7 research outputs found

    Turismo acessível em Portugal : lei, oportunidades económicas, informação

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    D9.1 Report on vehicle survey operator needs

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    In the era of digitization, technology developments have been making massive and detailed operator performance data easily available, thus upscaling transport technology into a new level of challenging conditions and drastically transforming the framework of operator-vehicle-environment interactions. Consequently, the need for increased understanding of the human factors – distraction, fatigue and drowsiness, health concerns, extreme emotions and sociocultural factors – affecting the behaviour of operators, and the harmonization of them with the current state of transport and data technology, create an opportunity to detect and design customised interventions to mitigate road risks, increase awareness and dynamically upgrade road operators’ performance.The project entitled ‘Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for drivervehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions’ — ‘i-DREAMS’ aims to setup a framework for the definition, development, testing and validation of a context-aware ‘Safety Tolerance Zone’ for driving, within a smart Driver, Vehicle & Environment Assessment and Monitoring System (i-DREAMS). This framework should translate into new road safety interventions, improved driver well-being and transfer of control between human and vehicle, as well as a more eco-efficient driving style since safer driving implies an eco-friendlier behaviour.Taking into account, on the one hand, driver-related background factors (age, driving experience, safety attitudes and perceptions, etc.) and real-time risk-related physiological indicators (e.g. fatigue, distraction, stress, etc.), and on the other hand, driving task-related complexity indicators (e.g. time of day, speed, traffic intensity, presence of vulnerable road users, adverse weather, etc.) a continuous real-time assessment will be made to monitor and determine if a driver is within acceptable boundaries of safe operation (i.e. safety tolerance zone).Initial testing will take place in a driving simulator environment after which promising interventions will be tested and validated under real-world conditions in a testbed consisting of 600 drivers in total across 5 EU countries. Market roadmaps will be developed to support smooth transition of the investigated technologies to the market and experience from use cases in different European countries will be used to disseminate best practices.</div

    Alargamento do Canal do Panamá: Impacto e Mudança de Paradigma no Transporte de Mercadorias para os Estados Unidos da América

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    A expansão do Canal do Panamá vai aumentar o volume de comércio da rota da Ásia para os Estados Unidos da América (USA), bem como a concorrência entre todos os seus portos, criando impactos económicos em diversas áreas. Os portos da costa Este dos USA serão os que irão empreender mais investimento na requalificação portuária, para se adaptarem a receber navios de maiores dimensões tipo Post-Panamax com capacidade de 13.000TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit), em vez dos Panamax cuja capacidade de carga vai até 5.000TEU. A expansão do Canal do Panamá permitirá viagens mais rápidas visto o tempo de travessia no Canal ser mais curto, possibilitando a eliminação de paragem nos portos da Costa Oeste, através da travessia direta pelo Canal do Panamá para a Costa Este dos EUA. No entanto, existem rotas alternativas que concorrem com o Canal do Panamá como a rota pelo Canal do Suez, rota do Cabo ou a rota do Ártico. O trabalho faz uma análise comparada da rota do Canal do Suez e a do Canal do Panamá

    Accessibilité des bâtiments scolaires et restauration d'une école à Lisbonne

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    La municipalité de Lisbonne (Portugal), qui s’efforce d’améliorer l’accueil des enfants souffrant de déficiences à l’école primaire, a récemment mis en oeuvre un programme visant à rendre les écoles plus accessibles et a restauré un bâtiment historique dans le cadre de ce projet.Portugal

    A imprensa médica na Corte imperial: a loucura e as doenças nervosas nas páginas dos periódicos especializados (1850-1880)

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    Recommendations for Green and Healthy Sustainable Transport - "Building Forward Better"

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    The pan-European region has been at the forefront in the development of sustainable mobility solutions focusing on health, environment and prosperity. The Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) brings the countries of the region together, unites three core sectors of the economy – transport, health and environment – and provides countries with the opportunity to share best practice and develop new policies. It therefore provides a platform for accelerating transformation in the transport sector and making this transformation irreversible. The recommendations, developed by a task force under THE PEP, will allow member States to lock in sustainable transport solutions for the future, given the changes to the sector brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. At the meeting of the Bureau of the Steering Committee of THE PEP in April 2020, member States discussed the COVID-19 situation, its impact on transport, environment and health in their countries and the need to take action. Participants agreed to establish a THE PEP Task Force on “The Development of Green and Healthy Sustainable Transport Recommendations” to facilitate the transition to a new normal with sustainable and healthy transport solutions at the heart of decision-making and “building forward better”. The objective of the Task Force was to make a synthesis of the “main lessons” learned from the COVID-19 crisis and to propose a set of recommendations in order to support countries in making the transition to green and healthy sustainable transport:1 a transition in line with the goals of THE PEP,2 the Vienna Declaration of the Fifth High-Level Meeting of the Ministers of Transport, Health and Environment, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement,3 to name the key processes and instruments. The Task Force was composed of over 50 experts from national ministries, international organizations, city authorities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia and industry. The Task Force was chaired by the Chair of THE PEP Steering Committee, Mr. Robert Thaler (Austria).The first draft of the recommendations was discussed at the meeting of the Steering Committee of THE PEP in November 2020 and, following further consultations, was finalized in January 2021.4 The recommendations identified in chapter III below were then included in the Vienna Declaration to be signed at the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment in May 2021