1,271 research outputs found

    Green Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles (via Thermal Decomposition Method) with Controllable Size and Shape

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    Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles with controllable size and shape were synthesized by the thermal decomposition method. In contrast to previously reported thermal decomposition methods, our synthesis method had utilized a much cheaper and less toxic iron precursor, iron acetylacetonate (Fe(acac)3), and environmentally benign and non-toxic polyethylene oxide (PEO) was being used as the solvent and surfactant simultaneously. Fe3O4 nanoparticles of controllable size and shape were prepared by manipulating the synthesis parameters such as precursor concentrations, reaction durations and surfactants

    Liquid-Solid Transition of Hard Spheres Under Gravity

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    We investigate the liquid-solid transition of two dimensional hard spheres in the presence of gravity. We determine the transition temperature and the fraction of particles in the solid regime as a function of temperature via Even-Driven molecular dynamics simulations and compare them with the theoretical predictions. We then examine the configurational statistics of a vibrating bed from the view point of the liquid-solid transition by explicitly determining the transition temperature and the effective temperature, T, of the bed, and present a relation between T and the vibration strength.Comment: 14 total pages, 4 figure

    A Charged Rotating Black Ring

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    We construct a supergravity solution describing a charged rotating black ring with S^2xS^1 horizon in a five dimensional asymptotically flat spacetime. In the neutral limit the solution is the rotating black ring recently found by Emparan and Reall. We determine the exact value of the lower bound on J^2/M^3, where J is the angular momentum and M the mass; the black ring saturating this bound has maximum entropy for the given mass. The charged black ring is characterized by mass M, angular momentum J, and electric charge Q, and it also carries local fundamental string charge. The electric charge distributed uniformly along the ring helps support the ring against its gravitational self-attraction, so that J^2/M^3 can be made arbitrarily small while Q/M remains finite. The charged black ring has an extremal limit in which the horizon coincides with the singularity.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Compaction of Rods: Relaxation and Ordering in Vibrated, Anisotropic Granular Material

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    We report on experiments to measure the temporal and spatial evolution of packing arrangements of anisotropic, cylindrical granular material, using high-resolution capacitive monitoring. In these experiments, the particle configurations start from an initially disordered, low-packing-fraction state and under vertical vibrations evolve to a dense, highly ordered, nematic state in which the long particle axes align with the vertical tube walls. We find that the orientational ordering process is reflected in a characteristic, steep rise in the local packing fraction. At any given height inside the packing, the ordering is initiated at the container walls and proceeds inward. We explore the evolution of the local as well as the height-averaged packing fraction as a function of vibration parameters and compare our results to relaxation experiments conducted on spherically shaped granular materials.Comment: 9 pages incl. 7 figure

    Cosmological equations and Thermodynamics on Apparent Horizon in Thick Braneworld

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    We derive the generalized Friedmann equation governing the cosmological evolution inside the thick brane model in the presence of two curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. We find two effective four-dimensional reductions of the Friedmann equation in some limits and demonstrate that they can be rewritten as the first law of thermodynamics on the apparent horizon of thick braneworld.Comment: 25 pages, no figure, a definition corrected, several references added, more motivation and discussio

    Black Rings, Supertubes, and a Stringy Resolution of Black Hole Non-Uniqueness

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    In order to address the issues raised by the recent discovery of non-uniqueness of black holes in five dimensions, we construct a solution of string theory at low energies describing a five-dimensional spinning black ring with three charges that can be interpreted as D1-brane, D5-brane, and momentum charges. The solution possesses closed timelike curves (CTCs) and other pathologies, whose origin we clarify. These pathologies can be avoided by setting any one of the charges, e.g. the momentum, to zero. We argue that the D1-D5-charged black ring, lifted to six dimensions, describes the thermal excitation of a supersymmetric D1-D5 supertube, which is in the same U-duality class as the D0-F1 supertube. We explain how the stringy microscopic description of the D1-D5 system distinguishes between a spherical black hole and a black ring with the same asymptotic charges, and therefore provides a (partial) resolution of the non-uniqueness of black holes in five dimensions.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figur

    Spatial antibunching of photons with parametric down-conversion

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    The theoretical framework behind a recent experiment by Nogueira et. al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86}, 4009 (2001)] of spatial antibunching in a two-photon state generated by collinear type II parametric down-conversion and a birefringent double-slit is presented. The fourth-order quantum correlation function is evaluated and shown to violate the classical Schwarz-type inequality, ensuring that the field does not have a classical analog. We expect these results to be useful in the rapidly growing fields of quantum imaging and quantum information.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes made, accepted for publication in PR

    Charmonium states in QCD-inspired quark potential model using Gaussian expansion method

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    We investigate the mass spectrum and electromagnetic processes of charmonium system with the nonperturbative treatment for the spin-dependent potentials, comparing the pure scalar and scalar-vector mixing linear confining potentials. It is revealed that the scalar-vector mixing confinement would be important for reproducing the mass spectrum and decay widths, and therein the vector component is predicted to be around 22%. With the state wave functions obtained via the full-potential Hamiltonian, the long-standing discrepancy in M1 radiative transitions of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^{\prime} are alleviated spontaneously. This work also intends to provide an inspection and suggestion for the possible ccˉc\bar{c} among the copious higher charmonium-like states. Particularly, the newly observed X(4160) and X(4350) are found in the charmonium family mass spectrum as M(21D2)=4164.9M(2^1D_2)= 4164.9 MeV and M(33P2)=4352.4M(3^3P_2)= 4352.4 MeV, which strongly favor the JPC=2+,2++J^{PC}=2^{-+}, 2^{++} assignments respectively. The corresponding radiative transitions, leptonic and two-photon decay widths have been also predicted theoretically for the further experimental search.Comment: 16 pages,3 figure

    Critical exponents and equation of state of the three-dimensional Heisenberg universality class

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    We improve the theoretical estimates of the critical exponents for the three-dimensional Heisenberg universality class. We find gamma=1.3960(9), nu=0.7112(5), eta=0.0375(5), alpha=-0.1336(15), beta=0.3689(3), and delta=4.783(3). We consider an improved lattice phi^4 Hamiltonian with suppressed leading scaling corrections. Our results are obtained by combining Monte Carlo simulations based on finite-size scaling methods and high-temperature expansions. The critical exponents are computed from high-temperature expansions specialized to the phi^4 improved model. By the same technique we determine the coefficients of the small-magnetization expansion of the equation of state. This expansion is extended analytically by means of approximate parametric representations, obtaining the equation of state in the whole critical region. We also determine a number of universal amplitude ratios.Comment: 40 pages, final version. In publication in Phys. Rev.