999 research outputs found

    Quantum state tomography of slow and stored light

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    Quantum information can be transferred from a beam of light to a cloud of atoms and controllably released at a later time. These quantum memory devices are fundamental to applications in quantum information science, quantum computing, and quantum communication. We propose a technique for measuring the quantum state of light that has been stored and released from a quantum memory system. This technique does not require careful mode matching can in fact be used to optimize the measured field mode without a priori knowledge of the stored light

    Heat and salinity budgets at the Stratus mooring in the southeast Pacific

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2014): 8162–8176, doi:10.1002/2014JC010256.The surface layer of the southeast Pacific Ocean (SEP) requires an input of cold, fresh water to balance heat gain, and evaporation from air-sea fluxes. Models typically fail to reproduce the cool sea surface temperatures (SST) of the SEP, limiting our ability to understand the variability of this climatically important region. We estimate the annual heat budget of the SEP for the period 2004–2009, using data from the upper 250 m of the Stratus mooring, located at 85°W 20°S, and from Argo floats. The surface buoy measures meteorological conditions and air-sea fluxes; the mooring line is heavily instrumented, measuring temperature, salinity, and velocity at more than 15 depth levels. We use a new method for estimating the advective component of the heat budget that combines Argo profiles and mooring velocity data, allowing us to calculate monthly profiles of heat advection. Averaged over the 6 year study period, we estimate a cooling advective heat flux of −41 ± 29 W m−2, accomplished by a combination of the mean gyre circulation, Ekman transport, and eddies. This compensates for warming fluxes of 32 ± 4 W m−2 due to air-sea fluxes and 7 ± 9 W m−2 due to vertical mixing and Ekman pumping. A salinity budget exhibits a similar balance, with advection of freshwater (−60 psu m) replenishing the freshwater lost through evaporation (47 psu m) and Ekman pumping (14 psu m).This work was supported by NOAA's Climate Program Office and by NSF grant OCE-0745508.2015-05-2

    Interaction of Void Spacing and Material Size Effect on Inter-Void Flow Localization

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    The ductile fracture process in porous metals due to growth and coalescence of micron scale voids is not only affected by the imposed stress state but also by the distribution of the voids and the material size effect. The objective of this work is to understand the interaction of the inter-void spacing (or ligaments) and the resultant gradient induced material size effect on void coalescence for a range of imposed stress states. To this end, three dimensional finite element calculations of unit cell models with a discrete void embedded in a strain gradient enhanced material matrix are performed. The calculations are carried out for a range of initial inter-void ligament sizes and imposed stress states characterised by fixed values of the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter. Our results show that in the absence of strain gradient effects on the material response, decreasing the inter-void ligament size results in an increase in the propensity for void coalescence. However, in a strain gradient enhanced material matrix, the strain gradients harden the material in the inter-void ligament and decrease the effect of inter-void ligament size on the propensity for void coalescence

    Computational Modeling of Lauric Acid at the Organic−Water Interface

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    Where water meets an immiscible liquid, the orientation and hydrogen bonding patterns of the molecules nearest the interface differ significantly from those in the bulk. These differences drive important interface-specific phenomena, including interfacial tension and the adsorption of other molecular species. Additionally, surfactants and other amphiphilic molecules present at the interface interact with both the aqueous and hydrophobic layers in a complex fashion that can dramatically change the characteristics of the interface as a whole. In this study, classical molecular dynamics computer simulations have been employed to investigate the accommodation of lauric acid at the water− hexane and water−carbon tetrachloride interfaces. Our results show that the behavior of surfactant molecules in the interfacial region is strongly influenced by the protonation of their headgroups. Deprotonated lauric acid molecules cause a larger increase in interfacial width than their protonated counterparts. The carboxylate headgroups of laurate anions in the interfacial region consistently point toward the water layer, while the orientation of the protonated lauric acid headgroups changes with depth into the water layer

    Arrival of new great salinity anomaly weakens convection in the Irminger Sea

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in BilĂł, T., Straneo, F., Holte, J., & Le Bras, I. Arrival of new great salinity anomaly weakens convection in the Irminger Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11), (2022): e2022GL098857, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022gl098857.The Subpolar North Atlantic is prone to recurrent extreme freshening events called Great Salinity Anomalies (GSAs). Here, we combine hydrographic ocean analyses and moored observations to document the arrival, spreading, and impacts of the most recent GSA in the Irminger Sea. This GSA is associated with a rapid freshening of the upper Irminger Sea between 2015 and 2020, culminating in annually averaged salinities as low as the freshest years of the 1990s and possibly since 1960. Upon the GSA propagation into the Irminger Sea over the Reykjanes Ridge, the boundary currents rapidly advected its signal around the basin within months while fresher waters slowly spread and accumulated into the interior. The anomalies in the interior freshened waters produced by deep convection during the 2017–2018 winter and actively contributed to the suppression of deep convection in the following two winters.We gratefully acknowledge the US National Science Foundation for funding this work under grants OCE-1258823, OCE-1756272, OCE-1948335, and OCE-2038481

    Rapid export of waters formed by convection near the Irminger Sea's western boundary

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    The standard view of the overturning circulation emphasizes the role of convection, yet for waters to contribute to overturning, they must not only be transformed to higher densities but also exported equatorward. From novel mooring observations in the Irminger Sea (2014–2016), we describe two water masses that are formed by convection and show that they have different rates of export in the western boundary current. Upper Irminger Sea Intermediate Water appears to form near the boundary current and is exported rapidly within 3 months of its formation. Deep Irminger Sea Intermediate Water forms in the basin interior and is exported on longer time scales. The subduction of these waters into the boundary current is consistent with an eddy transport mechanism. Our results suggest that light intermediate waters can contribute to overturning as much as waters formed by deeper convection and that the export time scales of both project onto overturning variability. Plain Language Summary The deep ocean can regulate the Earth's climate by storing carbon and heat. At high latitudes, waters are cooled by the atmosphere and sink, but they can only be successfully stored in the deep ocean if they are exported toward the equator. In this study, we analyze new mooring observations in the Irminger Sea to investigate the cooling and export of high‐latitude waters. In addition to the well‐documented waters that are cooled in the center of the Irminger Sea, we find that saltier waters are cooled near the western boundary current. Both of these water types make it into boundary current and are exported. Our observations are consistent with the dynamics of swirling eddy motions. The eddy transport process is more effective for the waters cooled near the boundary current, implying that cooling near boundary currents may be more important for the climate than has been appreciated to date
