2,269 research outputs found

    The Revenues-Expenditures Nexus: Evidence from Local Government Data

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    This paper examines the intertemporal linkages between local government expenditures and revenues. In the terminology that has become standard in the literature on vector autoregression analysis, the issue is whether revenues Granger-cause expenditures, or expenditures Granger-cause revenues. The main results that emerge from an analysis of fiscal data from 171 municipal governments over the period 1972-1980 are that: 1) one or two years are sufficient to summarize the relevant dynamic interrelationships; 2) there are important intertemporal linkages between expenditures, taxes and grants; and 3) past revenues help predict current expenditures, but past expenditures do not alter the future path of revenues. This last finding is contrary to results that have emerged from previous analyses of federal fiscal data, and hence suggests the need for additional research on the differences in the processes generating local and federal decisions.

    Changing the incentive structure of social media platforms to halt the spread of misinformation

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    The powerful allure of social media platforms has been attributed to the human need for social rewards. Here, we demonstrate that the spread of misinformation on such platforms is facilitated by existing social 'carrots' (e.g., 'likes') and 'sticks' (e.g., 'dislikes') that are dissociated from the veracity of the information shared. Testing 951 participants over six experiments, we show that a slight change to the incentive structure of social media platforms, such that social rewards and punishments are contingent on information veracity, produces a considerable increase in the discernment of shared information. Namely, an increase in the proportion of true information shared relative to the proportion of false information shared. Computational modeling (i.e., drift-diffusion models) revealed the underlying mechanism of this effect is associated with an increase in the weight participants assign to evidence consistent with discerning behavior. The results offer evidence for an intervention that could be adopted to reduce misinformation spread, which in turn could reduce violence, vaccine hesitancy and political polarization, without reducing engagement

    Existence Theory for the Radically Symmetric Contact Lens Equation

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    In this paper we present a variational formulation of the problem of determining the elastic stresses in a contact lens on an eye and the induced suction pressure distribution in the tear film between the eye and the lens. This complements the force-balance derivation that we used in earlier work [K. L. Maki and D. S. Ross, J. Bio. Sys., 22 (2014), pp. 235–248]. We investigate the existence of solutions of the relevant boundary value problem for the singular, second-order Euler–Lagrange equation. We prove that, for lenses of constant thickness, solutions exist. We present an example to show that in some cases in which the lens thickness increases with distance from the lens center no solution exists

    How Much Does Money Matter in a Direct Democracy?

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    The fine-structure splitting of quantum confined InxGa1-x Nexcitons is investigated using polarization-sensitive photoluminescence spectroscopy. The majority of the studied emission lines exhibits mutually orthogonal fine-structure components split by 100-340 mu eV, as measured from the cleaved edge of the sample. The exciton and the biexciton reveal identical magnitudes but reversed sign of the energy splitting.Original Publication:Supaluck Amloy, Y T Chen, K F Karlsson, K H Chen, H C Hsu, C L Hsiao, L C Chen and Per-Olof Holtz, Polarization-resolved fine-structure splitting of zero-dimensional InxGa1-xN excitons, 2011, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, (83), 20, 201307.http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.83.201307Copyright: American Physical Societyhttp://www.aps.org

    Experimental evidence for the influence of structure and meaning on linear order in the noun phrase

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    Recent work has used artificial language experiments to argue that hierarchical representations drive learners’ expectations about word order in complex noun phrases like these two green cars (Culbertson & Adger 2014; Martin, Ratitamkul, et al. 2019). When trained on a novel language in which individual modifiers come after the Noun, English speakers overwhelmingly assume that multiple nominal modifiers should be ordered such that Adjectives come closest to the Noun, then Numerals, then Demonstratives (i.e., N-Adj-Num-Dem or some subset thereof). This order transparently reflects a constituent structure in which Adjectives combine with Nouns to the exclusion of Numerals and Demonstratives, and Numerals combine with Noun+Adjective units to the exclusion of Demonstratives. This structure has also been claimed to derive frequency asymmetries in complex noun phrase order across languages (e.g., Cinque 2005). However, we show that features of the methodology used in these experiments potentially encourage participants to use a particular metalinguistic strategy that could yield this outcome without implicating constituency structure. Here, we use a more naturalistic artificial language learning task to investigate whether the preference for hierarchy-respecting orders is still found when participants do not use this strategy. We find that the preference still holds, and, moreover, as Culbertson & Adger (2014) speculate, that its strength reflects structural distance between modifiers. It is strongest when ordering Adjectives relative to Demonstratives, and weaker when ordering Numerals relative to Adjectives or Demonstratives relative to Numerals. Our results provide the strongest evidence yet for the psychological influence of hierarchical structure on word order preferences during learning

    A Review of EMG Techniques for Detection of Gait Disorders

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a commonly used technique to record myoelectric signals, i.e., motor neuron signals that originate from the central nervous system (CNS) and synergistically activate groups of muscles resulting in movement. EMG patterns underlying movement, recorded using surface or needle electrodes, can be used to detect movement and gait abnormalities. In this review article, we examine EMG signal processing techniques that have been applied for diagnosing gait disorders. These techniques span from traditional statistical tests to complex machine learning algorithms. We particularly emphasize those techniques are promising for clinical applications. This study is pertinent to both medical and engineering research communities and is potentially helpful in advancing diagnostics and designing rehabilitation devices

    Enhancement of the Binding Energy of Charged Excitons in Disordered Quantum Wires

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    Negatively and positively charged excitons are identified in the spatially-resolved photoluminescence spectra of quantum wires. We demonstrate that charged excitons are weakly localized in disordered quantum wires. As a consequence, the enhancement of the "binding energy" of a charged exciton is caused, for a significant part, by the recoil energy transferred to the remaining charged carrier during its radiative recombination. We discover that the Coulomb correlation energy is not the sole origin of the "binding energy", in contrast to charged excitons confined in quantum dots.Comment: 4 Fig

    La fin des nouvelles classes : couches moyennes éclatées et société d’appareils

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    Le gonflement des effectifs des diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur, l'utilisation massive des savoirs scientifiques, techniques et sociaux dans le monde de la production, la croissance des grandes organisations et la multiplication de leurs niveaux hiérarchiques intermédiaires, autant d'éléments qui permettent d'expliquer le développement des couches moyennes salariées. Mais que signifie sociologiquement la croissance de ce groupe médian ? Est-elle compatible avec la représentation d'une société déchirée par le conflit de deux classes antagonistes ? Est-elle l'un des nombreux signes d'une transformation qualitative des sociétés industrielles ou plutôt le produit d'un travail idéologique et socio-politique visant à modifier le système des représentations et à occulter le conflit Capital -Travail ? Ces couches constituent-elles des fractions de la classe ouvrière et/ou de la classe dirigeante, ou fondent-elles au contraire une « nouvelle classe » qui se singulariserait non seulement par son mode de consommation, ses orientations culturelles et ses projets politiques, mais aussi par ses relations aux autres classes ? [Premier paragraphe
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