9 research outputs found

    The Extraction Effect of Supercritical CO2 on Coal Organic Matter Based on CO2 Sequestration in Unmineable Coal Seam

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    On the basis of the effect of extraction components of supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2) from coal on groundwater in the fields of greenhouse gas CO2 sequestration into deep and unmineable coal seams, Sc-CO2 extracts from coals were analyzed using GC/MS to investigate the compositions and their contents of the extracts under different experimental conditions. The results show that Sc-CO2 extracts from coals contain hydrocarbons and organic compounds containing heteroatoms. The main compound in the extract is hydrocarbons which include a large concentration of acyclic alkanes and alkenes and a small concentration of cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons. Even-numbered n-alkane dominates in the extract, and hexacosene is the main alkene in the extracts from lignite and bituminous coal. The aromatic hydrocarbons are more difficult to extract and their concentration decreases with the increase of coal rank. The main oxygen-containing compounds are esters and carboxylic acids which are more easily extracted from lignite. The concentrations of nitrogen-containing compounds are very small and are more difficult to extract from coal with the rank increase. A small concentration of sulfur-containing compounds is extracted from coal. The results demonstrate that Sc-CO2 has the potential to mobilize organic compounds from coal seams, which affect the transport of CO2 in coal seams and cause groundwater pollution

    The Extraction Effect of Supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> on Coal Organic Matter Based on CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration in Unmineable Coal Seam

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    On the basis of the effect of extraction components of supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2) from coal on groundwater in the fields of greenhouse gas CO2 sequestration into deep and unmineable coal seams, Sc-CO2 extracts from coals were analyzed using GC/MS to investigate the compositions and their contents of the extracts under different experimental conditions. The results show that Sc-CO2 extracts from coals contain hydrocarbons and organic compounds containing heteroatoms. The main compound in the extract is hydrocarbons which include a large concentration of acyclic alkanes and alkenes and a small concentration of cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons. Even-numbered n-alkane dominates in the extract, and hexacosene is the main alkene in the extracts from lignite and bituminous coal. The aromatic hydrocarbons are more difficult to extract and their concentration decreases with the increase of coal rank. The main oxygen-containing compounds are esters and carboxylic acids which are more easily extracted from lignite. The concentrations of nitrogen-containing compounds are very small and are more difficult to extract from coal with the rank increase. A small concentration of sulfur-containing compounds is extracted from coal. The results demonstrate that Sc-CO2 has the potential to mobilize organic compounds from coal seams, which affect the transport of CO2 in coal seams and cause groundwater pollution

    Liquid Crystal-Tuned Planar Optics in Terahertz Range

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    Recently, terahertz waves of higher frequencies compared to microwave and radio frequency have shown great potential in radar detection and high-speed wireless communication. To spatially control the wavefront of terahertz beams, various novel components, such as terahertz filters, polarization converters and lenses, have been investigated. Metamaterials and metasurfaces have become the most promising technique for the free manipulation of terahertz waves. Metadevices integrated with liquid crystals have been widely used in active terahertz devices. In this review, the birefringence of liquid crystals in the terahertz band and terahertz devices based on liquid crystals are summarized. By integrating liquid crystals with plasmonic metamaterials, the functions become dynamically adjustable and are reconstructed. Utilizing liquid crystals to change the resonance of metamaterials, tunable filters, absorbers, and programmable metasurfaces are realized. To solve the problem of low efficiency, terahertz wavefront shaping devices based on dielectric metasurfaces and liquid crystals, such as a variable deflection angle grating and zoom metalenses, are presented. Finally, we discuss and anticipate the future developments of liquid-crystal-integrated meta-devices, which will inspire broad applications in terahertz communication and imaging

    Preferential adsorption behaviour of CH4 and CO2 on high-rank coal from Qinshui Basin, China

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    In order to better understand the prevailing mechanism of CO2 storage in coal and estimate CO2 sequestration capacity of a coal seam and enhanced coalbed methane recovery (ECBM) with CO2 injection into coal, we investigated the preferential adsorption of CH4 and CO2 on coals. Adsorption of pure CO2, CH4 and their binary mixtures on high-rank coals from Qinshui Basin in China were employed to study the preferential adsorption behaviour. Multiple regression equations were presented to predict CH4 equilibrium concentration from equilibrium pressure and its initial-composition in feed gas. The results show that preferential adsorption of CO2 on coals over the entire pressure range under competitive sorption conditions was observed, however, preferential adsorption of CH4 over CO2 on low-volatile bituminous coal from higher CH4-compostion in source gas was found at up to 10 MPa pressure. Preferential adsorption of CO2 increases with increase of CH4 concentration in source gas, and decreases with increasing pressure. Although there was no systematic investigation of the effect of coal rank on preferential adsorption, there are obvious differences in preferential adsorption of gas between low-volatile bituminous coal and anthracite. The obtained preferential adsorption gives rise to the assumption that CO2 sequestration in coal beds with subsequent CO2-ECBM might be an option in Qinshui Basins, China. Keywords: Coal, Preferential adsorption, Coalbed methane, Gas mixtures, CO2 sequestratio

    Source, composition, and reactivity of particulate organic matter along the Changjiang Estuary salinity gradient and adjacent sea

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    The sources, distribution, and fate of particulate organic matter (POM) in estuaries are dynamic and complex, influenced by highly intensive human activities and high productivity. In this study, water samples were collected along the Changjiang Estuary salinity gradient and adjacent sea (CEAS) in February and May 2017. Particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN), the δ13C isotope values and major biochemical constituent (total particulate amino acids, TPAA) were measured. The concentrations of POC, PN, and TPAA showed an overall decreasing trend from the river end-member to the open sea; however, their maximum always occurred around the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ). Concentrations of POC and TPAA showed a negative correlation with salinity and a positive correlation with chlorophyll a, indicating that the variation in POM concentrations and composition was mainly controlled by both terrigenous input and in situ phytoplankton production. The δ13C values gradually increased from the river mouth to the open sea in both winter and spring, in contrast to the molar C/N, reflecting the transition from terrestrial POC to phytoplankton-derived fresh POC with increasing salinity. Major biochemical indicators of TPAA/POC (%) and the degradation index (DI), showed a gradual shift towards more bioactive POM with increasing salinity in spring, although low TPAA/POC (%) values appeared within the TMZ. In spring, POC reactivity was higher than in winter. The proportions of glycine (Gly) and serine (Ser) were higher in winter, indicating that POM had suffered extensive degradation. Based on a two end-member mixing model, the contribution of marine POC in spring (53 ± 14%) was significantly greater than in winter (39 ± 19%), indicating that phytoplankton-derived POM was dominant in spring, associated with the increase in phytoplankton biomass from winter to spring. Based on mass balance, a box model showed evidence of a net POC sink over the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent East China Sea shelf in both winter and spring, with a net POC budget of 20.49 ± 7.01 and 15.87 ± 6.57 kmol s−1, respectively. Results illustrate that the spatio-temporal distribution of POM varies distinctively and will further affect the variability in its composition and reactivity in the CEAS