218 research outputs found

    Experimental Techniques for the CESR Streak Camera

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    Observations and predictions at CesrTA, and outlook for ILC

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    In this paper, we will describe some of the recent experimental measurements [1, 2, 3] performed at CESRTA [4], and the supporting simulations, which probe the interaction of the electron cloud with the stored beam. These experiments have been done over a wide range of beam energies, emittances, bunch currents, and fill patterns, to gather sufficient information to be able to fully characterize the beam-electron-cloud interaction and validate the simulation programs. The range of beam conditions is chosen to be as close as possible to those of the ILC damping ring, so that the validated simulation programs can be used to predict the performance of these rings with regard to electroncloud- related phenomena. Using the new simulation code Synrad3D to simulate the synchrotron radiation environment, a vacuum chamber design has been developed for the ILC damping ring which achieves the required level of photoelectron suppression. To determine the expected electron cloud density in the ring, EC buildup simulations have been done based on the simulated radiation environment and on the expected performance of the ILC damping ring chamber mitigation prescriptions. The expected density has been compared with analytical estimates of the instability threshold, to verify that the ILC damping ring vacuum chamber design is adequate to suppress the electron cloud single-bunch head-tail instability.Comment: 11 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    Intrabeam Scattering Studies at CesrTA

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    Intrabeam scattering (IBS) limits the emittance and single-bunch current that can be achieved in electron or positron storage ring colliders, damping rings, and light sources. Much theoretical work on IBS exists, and while the theories have been validated in hadron and ion machines, the presence of strong damping makes IBS in lepton machines a different phenomenon. We present the results of measurements at CesrTA of IBS dominated beams, and compare the data with theory. The beams we study have parameters typical of those specified for the next generation of wiggler dominated storage rings: low emittance, small bunch length, and few GeV energy. Our measurements are in good agreement with IBS theory, provided a tail-cut procedure is applied.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure
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