44,746 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of turbocharged spark ignition engines

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    Neutron Stars with Bose-Einstein Condensation of Antikaons as MIT Bags

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    We investigate the properties of an antikaon in medium, regarding itas a MIT bag. We first construct the MIT bag model for a kaon withσ\sigma^* and ϕ\phi in order to describe the interaction ofss-quarks in hyperonic matter in the framework of the modifiedquark-meson coupling model. The coupling constant gσBKg'^{B_K}_\sigmain the density-dependent bag constant B(σ)B(\sigma) is treated as afree parameter to reproduce the optical potential of a kaon in asymmetric matter and all other couplings are determined by usingSU(6) symmetry and the quark counting rule. With various values ofthe kaon potential, we calculate the effective mass of a kaon inmedium to compare it with that of a point-like kaon. We thencalculate the population of octet baryons, leptons and KK^- and theequation of state for neutron star matter. The results show thatkaon condensation in hyperonic matter is sensitive to the ss-quarkinteraction and also to the way of treating the kaon. The mass andthe radius of a neutron star are obtained by solving theTolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation.Comment: 14 figure

    An analytic modeling and system identification study of rotor/fuselage dynamics at hover

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    A combination of analytic modeling and system identification methods have been used to develop an improved dynamic model describing the response of articulated rotor helicopters to control inputs. A high-order linearized model of coupled rotor/body dynamics including flap and lag degrees of freedom and inflow dynamics with literal coefficients is compared to flight test data from single rotor helicopters in the near hover trim condition. The identification problem was formulated using the maximum likelihood function in the time domain. The dynamic model with literal coefficients was used to generate the model states, and the model was parametrized in terms of physical constants of the aircraft rather than the stability derivatives resulting in a significant reduction in the number of quantities to be identified. The likelihood function was optimized using the genetic algorithm approach. This method proved highly effective in producing an estimated model from flight test data which included coupled fuselage/rotor dynamics. Using this approach it has been shown that blade flexibility is a significant contributing factor to the discrepancies between theory and experiment shown in previous studies. Addition of flexible modes, properly incorporating the constraint due to the lag dampers, results in excellent agreement between flight test and theory, especially in the high frequency range

    Gait Verification using Knee Acceleration Signals

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    A novel gait recognition method for biometric applications is proposed. The approach has the following distinct features. First, gait patterns are determined via knee acceleration signals, circumventing difficulties associated with conventional vision-based gait recognition methods. Second, an automatic procedure to extract gait features from acceleration signals is developed that employs a multiple-template classification method. Consequently, the proposed approach can adjust the sensitivity and specificity of the gait recognition system with great flexibility. Experimental results from 35 subjects demonstrate the potential of the approach for successful recognition. By setting sensitivity to be 0.95 and 0.90, the resulting specificity ranges from 1 to 0.783 and 1.00 to 0.945, respectively

    Micro Balloon Actuators for Aerodynamic Control

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    A robust, large-force, large-deflection micro balloon actuator for aerodynamic (manoeuvring) control of transonic aircraft has been developed. Using a novel process, high yield linear arrays of silicone balloons on a robust silicon substrate have been fabricated that can deflect vertically in excess of one mm. Balloon actuators have been tested under cyclic conditions to assess reliability. The actuators have been characterized in a wind tunnel to assess their suitability as aerodynamic control surfaces and flight-tested on a jet fighter to assess their resistance to varied temperatures and pressures at high velocity