403 research outputs found

    1 2 3 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry An International Journal Dealing with All Aspects and Applications of Nuclear Chemistry Volume

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    Abstract We carried out time-series observations of 210 Po and 210 Pb radioactivity in the western North Pacific Ocean. The sinking fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the mesopelagic zone were estimated from 210 Po radioactivity during several seasons in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific. The seasonal changes of POC fluxes at a depth of 400 m were larger in the subarctic region than in the subtropical region. The annual mean POC flux at a depth of 400 m was larger in the subarctic region (57 mgC m -2 day -1 ) than in the subtropical region (36 mgC m -2 day -1 ). The annual mean of the e-ratio (the ratio of POC flux to primary productivity) in the subarctic region (18 %) was about twice the e-ratio in the subtropical region (10 %). These results imply that the efficiency of the biological pump is larger in the subarctic region than in the subtropical region of the western North Pacific

    Challenges of Measuring Abyssal Temperature and Salinity at the Kuroshio Extension Observatory

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    The deep ocean is severely undersampled. Whereas shipboard measurements provide irregular spatial and temporal records, moored records establish deep ocean high-resolution time series, but only at limited locations. Here, highlights and challenges of measuring abyssal temperature and salinity on the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO) mooring (32.3°N, 144.6°E) from 2013 to 2019 are described. Using alternating SeaBird 37-SMP instruments on annual deployments, an apparent fresh drift of 0.03–0.06 psu was observed, with each newly deployed sensor returning to historical norms near 34.685 psu. Recurrent salinity discontinuities were pronounced between the termination of each deployment and the initiation of the next, yet consistent pre- and postdeployment calibrations suggested the freshening was “real.” Because abyssal salinities do not vary by 0.03–0.06 psu between deployment locations, the contradictory salinities during mooring overlap pointed toward a sensor issue that self-corrects prior to postcalibration. A persistent nepheloid layer, unique to KEO and characterized by murky, sediment-filled water, is likely responsible for sediment accretion in the conductivity cell. As sediment (or biofouling) increasingly clogs the instrument, salinity drifts toward a fresh bias. During ascent, the cell is flushed, clearing the clogged instrument. In contrast to salinity, deep ocean temperatures appear to increase from 2013 to 2017 by 0.0059°C, whereas a comparison with historical deep temperature measurements does not support a secular temperature increase in the region. It is suggested that decadal or interannual variability associated with the Kuroshio Extension may have an imprint on deep temperatures. Recommendations are discussed for future abyssal temperature and salinity measurements

    Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX): Part 2. Biogeochemical responses to eddies and typhoons revealed from the S1 mooring and shipboard measurements

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    An interdisciplinary project called S1-INBOX (Western North Pacific Integrated PhysicalBiogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment conducted around the S1 biogeochemical mooring site) was carried out during the summer of 2011 in the oligotrophic, subtropical North Pacific Ocean near biogeochemical mooring S1 (30° N, 145° E). Results from the S1 mooring during S1-INBOX revealed a large export flux at a depth of 200 m, a high chlorophyll a concentration in the deep chlorophyll maximum layer, and a high potential photochemical efficiency of photosystem II. These phenomena were associated with vertical uplift of isopycnal surfaces at the edge of a cyclonic eddy and a transition from the cyclonic eddy to an anticyclonic eddy. Shipboard biogeochemical surveys conducted during oligotrophic conditions in July 2011 revealed that the phytoplankton community in these waters was dominated by small species that are responsive to intermittent supplies of nutrients. Surface wind forcing because of Typhoons MA-ON and SONCA may have generated near-inertial oscillations. Diapycnal mixing associated with near-inertial waves was also related to high export fluxes, the indication being that propagation of near-inertial internal waves and subsequent mixing may have been important to biogeochemical phenomena during S1-INBOX

    Vertical distributions of plutonium isotopes in marine sediment cores off the Fukushima coast after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

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    The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident led to the release of large amounts of radionuclides into the atmosphere as well as direct discharges into the sea. In contrast to the intensive studies on the distribution of the released high volatility fission products, such as 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs, similar studies of the actinides, especially the Pu isotopes, are limited. To obtain the vertical distribution of Pu isotopes in marine sediments and to better assess the possible contamination of Pu from the FDNPP accident in the marine environment, we determined the activities of 239+240Pu and 241Pu as well as the atom ratios of 240Pu/239Pu and 241Pu/239Pu in sediment core samples collected in the western North Pacific off Fukushima from July 2011 to July 2012. We also measured surface sediment samples collected from seven Japanese estuaries before the FNDPP accident to establish the comprehensive background baseline data. The observed results of both the Pu activities and the Pu atom ratios for the sediments in the western North Pacific were comparable to the baseline data, suggesting that the FDNPP accident did not cause detectable Pu contamination to the studied regions prior to the sampling time. The Pu isotopes in the western North Pacific 30 km off Fukushima coast originated from global fallout and Pacific Proving Ground close-in fallout

    Mesopelagic particulate nitrogen dynamics in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific

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    Recently, new spatiotemporal-scale particle observations by autonomous profiling floats equipped with bio-optical sensors have revealed that, in addition to gravitational particle sinking, the downward transport of surface particles by physical mixing events, which has been overlooked, contributes to particulate organic carbon export. However, the subsequent behavior of these exported particles in the mesopelagic zone (e.g., particle fragmentation and degradation) remains unclear, although it may influence the efficiency of carbon transport to further depths. This study successfully depicted the new annual mean mesopelagic particulate nitrogen (PN) dynamics with multi-layer, steady-state suspended PN pools by reanalyzing seasonal data on the stable nitrogen isotopic compositions of both suspended and sinking particles, each with different profiles, from subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1 in the North Pacific, which are both CO2 sinks but in different oceanic settings. As analytical conditions, we assumed that the net loss of sinking PN was entirely due to abiotic fragmentation of particle aggregates to non-sinking particles and that the apparent 15N enrichment associated with heterotrophic degradation in the suspended PN pools was vertically constant. The 15N mass balance for the PN supply to the uppermost mesopelagic pool, derived from such constraints, allowed estimating the PN export by the mixed-layer pump, which was 1.6 times greater at K2 than at S1. However, its contribution to the total export (including gravitational PN sinking) from the surface layer was approximately 20% at both stations. Moreover, the ratio of PN supplied to the uppermost pool by the mixed-layer pump and by the fragmentation of particle aggregates was also similar at both stations, approximately 1:1. Using these ratios, together with separate observations of the mixed-layer pump-driven flux, it may be possible to estimate the efficiency of the particulate organic carbon transport due to the biological gravitational pump responsible for carbon sequestration in the deep sea

    Reappraisal of meridional differences of factors controlling phytoplankton biomass and initial increase preceding seasonal bloom in the northwestern Pacific Ocean

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    Multiplatform observations of ocean biogeochemical data were used to elucidate meridional differences in the factors that limit phytoplankton biomass (Chl-a) and the mechanisms that trigger the seasonal winter or spring phytoplankton bloomin the northwestern Pacific Ocean (NWPO). During the winter, Chl-a north (south) of 30°N is limited by light (nutrients). During the spring and fall, Chl-a in much of the area east of the Japan/Kuril Islands and/or north of 40°N(south of 35°N) is limited by light (nutrients). During the summer, nutrients limit Chl-a over much of the NWPO, except in the areas east of the Japan/Kuril Islands and north of 45°N. In the area south of around 31°N, phytoplankton biomass is nutrient limited throughout the year, and the seasonal bloom emerges in the winter, begins in the fall which is associated with mixed layer deepening. Between 31°N and 40°N, the spring bloom onset is mainly associated with a cessation of mixed layer deepening. In much of the area north of 40°N, including the Oyashio area, the onset of the spring bloom is consistent with Sverdrup’s critical depth hypothesis. The spatial extents of the light- and nutrient-limited areas and the areas associated with a single bloom onset mechanism are by no means constant. They are expected to undergo meridional shifts as a result of large-scale climatic changes and global warming

    Challenge for multifaceted data acquisition around active volcanoes using uncrewed surface vessel

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    Monitoring of volcanic eruptions, the atmosphere, and the ocean, along with their scientific understanding, can be achieved through multifaceted observations that include camera images, topographic deformations, elastic waves, geology, and the chemical constituents and temperatures of air and water. However, regions of increased volcanic activity and/or shallow waters are difficult to access by crewed ship due to danger or grounding risk. To overcome these difficulties, we used an uncrewed surface vessel (USV), Bluebottle, to operate multiple observation around oceanic volcanoes in the Bonin Island arc in May 2023. Even under adverse sea conditions, the USV successfully reached a remote observation site, Nishinoshima volcano, which is about 130 km away from Chichijima Island where the USV started out from. The USV conducted five days of observations at shallower than 500 m water depth around Nishinoshima Island, the first time after violent eruptions of Nishinoshima in June 2020. The USV is equipped with various sensors and data collection technologies, including a single-beam echosounder, oceanographic and meteorological sensors, an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, and a time-lapse camera. These tools have provided a multi-dimensional view of the underwater landscape and marine conditions near the volcano for the first time in the world. We obtained new bathymetric data, sub-bottom images, and measurements of temperature, salinity, and pH. This study leverages advanced technologies and innovative methodologies to enhance our understanding of marine and geological phenomena

    Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of settling particles at station K2 in the western subarctic North Pacific

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    Intensive observations using hydrographical cruises and moored sediment trap deployments during 2010 and 2012 at station K2 in the North Pacific western subarctic gyre (WSG) revealed seasonal changes in δ15N of both suspended and settling particles. Suspended particles (SUS) were collected from depths between the surface and 200 m; settling particles by drifting traps (DST; 100-200 m) and moored traps (MST; 200 and 500 m). All particles showed higher δ15N values in winter and lower in summer, contrary to the expected by isotopic fractionation during phytoplankton nitrate consumption. We suggest that these observed isotopic patterns are due to ammonium consumption via light-controlled nitrification, which could induce variations in δ15N(SUS) of 0.4-3.1 ‰ in the euphotic zone (EZ). The δ15N(SUS) signature was reflected by δ15 N(DST) despite modifications during biogenic transformation from suspended particles in the EZ. δ15 N enrichment (average: 3.6 ‰) and the increase in C:N ratio (by 1.6) in settling particles suggests year-round contributions of metabolites from herbivorous zooplankton as well as TEPs produced by diatoms. Accordingly, seasonal δ15 N(DST) variations of 2.4-7.0 ‰ showed a significant correlation with primary productivity (PP) at K2. By applying the observed δ15 N(DST) vs. PP regression to δ15 N(MST) of 1.9-8.0 ‰, we constructed the first annual time-series of PP changes in the WSG. Moreover, the monthly export ratio at 500 m was calculated using both estimated PP and measured organic carbon fluxes. Results suggest a 1.6 to 1.8 times more efficient transport of photosynthetically-fixed carbon to the intermediate layers occurs in summer/autumn rather than winter/spring

    Open ocean particle flux variability from surface to seafloor

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    The sinking of carbon fixed via net primary production (NPP) into the ocean interior is an important part of marine biogeochemical cycles. NPP measurements follow a log‐normal probability distribution, meaning NPP variations can be simply described by two parameters despite NPP’s complexity. By analyzing a global database of open ocean particle fluxes, we show that this log‐normal probability distribution propagates into the variations of near‐seafloor fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC), calcium carbonate, and opal. Deep‐sea particle fluxes at subtropical and temperate time‐series sites follow the same log‐normal probability distribution, strongly suggesting the log‐normal description is robust and applies on multiple scales. This log‐normality implies that 29% of the highest measurements are responsible for 71% of the total near‐seafloor POC flux. We discuss possible causes for the dampening of variability from NPP to deep‐sea POC flux, and present an updated relationship predicting POC flux from mineral flux and depth

    Sixteen-year phytoplankton biomass trends in the northwestern Pacific Ocean observed by the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color sensors

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    Using multisensor/platform biophysical data collected from 1997 to 2013, we investigated trends of the concentrations of phytoplankton biomass (Chl) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (NWPO) and the probable responsible factors. The trend of rising sea surface temperature (SST) was the main factor maintaining phytoplankton positive net growth and resulted in a trend of increasing Chl at high latitudes in all seasons. At latitudes of 36-46°N, east of 160°E, the trend of rising SST was accompanied by a trend of declining Chl, markedly in spring and fall, which could be ascribed to strengthened stratification. The trends of environmental variables in the Oyashio area have modified conditions in a way detrimental to phytoplankton growth, the result being a trend of declining Chl from spring to fall. Chl south of roughly 36°N exhibited different trends in different seasons because of the different trends of vertical stratification. Whereas the observed 16-year Chl trends were not primarily influenced by interannual climate variability, to some degree they were likely modified by decadal variability associated with a weakened Aleutian Low pressure. This work prompts further comprehensive studies to investigate the probable ecological consequences of the observed Chl trend for high-trophic-level marine organisms in the NWPO