426 research outputs found

    Development of Vietnamese Vocational Education Teachers to adapt the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    Teacher is always a key factor which determines training quality in general and vocational training quality of the Vocational Education System (VES) in particular. In face of strong influences from the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0), teacher is getting more important in training of human resources, especially qualification level and capacity to apply technology and innovate teaching methods. Based on the analysis for impacts of the IR 4.0 on VES, requirements for capacity of teachers and the reality on vocational education teachers (VETs) today, this article suggests some solutions to develop VETs to adapt to the IR 4.0 as a basis for development of teachers at vocational education institutions in Vietnam

    STEM Teaching Skills of Primary School Teachers: The Current Situation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    STEM education is an educational solution that prepares pupils for the future by connecting scientific knowledge with practical applications. This modern method of education is being widely applied in developing countries in order to maintain their scientific and technical standing and strengthen their competition in the global economy. In Vietnam, special attention has been paid to STEM education, as is demonstrated by the policies and guidelines of the Party and State. However, are the skills of the universal teaching staff, particularly in primary schools, sufficient to satisfy the demand for STEM education? A survey was carried out to analyze the current situation with regards the STEM teaching skills of primary school teachers in the district of Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City. By analyzing the survey results using SPSS, this article presents the current status of the STEM teaching skills of the primary school teachers in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, and suggests some solutions to improve and develop teachers’ STEM education skills, suitable for the teaching conditions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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    Education in general and the education of Ho Chi Minh's moral example for young people, in particular, today is both a practical requirement and considered a fundamental solution to contribute to building a social person. Ho Chi Minh City's youth are a large force, making great contributions to the city's development. In the past time, the education of Ho Chi Minh's moral example for young people, in particular, has been focused on and achieved many results, but there are still many limitations that need to be overcome.  Article visualizations

    Assessment of blasted excavation inaccuracy at tunnel face and influences on tunnelling effectiveness

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    Blasting has been the most effective solution for tunnel excavation in hard rock. The accuracy of the blasting works is demonstrated by the similarity between the design and the actual excavation boundary. Hence, the overbreak and underbreak of the tunnel boundary are used to evaluate the tunnel excavation. Widely applied for rock tunnelling, New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) has been used for almost all highway tunnels in Vietnam. The assessment of the previous projects is essential since it provides learnt experiences and enriches the knowledge to handle the tunnelling technology. With this aim, the paper studied the case of a 500m NATM tunnel located on the N01 national highway in Central Vietnam. The practical excavation zone was examined, and the overbreak and underbreak of the tunnel boundary during the excavation by explosive was investigated. The dependences of the overbreak and underbreak on the geological and technical conditions were indicated. The tunnelling effectiveness was then assessed through the additional materials and works for the face correction activities

    Modelling and Experimental Validation of a VNT Turbocharger for Improving Performances of a Marine Diesel Generator Engine

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    This paper presents modelling and experimental validation for improving the performances of a marine diesel generator engine. Based on the diesel engine theory, the laws of conservation of energy, and the principle of movement of flow through turbocharger nozzle, a mathematical model of a real turbocharged engine was built, concentrating on the mathematic model of flow through nozzles. This model is simulated by Matlab/Simulink program, the results of simulation showed the relationships between the engine and the turbocharger, the turbine and the compressor, and between the nozzles and the turbocharger. The experiments were carried out to validate this model, the errors between the simulation and measure were acceptable. The measure and simulation results also determined that at the low load conditions (≤50% load) engine performances can be improved by adjusting nozzle opening degree (from fully opening to 90% and 80% opening)

    Assessment of blasted excavation inaccuracy at tunnel face and influences on tunnelling effectiveness

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    Blasting has been the most effective solution for tunnel excavation in hard rock. The accuracy of the blasting works is demonstrated by the similarity between the design and the actual excavation boundary. Hence, the overbreak and underbreak of the tunnel boundary are used to evaluate the tunnel excavation. Widely applied for rock tunnelling, New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) has been used for almost all highway tunnels in Vietnam. The assessment of the previous projects is essential since it provides learnt experiences and enriches the knowledge to handle the tunnelling technology. With this aim, the paper studied the case of a 500m NATM tunnel located on the N01 national highway in Central Vietnam. The practical excavation zone was examined, and the overbreak and underbreak of the tunnel boundary during the excavation by explosive was investigated. The dependences of the overbreak and underbreak on the geological and technical conditions were indicated. The tunnelling effectiveness was then assessed through the additional materials and works for the face correction activities


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    During 2010, the sea water level in East Vietnam Sea has been raised with an extremely high amplitude as many foreign authors recorded recently that was derived from the analysis of multi temporal (1993 - 2010) satellite altimeter data series. This is one of anomalous changes of nature that was strongly relative to climate change. In another aspect, by using the combination of temporal-spatial changes of the air temperature, sea surface temperature as well as seawater level, authors will try to explain more clearly this above interesting phenomenon that happened in East Vietnam Sea. The used data series in this study were obtained from reanalysis data of CFSR-NCEP with time step of 1 hour and spatial resolution of 0.3150, and data series of sea  water level was derived from HYCOM+NCODA with grid size of 1/12.50. The analyzed results explained more clearly the strong relationship of climate change with temporal change of the air and the sea water temperatures as well as sea level rise in the area of East Vietnam Sea.Mực nước biển dâng cao khá lớn tại Biển Đông trong năm 2010 là những biến đổi bất thường của tự nhiên đã được ghi nhận trong công trình nghiên cứu mới nhất của tác giả nước ngoài, điều này chưa từng xảy ra trong hơn một thập kỷ trước đây (trên cơ sở các kết quả phân tích chuỗi số liệu vệ tinh từ năm 1993 đến 2010). Để góp phần làm rõ vấn đề trên, chúng tôi đã tiến hành phân tích sự thay đổi nền nhiệt độ của nhiệt độ không khí, nhiệt độ bề mặt biển cùng với sự thay đổi mực nước. Các số liệu nhiệt độ sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này được khai thác từ hệ thống dự đoán khí hậu phân tích lại theo bước thời gian 1 giờ với độ phân giải ngang 0,31250 của Trung tâm Dự báo Môi trường Quốc gia Mỹ và chuỗi số liệu mực nước được trích xuất từ mô hình HYCOM + NCODA phân tích lại toàn cầu với ô kích thước lưới 1/12,50. Các kết quả phân tích đã giải thích phần nào mối liên hệ giữa trường nhiệt độ và sự dâng cao mực nước đến sự biến đổi khí hậu trong khu vực Biển Đông

    The Role of Cultural and Institutional Distances in International Trade

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    Despite the effectiveness of the observed barriers such as taxes and quotas to adjust bilateral trade, they are still not well supported by governments in general and the World Trade Organization in particular. Therefore, in recent years, unobserved barriers have been critical tools to modify the trade flows between nations worldwide. China’s exports account for a massive proportion of global trade. However, the role of cultural and institutional distance in China’s trade flow has not been much explored. This study analyzes the impact of cultural and institutional differences on China's exports between 2006-2017 by adopting a system-GMM estimator. The main findings are, first, that cultural and institutional differences between China and its trading partners reduce China's exports. Second, cultural and institutional distances have the strongest influence on China's exports to high-income countries, followed by low-income countries, and finally middle-income countries. Third, manufactured products are the most sensitive to cultural and institutional distances. Based on these findings, several policies for China, as well as for emerging economies in general, are suggested for reducing cultural and institutional distances and boosting their exports. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-015 Full Text: PD