research on the topic of “Research on the current situation of innovation and entrepreneurship practice among college students and analysis of response strategies” is of great value to the healthy operation and coordinated development of college students, higher education institutions, the whole society and the country, and plays a positive role in creating the excellent trend of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the whole society. It plays a great role in promoting the optimization and adjustment of the economic and industrial structure, the rationalization of market resources, the increase of employment opportunities, the improvement of employment quality and the improvement of people’s living standards. At the same time, combined with the support of sociology and related innovation and entrepreneurship theories, the study from a new perspective provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance for university students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and provides certain reference value for further in-depth study of social innovation and entrepreneurship development work
