2,063 research outputs found

    A Three-Flavor AdS/QCD Model with a Back-Reacted Geometry

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    A fully back-reaction geometry model of AdS/QCD including the strange quark is described. We find that with the inclusion of the strange quark the impact on the metric is very small and the final predictions are changed only negligibly.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; references revised, minor change for caption of fig

    The creation of large photon-number path entanglement conditioned on photodetection

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    Large photon-number path entanglement is an important resource for enhanced precision measurements and quantum imaging. We present a general constructive protocol to create any large photon number path-entangled state based on the conditional detection of single photons. The influence of imperfect detectors is considered and an asymptotic scaling law is derived.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic phenomena in 5d transition metal nanowires

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    We have carried out fully relativistic full-potential, spin-polarized, all-electron density-functional calculations for straight, monatomic nanowires of the 5d transition and noble metals Os, Ir, Pt and Au. We find that, of these metal nanowires, Os and Pt have mean-field magnetic moments for values of the bond length at equilibrium. In the case of Au and Ir, the wires need to be slightly stretched in order to spin polarize. An analysis of the band structures of the wires indicate that the superparamagnetic state that our calculations suggest will affect the conductance through the wires -- though not by a large amount -- at least in the absence of magnetic domain walls. It should thus lead to a characteristic temperature- and field dependent conductance, and may also cause a significant spin polarization of the transmitted current.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic properties of epitaxial single crystal ultrathin Fe\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3eSi films on GaAs (001)

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    Magnetic properties of Fe3Si films with thickness from 2 to 210 monolayers (ML) epitaxially grown on GaAs (001) were studied using a superconducting quantum interference device and alternating gradient force magnetometers. Growth of these single-crystal intermetallic compound films were carried out in a multichamber molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. The samples were covered in situ with Au 50 Ă… thick to prevent oxidation when the samples were removed from the MBE chamber. All the films are ferromagnetic even for samples as thin as 2 ML. The easy magnetization direction of the films is parallel to the film surface. The magnetic coercivity forces (Hc) of the samples increase as the film thickness decreases to 10 ML, and then decrease when the film thickness decreases further to 2 ML

    Localized Backreacted Flavor Branes in Holographic QCD

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    We investigate the perturbative (in gsND8g_s N_{D8}) backreaction of localized D8 branes in D4-D8 systems including in particular the Sakai Sugimoto model. We write down the explicit expressions of the backreacted metric, dilaton and RR form. We find that the backreaction remains small up to a radial value of u≪ℓs/(gsND8)u \ll \ell_s/(g_s N_{D8}), and that the background functions are smooth except at the D8 sources. In this perturbative window, the original embedding remains a solution to the equations of motion. Furthermore, the fluctuations around the original embedding, describing scalar mesons, do not become tachyonic due to the backreaction in the perturbative regime. This is is due to a cancelation between the DBI and CS parts of the D8 brane action in the perturbed background.Comment: 1+48 pages (7 figures) + 15 pages, citations added & minor correction

    Density functional theory of phase coexistence in weakly polydisperse fluids

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    The recently proposed universal relations between the moments of the polydispersity distributions of a phase-separated weakly polydisperse system are analyzed in detail using the numerical results obtained by solving a simple density functional theory of a polydisperse fluid. It is shown that universal properties are the exception rather than the rule.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Vector lattice model for stresses in granular materials

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    A vector lattice model for stresses in granular materials is proposed. A two dimensional pile built by pouring from a point is constructed numerically according to this model. Remarkably, the pile violates the Mohr Coulomb stability criterion for granular matter, probably because of the inherent anisotropy of such poured piles. The numerical results are also compared to the earlier continuum FPA model and the (scalar) lattice qq-model

    Chasing the identification of ASCA Galactic Objects (ChIcAGO): An X-ray survey of unidentified sources in the galactic plane. I : Source sample and initial results

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    We present the Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects (ChIcAGO) survey, which is designed to identify the unknown X-ray sources discovered during the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey (AGPS). Little is known about most of the AGPS sources, especially those that emit primarily in hard X-rays (2-10 keV) within the Fx 10-13 to 10-11 erg cm -2 s-1 X-ray flux range. In ChIcAGO, the subarcsecond localization capabilities of Chandra have been combined with a detailed multiwavelength follow-up program, with the ultimate goal of classifying the >100 unidentified sources in the AGPS. Overall to date, 93 unidentified AGPS sources have been observed with Chandra as part of the ChIcAGO survey. A total of 253 X-ray point sources have been detected in these Chandra observations within 3′ of the original ASCA positions. We have identified infrared and optical counterparts to the majority of these sources, using both new observations and catalogs from existing Galactic plane surveys. X-ray and infrared population statistics for the X-ray point sources detected in the Chandra observations reveal that the primary populations of Galactic plane X-ray sources that emit in the Fx 10-13 to 10-11 erg cm -2 s-1 flux range are active stellar coronae, massive stars with strong stellar winds that are possibly in colliding wind binaries, X-ray binaries, and magnetars. There is also another primary population that is still unidentified but, on the basis of its X-ray and infrared properties, likely comprises partly Galactic sources and partly active galactic nuclei.Peer reviewedSubmitted Versio

    Linear square-mass trajectories of radially and orbitally excited hadrons in holographic QCD

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    We consider a new approach towards constructing approximate holographic duals of QCD from experimental hadron properties. This framework allows us to derive a gravity dual which reproduces the empirically found linear square-mass trajectories of universal slope for radially and orbitally excited hadrons. Conformal symmetry breaking in the bulk is exclusively due to infrared deformations of the anti-de Sitter metric and governed by one free mass scale proportional to Lambda_QCD. The resulting background geometry exhibits dual signatures of confinement and provides the first examples of holographically generated linear trajectories in the baryon sector. The predictions for the light hadron spectrum include new relations between trajectory slopes and ground state masses and are in good overall agreement with experiment.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, updated to the extended version published in JHEP, vector meson bulk potential and metric corrected, comments and references added, phenomenology and conclusions unchange

    Supersymmetric Branes on AdS_5 x Y^{p,q} and their Field Theory Duals

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    We systematically study supersymmetric embeddings of D-brane probes of different dimensionality in the AdS_5xY^{p,q} background of type IIB string theory. The main technique employed is the kappa symmetry of the probe's worldvolume theory. In the case of D3-branes, we recover the known three-cycles dual to the dibaryonic operators of the gauge theory and we also find a new family of supersymmetric embeddings. The BPS fluctuations of dibaryons are analyzed and shown to match the gauge theory results. Supersymmetric configurations of D5-branes, representing domain walls, and of spacetime filling D7-branes (which can be used to add flavor) are also found. We also study the baryon vertex and some other embeddings which break supersymmetry but are nevertheless stable.Comment: LaTeX, 2 figures, 54 pages; v2: discussions sharpened at several points, new subsection and references adde
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