2 research outputs found

    Autophagy orchestrates resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    Treatment resistance is one of the major barriers for therapeutic strategies in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Many studies have indicated that chemotherapy and radiotherapy induce autophagy machinery (cell protective autophagy) in HCC cells. In addition, many experiments report a remarkable crosstalk between treatment resistance and autophagy pathways. Thus, autophagy could be one of the key factors enabling tumor cells to hinder induced cell death after medical interventions. Therefore, extensive research on the molecular pathways involved in resistance induction and autophagy have been conducted to achieve the desired therapeutic response. The key molecular pathways related to the therapy resistance are TGF-β, MAPK, NRF2, NF-κB, and non-coding RNAs. In addition, EMT, drug transports, apoptosis evasion, DNA repair, cancer stem cells, and hypoxia could have considerable impact on the hepatoma cell’s response to therapies. These mechanisms protect tumor cells against various treatments and many studies have shown that each of them is connected to the molecular pathways of autophagy induction in HCC. Hence, autophagy inhibition may be an effective strategy to improve therapeutic outcome in HCC patients. In this review, we further highlight how autophagy leads to poor response during treatment through a complex molecular network and how it enhances resistance in primary liver cancer. We propose that combinational regimens of approved HCC therapeutic protocols plus autophagy inhibitors may overcome drug resistance in HCC therapy