892 research outputs found

    An Assessement of Hanoi International Tourism Development.

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    This study examines Hanoi’s current international tourism development efforts, focusing on tourism service quality. It aims to assess the relevance of the current policies in place and the quality of the services provided to foreigners in Hanoi. To do so, it investigates three prominent sites, namely, Hoan Kiem Lake, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam. A survey conducted at these tourism landmarks, in-depth interviews, direct observation in the investigated places and secondary sources from published magazines and materials provide the data used in this study to make recommendations. Quality service issues are analyzed along SERVQUAL five dimensions. The results show that there are still several drawbacks in knowledge value, environmental landscape, safety, attitude and tourism infrastructure. Relevant strategies designed to enhance Hanoi tourism quality for foreigners in the future are recommended. The various proposals made include among others raising people’ awareness, setting a concrete institutional framework, enacting and executing the laws, and sharpening the staff’s skills

    Screening genes encoding protein protease inhibitor from metagenome of sponge-associated microorganisms in Quang Tri sea, Vietnam

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    Using metagenomics-based method to isolate new compounds from the marine environment are getting more and more attention in recent years. Based on metagenome library, bioinformatics methods is a powerful tool for screening genes with new biological activities from uncultured microorganisms and become a breakthrough in research and application of biotechnology. In this study we selected and used the samples DNA QT2 which had high DNA content and purity from a total of 6 DNA samples of sponge-associated microorganisms collected in Quang Tri sea (Vietnam) for metagenomic sequencing (DNA concentration is 202.5 ng, A260/ A280 value is 1.80). 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing data of QT2 produced 44,117,722 reads, which were assembled into 120,236 contigs. ORF prediction using Prodigal produced 386,416 ORFs. Functional annotation was conducted based on 7 different databases (NR, COG, CAZy, Swissprot, GO, KEGG, Pfam), and there are 266,553 genes were annotated using Swiss-Prot. In addition, based on the obtained metagenomic data, 50 complete genes encoding protease inhibitor proteins were revealed and among them, 28 genes encoding protein ( 50%) belonged to the serine protease inhibitor family, and 22 genes genes encoding belonged to the Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor group. NCBI BLAST screening results that these proteins had higher 50% identity to protease inhibitors.

    Health impact of exposure to arsenic-contaminated drinking water in Vietnam

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    The public health situation of the population of Hanam Province in Vietnam is of great concern, as it is exposed daily to arsenic-contaminated drinking water. Optimising arsenic (As) removal efficiency of current sand filters at household level or switching to cleaner or As-free water sources is crucial to prevent or reduce community health risks


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    The research aims to investigate the new type of agricultural cooperative after operating under the Law on Cooperatives (Cooperatives) in 2012. Statistical analysis method was used to describe and clarify research data and use the technology. Venn diagram tool to analyze the relationships between cooperatives and the roles of participating parties. The results show that Phu Ho Cooperative is the first unit in the district to operate under the Cooperative Law in 2012 and has made improvements in production management, contributing to the development of the Phu Ho rice brand. The study also shows that stakeholders participating in cooperatives all play important roles but at different levels. According to tasks and management functions, the district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development plays the most important role in orienting and promoting cooperatives with good development strategies. In the future, linking businesses will play a long-term strategic role for the cooperative. Local authorities, especially the Commune People's Committee, need to prioritize policies to support cooperatives, focusing on approaching the digital transformation of agricultural cooperatives by market trends according to Directive No. 19/CT-TTg in 2023 to towards a smart, modern, and commercialized agricultural cooperative model.Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá mô hình hợp tác xã nông nghiệp kiểu mới theo luật hợp tác xã (HTX) năm 2012. Phương pháp phân tích thống kê được sử dụng để mô tả dữ liệu nghiên cứu và dùng sơ đồ Venn để phân tích mối quan hệ giữa HTX và vai trò các bên tham gia. Kết quả cho thấy, HTX Phú Hồ là đơn vị đầu tiên của huyện vận hành theo luật HTX năm 2012 và đã có những bước cải tiến trong quản lý sản xuất giúp phát triển thương hiệu gạo Phú Hồ. Kết quả cũng cho thấy các bên liên quan tham gia vào sự phát triển của HTX đều đóng vai trò quan trọng nhưng ở các mức độ khác nhau. Theo nhiệm vụ và chức năng quản lý, phòng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn huyện đóng vai trò quan trọng nhất, giúp HTX trong việc định hướng và thúc đẩy HTX có những chiến lược phát triển tốt. Trong tương lai việc liên kết các doanh nghiệp sẽ đóng vai trò chiến lược lâu dài đối với HTX. Chính quyền địa phương, đặc biệt Uỷ ban nhân dân xã cần ưu tiên chính sách hỗ trợ HTX, tập trung hướng đến tiếp cận chuyển đổi số HTXNN phù hợp với xu thế thị trường theo chỉ thị số 19/CT-TTg năm 2023 nhằm xây dựng mô hình HTXNN thông minh, hiện đại và thương mại hoá

    Phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms associated with three marine sponges from Mien Trung sea of Vietnam

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    Using culture - independent technique, hypervariable V4 region of 16S rDNA library sequencing by MiSEq, the baterial communities of three host sponges Rhabdastrella sp. DN, Spheciospongia sp. QT and Clathria sp. NT from Mien Trung sea were characterized. The phylogenetic analysis showed that bacterial community structures of the three investigated sponges similar to each other regarding 10 common phyla, although abundance of these phyla was different for each sponge. Phylum Thaumarchaeota was rich component for three sponges, especially in NT sponge (31.89%). In this sponge, 3 phyla Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia and Firmicutes were undetected in other 2 sponge samples. Phyla Cyanobacteria was observed only in DN sponge. The obtained amplicons were assigned in different taxonomic levels (class, order, family and genus) based on Silva database. At class level, Gammaproteobacteria was abundant in three sponges; and  Caldilineae, Marine-group I were dominant in DN; mealwile, in QT other dominant classes were Marine-group I and Betaproteobacteria. For NT, they were Cytophaga and Deferribacteres. In general, all three sponges harbored abundant and genetically diverse microbial associated consortia and they shared several common bacterial operational taxonomic units, although with different abundance

    University’s shared vision for research and teaching: an international comparative study

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    How do universities encourage academics to buy into a shared vision while often setting punitive targets in teaching and research? This article explores possible antecedents of a university’s shared vision and its relationships with academics’ research and teaching performance in the era of managerialism. This cross-country study of two large universities in the UK and Vietnam draws on data from multiple sources to uncover the key components of a university’s shared vision. A survey strategy was adopted. Data were collected from different sources, using a stratified random sampling technique from academics of different schools at those universities. A total of 431 survey responses from academics at these universities were included for analysis, employing structure equation modelling. It provides fresh insights into whether having a shared vision can benefit academics’ research and teaching performance. The findings of this study show that while achieving a high degree of shared vision may enhance research performance, it may do little to improve teaching performance. The study provides empirical evidence indicating that a shared vision emerges as strongly rooted within individual employees rather than managers, challenging the common belief that a shared vision emanates primarily from the top down. This article advances social exchange theory (SET) by showing the interdependence of workplace antecedents, personal attributes, interpersonal connections, and performance. It introduces a framework for the relationship between universities’ shared vision with its possible antecedents and with academics’ teaching performance and research performance. The article also discusses useful implications for higher education leaders, based on the findings of the study