50,966 research outputs found

    Topology of the polarization field in ferroelectric nanowires from first principles

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    The behaviour of the cross-sectional polarization field is explored for thin nanowires of barium titanate from first-principles calculations. Topological defects of different winding numbers have been obtained, beyond the known textures in ferroelectric nanostructures. They result from the inward accommodation of the polarization patterns imposed at the surface of the wire by surface and edge effects. Close to a topological defect the polarization field orients out of the basal plane in some cases, maintaining a close to constant magnitude, whereas it virtually vanishes in other cases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    EXIST: Mission Design Concept and Technology Program

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    The Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST) is a proposed very large area coded aperture telescope array, incorporating 8m^2 of pixellated Cd-Zn-Te (CZT) detectors, to conduct a full-sky imaging and temporal hard x-ray (10-600 keV) survey each 95min orbit. With a sensitivity (5sigma, 1yr) of ~0.05mCrab (10-150 keV), it will extend the ROSAT soft x-ray (0.5-2.5keV) and proposed ROSITA medium x-ray (2-10 keV) surveys into the hard x-ray band and enable identification and study of sources ~10-20X fainter than with the ~15-100keV survey planned for the upcoming Swift mission. At ~100-600 keV, the ~1mCrab sensitivity is 300X that achieved in the only previous (HEAO-A4, non-imaging) all-sky survey. EXIST will address a broad range of key science objectives: from obscured AGN and surveys for black holes on all scales, which constrain the accretion history of the universe, to the highest sensitivity and resolution studies of gamma-ray bursts it will conduct as the Next Generation Gamma-Ray Burst mission. We summarize the science objectives and mission drivers, and the results of a mission design study for implementation as a free flyer mission, with Delta IV launch. Key issues affecting the telescope and detector design are discussed, and a summary of some of the current design concepts being studied in support of EXIST is presented for the wide-field but high resolution coded aperture imaging and very large area array of imaging CZT detectors. Overall mission design is summarized, and technology development needs and a development program are outlined which would enable the launch of EXIST by the end of the decade, as recommended by the NAS/NRC Decadal Survey.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. PDF file only. Presented at SPIE (Aug. 2002) and to appear in Proc. SPIE, vol. 485

    The Neural Representation Benchmark and its Evaluation on Brain and Machine

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    A key requirement for the development of effective learning representations is their evaluation and comparison to representations we know to be effective. In natural sensory domains, the community has viewed the brain as a source of inspiration and as an implicit benchmark for success. However, it has not been possible to directly test representational learning algorithms directly against the representations contained in neural systems. Here, we propose a new benchmark for visual representations on which we have directly tested the neural representation in multiple visual cortical areas in macaque (utilizing data from [Majaj et al., 2012]), and on which any computer vision algorithm that produces a feature space can be tested. The benchmark measures the effectiveness of the neural or machine representation by computing the classification loss on the ordered eigendecomposition of a kernel matrix [Montavon et al., 2011]. In our analysis we find that the neural representation in visual area IT is superior to visual area V4. In our analysis of representational learning algorithms, we find that three-layer models approach the representational performance of V4 and the algorithm in [Le et al., 2012] surpasses the performance of V4. Impressively, we find that a recent supervised algorithm [Krizhevsky et al., 2012] achieves performance comparable to that of IT for an intermediate level of image variation difficulty, and surpasses IT at a higher difficulty level. We believe this result represents a major milestone: it is the first learning algorithm we have found that exceeds our current estimate of IT representation performance. We hope that this benchmark will assist the community in matching the representational performance of visual cortex and will serve as an initial rallying point for further correspondence between representations derived in brains and machines.Comment: The v1 version contained incorrectly computed kernel analysis curves and KA-AUC values for V4, IT, and the HT-L3 models. They have been corrected in this versio

    A controlled expansion for certain non-Fermi liquid metals

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    The destruction of Fermi liquid behavior when a gapless Fermi surface is coupled to a fluctuating gapless boson field is studied theoretically. This problem arises in a number of different contexts in quantum many body physics. Examples include fermions coupled to a fluctuating transverse gauge field pertinent to quantum spin liquid Mott insulators, and quantum critical metals near a Pomeranchuk transition. We develop a new controlled theoretical approach to determining the low energy physics. Our approach relies on combining an expansion in the inverse number (N) of fermion species with a further expansion in the parameter \epsilon = z_b -2 where z_b is the dynamical critical exponent of the boson field. We show how this limit allows a systematic calculation of the universal low energy physics of these problems. The method is illustrated by studying spinon fermi surface spin liquids, and a quantum critical metal at a second order electronic nematic phase transition. We calculate the low energy single particle spectra, and various interesting two particle correlation functions. In some cases deviations from the popular Random Phase Approximation results are found. Some of the same universal singularities are also calculated to leading non-vanishing order using a perturbative renormalization group calculation at small N extending previous results of Nayak and Wilczek. Implications for quantum spin liquids, and for Pomeranchuk transitions are discussed. For quantum critical metals at a nematic transition we show that the tunneling density of states has a power law suppression at low energies.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Dynamics of Vortex Core Switching in Ferromagnetic Nanodisks

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    Dynamics of magnetic vortex core switching in nanometer-scale permalloy disk, having a single vortex ground state, was investigated by micromagnetic modeling. When an in-plane magnetic field pulse with an appropriate strength and duration is applied to the vortex structure, additional two vortices, i.e., a circular- and an anti-vortex, are created near the original vortex core. Sequentially, the vortex-antivortex pair annihilates. A spin wave is created at the annihilation point and propagated through the entire element; the relaxed state for the system is the single vortex state with a switched vortex core.Comment: to appear in Appl. Phys. Let

    A new form of the rotating C-metric

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    In a previous paper, we showed that the traditional form of the charged C-metric can be transformed, by a change of coordinates, into one with an explicitly factorizable structure function. This new form of the C-metric has the advantage that its properties become much simpler to analyze. In this paper, we propose an analogous new form for the rotating charged C-metric, with structure function G(\xi)=(1-\xi^2)(1+r_{+}A\xi)(1+r_{-}A\xi), where r_\pm are the usual locations of the horizons in the Kerr-Newman black hole. Unlike the non-rotating case, this new form is not related to the traditional one by a coordinate transformation. We show that the physical distinction between these two forms of the rotating C-metric lies in the nature of the conical singularities causing the black holes to accelerate apart: the new form is free of torsion singularities and therefore does not contain any closed timelike curves. We claim that this new form should be considered the natural generalization of the C-metric with rotation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Advanced nickel-cadmium batteries for geosynchronous spacecraft

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    A nickel cadmium battery was developed that can be operated at 80 percent depth of discharge in excess of 10 years in a geosynchronous orbit application, and has about a 30 percent weight savings per spacecraft over present nickel cadmium batteries when used with a 1000 watts eclipse load. The approach used in the development was to replace nylon separators with inert polymer impregnated zirconia, use electrochemically deposited plates in place of conventional chemically precipitated ones, and use an additive to extend negative plate lifetime. The design has undergone extensive testing using both engineering and protoflight cell configurations