1,248 research outputs found

    DOMS After Acute Strenuous Exercise and Massage

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    The art of massage therapy has been around for centuries and investigation of its effects on the human body continues. Purpose: This study is designed to determine if Swedish massage therapy reduces DOMS at 24- and 48-hours after a single bout of resistance exercise to fatigue. Methods: Twenty one volunteers completed a bout of body squats to exhaustion holding a 3.63 kg (8 lb.) weight for men and a 2.27 kg (5 lb.) for women, and after a one-minute rest did the same again but without the weight. This was immediately followed by a 20-minute Swedish massage on either the right or left leg (randomized), specifically the hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteal muscles. After the massage was performed participants were then asked to report the soreness of treated leg after 24- and 48-hrs using a standard 0-10 pain scale. Results: A 2 (leg) X 2 (time) factorial ANOVA with repeated measures on the second factor indicated perceived soreness in the treated leg was significantly reduced compared to the untreated leg at 24 hrs (p = .003) and 48 hrs (p = .017). While soreness was significantly higher after 48 hrs compared to 24 hrs in the untreated leg (p = .012), soreness in the treated leg was also significantly higher between the same time points (p = .007), but to a lower magnitude. Conclusion: While it seems a single massage treatment immediately after exhaustive resistance exercise reduces the initial effect of DOMS, the difference in perceived pain from 24- to 48-hrs is not changed

    On the Number of Unbordered Factors

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    We illustrate a general technique for enumerating factors of k-automatic sequences by proving a conjecture on the number f(n) of unbordered factors of the Thue-Morse sequence. We show that f(n) = 4 and that f(n) = n infinitely often. We also give examples of automatic sequences having exactly 2 unbordered factors of every length

    Effect of Swedish Massage on DOMS after Strenuous Exercise

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(2): 258-265, 2017. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can occur after intense exercise and remain for several days. Massage is one means by which DOMS can be reduced; however, the timing of exercise, techniques applied, and timing of application produces differing outcomes. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a 20-minute Swedish massage immediately after strenuous exercise on DOMS. Procedures: Twenty college students engaged in two sets of a squatting exercise to fatigue and then the right or the left leg was immediately massaged. Effleurage, petrissage, friction and compression manual techniques were used for 10 minutes on the quadriceps and the 10 minutes on the hamstrings and gluteal group, so that each manual technique utilized 2.5 minutes. Participants rated their DOMS 24 and 48 hours later with a single-digit incremental numeric rating scale. Results: Delayed onset muscle soreness in the massaged leg at 24 hours was significantly lower compared to the non-massaged leg (p = .019, Cohen’s d = .56), but no significant difference at 48 hours existed between the legs (p = .097, Cohen’s d = .49). Additionally, the increase in DOMS from 24 to 48 hours was significant in the massaged leg (p = .043, Cohen’s d = .83), but a significant increase between these two time points was not evident in the non-massaged leg (p = .067, Cohen’s d = .49). Conclusions. A 20-minute Swedish massage immediately after squatting exercise is effective in attenuating DOMS after 24 hours

    Unambiguous 1-Uniform Morphisms

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    A morphism h is unambiguous with respect to a word w if there is no other morphism g that maps w to the same image as h. In the present paper we study the question of whether, for any given word, there exists an unambiguous 1-uniform morphism, i.e., a morphism that maps every letter in the word to an image of length 1.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Patterns of change concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil of vehicles operating in non-stationary conditions when adding additives

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    Досліджено вплив присадок на концентрацію хімічних елементів у моторній оливі М10Г2к при роботі кар’єрних автосамоскидів. Виявлено закономірності зміни концентрації Fe, Cr, Al, Pb з напрацюванням та побудовано диференціальні функції їх розподілу. Показано, що при додаванні присадок середня концентрація хімічних елементів, у порівнянні з базовою моторною оливою, зменшується, що свідчить про зменшення зносу деталей двигунів і подовження ресурсу та терміну заміни моторної оливи.The influence of additives on the concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil at defined М10Г2к dump trucky is vestisated. The regularities of changes in the concentration of Fe, Cr, Al, Pb are operation of with opperation and there were built differential functions of there districultion. It is shown that the addition of additives average concentration of chemical elements in comparison with the base engine oil decreases, indicating a decrease of engine parts wear and service life extension as well as the motor oil change intervals

    Combining Generative Models and Fisher Kernels for Object Recognition

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    Learning models for detecting and classifying object categories is a challenging problem in machine vision. While discriminative approaches to learning and classification have, in principle, superior performance, generative approaches provide many useful features, one of which is the ability to naturally establish explicit correspondence between model components and scene features – this, in turn, allows for the handling of missing data and unsupervised learning in clutter. We explore a hybrid generative/discriminative approach using ‘Fisher kernels’ [1] which retains most of the desirable properties of generative methods, while increasing the classification performance through a discriminative setting. Furthermore, we demonstrate how this kernel framework can be used to combine different types of features and models into a single classifier. Our experiments, conducted on a number of popular benchmarks, show strong performance improvements over the corresponding generative approach and are competitive with the best results reported in the literature

    Culture and Cold War as a problem of spy novel

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    Natural history of Arabidopsis thaliana and oomycete symbioses

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    Molecular ecology of plant–microbe interactions has immediate significance for filling a gap in knowledge between the laboratory discipline of molecular biology and the largely theoretical discipline of evolutionary ecology. Somewhere in between lies conservation biology, aimed at protection of habitats and the diversity of species housed within them. A seemingly insignificant wildflower called Arabidopsis thaliana has an important contribution to make in this endeavour. It has already transformed botanical research with deepening understanding of molecular processes within the species and across the Plant Kingdom; and has begun to revolutionize plant breeding by providing an invaluable catalogue of gene sequences that can be used to design the most precise molecular markers attainable for marker-assisted selection of valued traits. This review describes how A. thaliana and two of its natural biotrophic parasites could be seminal as a model for exploring the biogeography and molecular ecology of plant–microbe interactions, and specifically, for testing hypotheses proposed from the geographic mosaic theory of co-evolution

    Covering Problems for Partial Words and for Indeterminate Strings

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    We consider the problem of computing a shortest solid cover of an indeterminate string. An indeterminate string may contain non-solid symbols, each of which specifies a subset of the alphabet that could be present at the corresponding position. We also consider covering partial words, which are a special case of indeterminate strings where each non-solid symbol is a don't care symbol. We prove that indeterminate string covering problem and partial word covering problem are NP-complete for binary alphabet and show that both problems are fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk, the number of non-solid symbols. For the indeterminate string covering problem we obtain a 2O(klogk)+nkO(1)2^{O(k \log k)} + n k^{O(1)}-time algorithm. For the partial word covering problem we obtain a 2O(klogk)+nkO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k)} + nk^{O(1)}-time algorithm. We prove that, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis is false, no 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(\sqrt{k})} n^{O(1)}-time solution exists for either problem, which shows that our algorithm for this case is close to optimal. We also present an algorithm for both problems which is feasible in practice.Comment: full version (simplified and corrected); preliminary version appeared at ISAAC 2014; 14 pages, 4 figure

    The Critical Exponent is Computable for Automatic Sequences

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    The critical exponent of an infinite word is defined to be the supremum of the exponent of each of its factors. For k-automatic sequences, we show that this critical exponent is always either a rational number or infinite, and its value is computable. Our results also apply to variants of the critical exponent, such as the initial critical exponent of Berthe, Holton, and Zamboni and the Diophantine exponent of Adamczewski and Bugeaud. Our work generalizes or recovers previous results of Krieger and others, and is applicable to other situations; e.g., the computation of the optimal recurrence constant for a linearly recurrent k-automatic sequence.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341