1,918 research outputs found

    Probing the Circular Polarization of Relativistic Jets on VLBI Scales

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    High resolution studies of circular polarization allow us see where it arises in a jet, study its local fractional level and spectrum, and compare these results to local measures of linear polarization and Faraday rotation. Here we not only review past results from Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) circular polarization studies, but we also present preliminary new results on two quasars. In the core of PKS 0607-157, we find strong circular polarization at 8 GHz and much weaker levels at 15 GHz. Combined with the linear polarization data, we favor a simple model where the circular is produced by Faraday conversion driven by a small amount of Faraday rotation. In the core of 3C345, we find strong circular polarization at 15 GHz in a component with distinct linear polarization. This core component is optically thick at 8 GHz, where we detect no circular polarization. With opposite trends in frequency for PKS 0607-157 and 3C345, it seems clear that local conditions in a jet can have a strong effect on circular polarization and need to be taken into account when studying inhomogeneous objects with multi-frequency observations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Circular Polarization of Relativistic Jet Sources", eds R. P. Fender and J.-P. Macquart, in Astrophysics and Space Science. 11 pgs, 2 fig

    Theoretical Models for Producing Circularly Polarized Radiation in Extragalactic Radio Sources

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    We discuss the production of circular polarization in compact radio sources both by the intrinsic mechanism and by Faraday conversion. We pay particular attention to the magnetic field structure, considering partially ordered fiel ds and Laing sheets, and distinguishing between uniform and unidirectional fields. (The latter can be constrained b y flux conservation arguments.) In most cases, Faraday conversion is the more important mechanism. Conversion opera tes on Stokes U, which can be generated by internal Faraday rotation, or by magnetic field fluctuations, which can therefore produce circular polarization even in a pure pair plasma. We also show that the spectrum of circular pola rization in an inhomogeneous jet can be quite different from that in a uniform source, being flat or even inverted.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Circular Polarization of Relativistic Jet Sources", eds R. P. Fender and J.-P. Macquart, in Astrophysics and Space Science. 12 pgs, 0 fig

    High Levels of Circularly Polarized Emission from the Radio Jet in NGC 1275 (3C 84)

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    We present multi-frequency, high resolution VLBA circular polarization images of the radio source 3C 84 in the center of NGC 1275. Our images reveal a complex distribution of circular polarization in the inner parsec of the radio jet, with local levels exceeding 3% polarization, the highest yet detected with VLBI techniques. The circular polarization changes sign along the jet, making 3C 84 also the first radio jet to show both signs of circular polarization simultaneously. The spectrum and changing sign of the circular polarization indicate that it is unlikely to be purely intrinsic to the emitted synchrotron radiation. The Faraday conversion process makes a significant and perhaps dominant contribution to the circular polarization, and the observed spectrum suggests the conversion process is near saturation. The sign change in the circular polarization along the jet may result from this saturation or may be due to a change in magnetic field order after an apparent bend in the jet. From the small spatial scales probed here, ~ 0.15 pc, and the comparably high levels of circular polarization inferred for the intra-day variable source PKS 1519-273, we suggest a connection between small spatial scales and efficient production of circular polarization.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in ApJ Letter

    Physical Properties of Jets in AGN

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    I review constraints on the physical properties of AGN jets revealed through Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) studies of the structure and time-evolution of parsec-scale jets, including recent results from the MOJAVE program. In particular I focus on constraints available from very long time baseline studies which probe a wide range of jet behavior over many outbursts. Kinematic studies of propagating jet features find an apparent speed distribution that peaks around 10c for blazars, with speeds up to 50c observed. These observed speeds require Lorentz factors at least as large, implying that parsec-scale Lorentz factors up to 10-20 are common for blazars with a tail up to ~ 50. Jet flows are still becoming organized on these scales as evidenced by the high incidence of non-radial motions and/or accelerations of jet features (including increases and decreases in apparent speed and direction). Changes in Lorentz factors of propagating jet features appear to play a significant role in the observed accelerations, and while the connection between acceleration of jet features and the underlying flow is not clear, the pattern of observed accelerations suggest the flow may increase in speed near the base of the jet and decrease further out. In some jets, ejections of new features span a range of ejection angles over many epochs, tracing out wider opening angles on parsec-scales than are apparent in single epoch observations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IJMPCS for proceedings of HEPROIII: High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows III, Barcelona, June 27 - July 1, 201

    Alterations by a Life Tenant or Tenant for Years as Waste

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    It would seem best to recognize that the old rule of waste, which was based on practically any physical change in the premises, is dead.The rule today would clearly seem to be that, to determine waste, one must decide whether or not the acts complained of violated the actual or presumed intention of the parties creating the estate. Certainly the least desirable approach to a determination of what is actionable waste is that which attaches liability to certain acts regardless of their desirability or practical context. It seems to be the rule today that the intention of the parties, or, the reasonable man rule should govern

    Alterations by a Life Tenant or Tenant for Years as Waste

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    It would seem best to recognize that the old rule of waste, which was based on practically any physical change in the premises, is dead.The rule today would clearly seem to be that, to determine waste, one must decide whether or not the acts complained of violated the actual or presumed intention of the parties creating the estate. Certainly the least desirable approach to a determination of what is actionable waste is that which attaches liability to certain acts regardless of their desirability or practical context. It seems to be the rule today that the intention of the parties, or, the reasonable man rule should govern
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