418 research outputs found


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    Real-Time Segmentation of 4D Ultrasound by Active Geometric Functions

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    Four-dimensional ultrasound based on matrix phased array transducers can capture the complex 4D cardiac motion in a complete and real-time fashion. However, the large amount of information residing in 4D ultrasound scans and novel applications under interventional settings pose a big challenge in efficiency for workflow and computer-aided diagnostic algorithms such as segmentation. In this context, a novel formulation framework of the minimal surface problem, called active geometric functions (AGF), is proposed to reach truly real-time performance in segmenting 4D ultrasound data. A specific instance of AGF based on finite element modeling and Hermite surface descriptors was implemented and evaluated on 35 4D ultrasound data sets with a total of 425 time frames. Quantitative comparison to manual tracing showed that the proposed method provides LV contours close to manual segmentation and that the discrepancy was comparable to inter-observer tracing variability. The ability of such realtime segmentation will not only facilitate the diagnoses and workflow, but also enables novel applications such as interventional guidance and interactive image acquisition with online segmentation

    Segmentation of RT3D Ultrasound with Implicit Deformable Models Without Gradients

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    This paper presents the implementation and validation of a new 3D deformable model method, based on the Mumford-Shah functional for segmentation of three-dimensional real-time ultrasound. An experiment on 10 patients with primary hypertension was carried out to compare three segmentation methods for quantification of right and left ventricular ejection fraction: (1) manual tracing by an expert cardiologist, (2) 2D parametric deformable model, and (3) 3D implicit deformable model implemented with a level set framework. Deformable model segmentations were performed on denoised data using a (3D+Time) brushlet expansion. The clinical study showed superior performance of the deformable model in assessing ejection fraction when compared to MRI measures. It also showed that the three-dimensional deformable model improved EF measures, which is explained by a more accurate segmentation of small and convoluted ventricular shapes when integrating the third spatial dimension

    Quantitative Three-Dimensional Wall Motion Analysis Predicts Ischemic Region Size and Location

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    Stress echocardiography is an important screening test for coronary artery disease. Currently, cardiologists rely on visual analysis of left ventricular (LV) wall motion abnormalities, which is subjective and qualitative. We previously used finite-element models of the regionally ischemic left ventricle to develop a wall motion measure, 3DFS, for predicting ischemic region size and location from real-time 3D echocardiography (RT3DE). The purpose of this study was to validate these methods against regional blood flow measurements during regional ischemia and to compare the accuracy of our methods to the current state of the art, visual scoring by trained cardiologists. We acquired RT3DE images during 20 brief (<2min) coronary occlusions in dogs and determined ischemic region size and location by microsphere-based measurement of regional perfusion. We identified regions of abnormal wall motion using 3DFS and by blinded visual scoring. 3DFS predicted ischemic region size well (correlation r 2=0.64 against microspheres, p<0.0001), reducing error by more than half compared to visual scoring (8±9% vs. 19±14%, p<0.05), while localizing the ischemic region with equal accuracy. We conclude that 3DFS is an objective, quantitative measure of wall motion that localizes acutely ischemic regions as accurately as wall motion scoring while providing superior quantification of ischemic region siz


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    Previous data showed that PFOs not detected by high-quality transthoracic echocardiography are smaller and associated with small right-to-left shunts (4); therefore, they are far less likely to be associated with embolic stroke features (5)