286 research outputs found

    The rising of livestream business model: Insights fromthe case study of TikTok in the UK

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    Consumer purchasing behaviours have experienced a revolution from offline shopping malls to social media Livestream during the last decade (Sorescu et al., 2011). This study adopts the case-study approach and an online focus group with the managers of TikTok trading business in the UK to examine how TikTok\u27s retailing path can help brands or sellers build a close tie with consumers. This paper concludes with how the TikTok Livestream commercialization pathway impacts the conventional business model. Three conclusions are drawn from this study. Firstly, a video creator who holds the Intellectual Property of a TikTok account plays an essential role as the Livestream video influencer. They have created value for their followers and drive consumers\u27 intention of purchasing behaviour. The livestream of video creators provides opportunities for consumers to interact with the video creator and other consumers. Secondly, Livestream video shopping breaks the limitations of offline physical space and attracts consumers efficiently. Thirdly, social e-commerce empowered by artificial intelligence technologies including image analysis and text analysis plays an essential role in targeting consumers and sustaining the operation of the Livestream shopping platform

    Concurrent Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Software-Transactional-Memory Based Applications

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    Typical Byzantine fault tolerance algorithms require the application requests to be executed sequentially, which may severely limit the throughput of the system considering that modern CPUs are equipped with multiple processing cores. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a Byzantine fault tolerance framework for software-transactional-memory based applications that aims to maximize concurrent processing while preserving strong replica consistency. The approach is based on the idea of committing concurrent transactions according to the total order of the requests that triggered the transactions. A comprehensive performance evaluation is carried out to characterize the effectiveness and limitations of this approach

    Regulation of chromatin transitions in the 3D architecture of the nucleus

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    The thesis explores the dynamic features and functions of chromatin crosstalk in the 3D nucleus space, with a focus on the regulation of chromatin transitions. In Paper I we employed the circular chromosome conformation capture assay (4C) and Chromatin in situ Proximity (ChrISP) technique to uncover an inter-chromosomal chromatin fiber interactome comprising both transcriptionally active circadian genes and repressed lamina-associated domains (LADs). Moreover, we documented that this interactome was under the control of the circadian clock. Synchronization of circadian transcriptional oscillations by external time cues thus involved the rhythmic mobility of clock-controlled genes between the transcriptionally permissive nuclear interior and the repressive environment of the lamina. The transient interactions between LADs and circadian genes were regulated by rhythmic complex-formation between the 3D genome organizers PARP1 and CTCF, which not only served as molecular ties of the chromatin fiber network, but also regulated chromatin mobility to and from the lamina and, as a consequence, circadian gene expression. In Paper II, we described a novel principle regulating MYC expression in colon cancer cells. Using an innovated method, Nodewalk, and ChrISP, we thus found that the oncogenic colorectal super-enhancer (OSE) regulated MYC expression at the post-transcriptional level by facilitating "gene-gating". OSE/MYC complexes were dynamically tethered to the nuclear pores specifically in cancer cells by interactions between ELYS/AHCTF1 that connects chromatin to the NUP107 nuclear pore subcomplex and the ß-catenin-TCF4 complex. Tethering to the nuclear pores facilitated the nuclear export of MYC transcripts into the cytoplasm where the stability of MYC mRNAs is several-fold higher than in the nucleus, resulting in a several-fold increase of cellular MYC mRNA levels in human colon cancer cells. WNT signalling thus regulates pathological MYC mRNA export post-transcriptionally through ß-catenin-TCF4-ELYS complex formation. In summary, this thesis describes new principles of gene regulation in the 3D nuclear architecture, including circadian transcriptional regulation and OSE-facilitated gene gating. They open up new avenues for our understanding of the function and dynamics of the 3D nuclear architecture and genome organization, and provide new directions for cancer treatment

    The rising of livestream business model: Insights fromthe case study of TikTok in the UK

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    Consumer purchasing behaviours have experienced a revolution from offline shopping malls to social media Livestream during the last decade (Sorescu et al., 2011). This study adopts the case-study approach and an online focus group with the managers of TikTok trading business in the UK to examine how TikTok's retailing path can help brands or sellers build a close tie with consumers. This paper concludes with how the TikTok Livestream commercialization pathway impacts the conventional business model. Three conclusions are drawn from this study. Firstly, a video creator who holds the Intellectual Property of a TikTok account plays an essential role as the Livestream video influencer. They have created value for their followers and drive consumers' intention of purchasing behaviour. The livestream of video creators provides opportunities for consumers to interact with the video creator and other consumers. Secondly, Livestream video shopping breaks the limitations of offline physical space and attracts consumers efficiently. Thirdly, social e-commerce empowered by artificial intelligence technologies including image analysis and text analysis plays an essential role in targeting consumers and sustaining the operation of the Livestream shopping platform

    On boundedness and attractiveness of nonlinear switched delay systems

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    This paper is concerned with the boundedness and attractiveness of nonlinear switched delay systems whose subsystems have different equilibria. Some sufficient conditions which can guarantee the system’s boundedness are obtained. In addition, we work out the region where the solution will remain and furthermore the relationship between the initial function and the bounded region. Based on the new concept of attractor with switching laws, we show that the nonlinear switched delay system is attractive and then obtain the attractive region

    Use of 3D-computed tomography angiography for planning the surgical removal of pineal region meningiomas using Poppen's approach: a report of ten cases and a literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are several treatment approaches for pineal region meningiomas, such as Poppen's approach, Krause's approach and combinations of the two approaches. We present our experience with the use of 3D-computed tomography angiography for planning the surgical removal of pineal region meningiomas using a suboccipital transtentorial approach (Poppen's approach) and evaluate the role of Poppen's approach.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>During the period from January 2005 to June 2010, ten patients presented to us with pineal region meningioma. MRI was routinely used to define the tumor size, position, and its relevant complications while 3D-CTA was applied to define the blood supply of the tumor and the venous complex (VC) shift before operations. Most of the meningiomas had developed at both sides of the tentorial plane and extended laterally with typical characteristics of a pineal region tumor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All tumors were completely removed surgically without any injury to the VC. Postoperative intracranial infection occurred in one case who recovered after antibiotics were given. Postoperative intraventricular hemorrhage and pneumocephalus were found in one case, but fully recovered after conservative treatment. In the nine cases of concurrent hydrocephalus, this was gradually relieved in eight patients and the single case that became aggravated was successfully treated with ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Moreover, the follow-up MRI examinations did not indicate any recurrence of the meningiomas.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that the use of Poppen's approach is strongly supported for the successful removal of pineal region meningiomas without serious complications.</p

    Probing Dirac Neutrino Properties with Dilepton Signature

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    The neutrinophilic two Higgs doublet model is one of the simplest models to explain the origin of tiny Dirac neutrino masses. This model introduces a new Higgs doublet with eV scale VEV to naturally generate the tiny neutrino masses. Depending on the same Yukawa coupling, the neutrino oscillation patterns can be probed with the dilepton signature from the decay of charged scalar H±H^\pm. For example, the normal hierarchy predicts BR(H+e+ν)(H^+\to e^+\nu)\ll BR(H+μ+ν)(H^+\to \mu^+\nu)\approx BR(H+τ+ν)0.5(H^+\to \tau^+\nu)\simeq0.5 when the lightest neutrino mass is below 0.01 eV, while the inverted hierarchy predicts BR(H+e+ν)/2(H^+\to e^+\nu)/2\simeq BR(H+μ+ν)(H^+\to \mu^+\nu)\simeq BR(H+τ+ν)0.25(H^+\to \tau^+\nu)\simeq0.25. By precise measurement of BR(H++ν)(H^+\to \ell^+\nu), we are hopefully to probe the lightest neutrino mass and the atmospheric mixing angle θ23\theta_{23}. Through the detailed simulation of the dilepton signature and corresponding backgrounds, we find that the 3 TeV CLIC could discover MH+1220M_{H^+}\lesssim1220 GeV for NH and MH+1280M_{H^+}\lesssim1280 GeV for IH. Meanwhile, the future 100 TeV FCC-hh collider could probe MH+1810M_{H^+}\lesssim1810 GeV for NH and MH+2060M_{H^+}\lesssim2060 GeV for IH.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure