224 research outputs found

    Prävention von Frühgeburten

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Frühgeburt stellt heute, obwohl große Fortschritte im medizinisch-technischen Bereich gemacht wurden, immer noch eine Hauptursache der perinatalen Mortalität und Morbidität dar. Trotz intensiver Bemühungen im therapeutischen Bereich ist die Rate der Frühgeburten in den westlichen Ländern stabil oder - wie in den USA - sogar ansteigend. Präventive Maßnahmen rücken deswegen immer stärker in den Blickpunkt. In der vorliegenden Übersichtsarbeit werden basierend auf randomisierten oder Beobachtungsstudien die aktuellen Strategien zur Prävention diskutiert. Nach den derzeit vorliegenden Metaanalysen wird die perinatale Morbidität durch präventive Maßnahmen nicht verbessert, wohl aber das Gestationsalter verlängert. Was dies an Vorteilen für das Neugeborene bringt, bleibt zu kläre

    Comparative birth weights of singletons born after assisted reproduction and natural conception in previously infertile women

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    BACKGROUND: The possible interference of assisted reproduction techniques (ART) with epigenetic reprogramming during early embryo development has recently sparked renewed interest about the reported lower birth weight among infants born as a consequence of infertility treatments. However, the latter finding so far has relied on the comparison of the birth weight of infants conceived with ART to general population data. A more appropriate comparison group should involve pregnancies in infertile women after natural conception. Therefore, we compared neonatal birth weight data of infants born after various ART treatments, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), with those of previously infertile women achieving pregnancy after sexual intercourse. METHODS: Between August 1996 and March 2004 the data of all infertile women presenting in the infertility unit of the University Women's Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, were collected prospectively, adding up to 995 intact pregnancies and deliveries. The birth weight of all infants resulting from 741 singleton pregnancies were analysed with regard to the patients' characteristics, the occurrence of complications during pregnancy and the type of infertility treatment with which the pregnancies were achieved. RESULTS: Comparison of duration of pregnancy and birth weight of infants born after infertility treatment confirms a shorter pregnancy span and a lower mean birth weight in infants born after IVF and ICSI. If women with pregnancies after ART deliver before term, neonatal birth weight is significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: There is a specific effect of ART, mainly IVF and ICSI, on both shortening the duration of pregnancy and lowering neonatal birth weight. Both these parameters seem to be interrelated consequences of some modification in the gestational process induced by the infertility treatment. Freezing and thawing of oocytes in the pronucleate stage had a lesser impact on pregnancy span and on neonatal birth weigh

    Water birth: is the water an additional reservoir for group B streptococcus?

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    Objective: Water birth became popular in the last years, despite the fact that many questions like the risk of infection for the newborn remain unanswered. Group B streptococcal (GBS) infections in the newborn remain a challenge in obstetrics and neonatology. Method: We conducted a prospective trial to study the impact of water birth on the colonization rate of the bath water and, more importantly, the GBS-colonization rate of the newborn. Result: After water birth the bath water was significantly more often colonized with GBS than after immersion followed by a delivery in bed. The newborns, however, showed no difference in GBS colonization and there was even a trend towards less GBS colonization of the newborn after a water delivery. Conclusion: Regarding GBS colonization of the newborn during water birth there might be a wash out effect, which protects the children during the deliver

    Quality predictors of abdominal fetal electrocardiography recording in antenatal ambulatory and bedside settings

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    Background: Fetal electrocardiography using an abdominal monitor (Monica AN24™) could increase the diagnostic use of fetal heart rate (fHR) variability measurements. However, signal quality may depend on factors such as maternal physical activity, posture, and bedside versus ambulatory setting. Methods: Sixty-three healthy women wore the monitor at home and 42 women during a hospital stay. All women underwent a posture experiment, and all home and 13 hospital participants wore the monitor during daytime and nighttime. The success rate (SR) of fHR detection was analyzed in relation to maternal physical activity, posture, daytime versus nighttime, and other maternal and fetal predictors. Results: Ambulatorily, the SR was 86.8% for nighttime and 40.2% for daytime. The low daytime SR was largely due to effects of maternal physical activity and posture. The in-hospital SR was lower during nighttime (71.1%) and similar during daytime (43.3%). SR was related to gestational age, but not affected by pre-pregnancy and current body mass index or fetal growth restriction. Conclusions: The success of beat-to-beat fHR detection strongly depends on the home/hospital setting and predictors such as time of recording, activity levels, and maternal posture. Its clinical utility may be limited in periods of unsupervised recording with physical activity or posture shifts

    Scope and significance of non-uniform classification practices in breast cancer with non-inflammatory skin involvement: a clinicopathologic study and an international survey

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    Background: The study evaluates the scope of non-uniform classification practices concerning breast carcinomas with non-inflammatory skin involvement. Patients and methods: We compared the clinical course of patients with histologically proven non-inflammatory skin involvement: 119 (65.4%) with clinically obvious ‘classical' skin changes (Group A) and 63 (34.6%) with no or only discreet changes (Group B). A questionnaire was circulated to pathology departments in 24 countries to assess the practice concerning the placement of skin- involved breast carcinomas in the TNM classification. Results: Patients in Group B showed a significantly better disease specific survival (P = 0.0002). Eighty-six respondents (70.5%) of the survey preferred the ‘histological view' and classified tumors with only histological proven skin involvement as T4b/stage IIIB. The opposing classification principle (‘clinical view'), which dictates that T4b breast cancer is a clinical diagnosis and the classical signs must be present, was supported by 31 respondents (25.4%). Conclusions: A large number of breast cancer patients with non-inflammatory skin involvement are only histologically proven and show, compared with cases exhibiting the classical clinical signs, significant differences in clinical course and prognosis. In general, both subsets were aggregated in one T category/stage (T4b/IIIB). This results in a considerable distortion of the reported statistical dat

    Stable transduction with lentiviral vectors and amplification of immature hematopoietic progenitors from cord blood of preterm human fetuses

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    Umbilical cord blood (CB) from the early gestational human fetus is recognized as a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells. To examine the value of fetal CB for gene therapy of inborn immunohematopoietic disorders, we tested the feasibility of genetic modification of CD34(+) cells from CB at weeks 24 to 34 of pregnancy, using lentiviral vector-mediated transfer of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. The transduction rate of CD34(+) cells was 42 +/- 9%, resulting in GFP expression in 23 +/- 4% of colonies derived from colony-forming units (CFUs) and 11 +/- 1% from primitive long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs). Cell cycle analysis demonstrated transduction and GFP expression in cells in the G(0) phase, which contains immature hematopoietic progenitors. Transduced fetal CD34(+) cells could be expanded 1000-fold in long-term cultures supplemented with megakaryocyte growth and development factor along with Flt-3 ligand. At week 10, expression of GFP was observed in 40.5 +/- 11.7% of CFU-derived colonies. While prestimulation of CD34(+) cells with cytokines prior to transduction increased the efficiency of GFP transfer 2- to 3-fold, long-term maintenance of GFP-expressing CFUs occurred only in the absence of prestimulation. The GFP gene was found integrated into the genomic DNA of 35% of LTC-IC-derived colonies initiated at week 10, but GFP expression was not detectable, suggesting downregulation of transgene activity during the extended culture period. These results indicate that human fetal CB progenitors are amenable to genetic modification by lentiviral vectors and may serve as a target for gene therapy of hematopoietic disorders by prenatal autologous transplantation

    International, collaborative assessment of 146 000 prenatal karyotypes: expected limitations if only chromosome-specific probes and fluorescent in-situ hybridization are used

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    The development of chromosome-specific probes (CSP) and fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) has allowed for very rapid identification of selected numerical abnormalities. We attempt here to determine, in principle, what percentage of abnormalities would be detectable if only CSP-FISH were performed without karyotype for prenatal diagnosis. A total of 146 128 consecutive karyotypes for prenatal diagnosis from eight centres in four countries for 5 years were compared with predicted detection if probes for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y were used, and assuming 100% detection efficiency. A total of 4163 abnormalities (2.85%) were found including 2889 (69.4%) (trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, numerical sex chromosome abnormalities, and triploidies) which were considered detectable by FISH. Of these, 1274 were mosaics, translocations, deletions, inversions, rings, and markers which would not be considered detectable. CSP-FISH is a useful adjunct to karyotype for high risk situations, and may be appropriate in low risk screening, but should not be seen as a replacement for karyotype as too many structural chromosome abnormalities will be misse