106 research outputs found


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    Setiap orangtua memiliki gaya pengasuhan tersendiri dalam mengasuh anak, begitu pula dengan orangtua single parent tentu memiliki gaya pengasuhan tersendiri dalam mengasuh anaknya. Sebagai orangtua single parent yang menjalani tanggung jawab yang seharusnya dijalankan oleh dua orang, tentu sangat memberatkan selain harus mengasuh anak mereka juga harus bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan empat ibu single parent dan empat orang anak. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui satu responden dari keempat ibu single parent menerapkan pola asuh yang mengarah pada pola asuh permisif didalam mendidik anak, dikarenakan kesibukannya sebagai single parent yang menjalankan sebagai dua peran sehingga tidak banyak waktu dalam membimbing dan memperhatiakan kegiatan anak, sedangkan tiga ibu single parent lainya menerapkan pola asuh yang mengarah kepada pola asuh demokratis saling terbuka dengan anak, perduli, dan juga memberikan kasih sayang yang cukup serta bertanggung jawab kepada anak walaupun sebagai single parent. Adapun hambatan yang dihadapi oleh single parent antara lain terdiri dari dua hambatan yaitu internal dan eksternal, yang sering terjadi dalam sebuah keluarga kurang komunikasi dengan anak dan kurangnya berinteraksi dengan masyarakat

    European Integration Process - Advantages of EU integration and the challenges that must withstand Albania

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    Albania\u27s integration into the European Union, is one of the biggest challenges in these 25 years. To become a member of the EU, Albania must meet the criteria set for all candidate countries for membership in the European Union, approved by the Copenhagen European Council in June 1993. These criteria have political and economic character that predict: justice, freedom and security, guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and minorities. To meet these criteria, Albania shall cooperate with the European Union. If the European Integration Process will be classified in several stages, each stage has maximum and minimum length. In this paper main objective is to give a brief, descriptive framework of the challenges that Albania have to face in the process of European Integration together with the advantages of this process and secondly we will list the institutions involved together with their role in the process of Integration. According to theoretical analysis it will conclude that starting from the current phase and the cases of other countries that have undergone the process of European integration, Albania\u27s EU membership can occur after 2-12 years period from 2017 to 2027

    Clinical and epidemiological evaluation of Tuberculosis in Albania during the period 2009-2018

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    Aim: To estimate the clinical and epidemiological pattern of Tuberculosis (TB) in Albania over the period 2009-2018. Methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical and epidemiological data based on TB individual notification forms during the period 2009-2018. Results: During the 10-years period, TB incidence increased from 14 to 15.5, but without a significant increasing trend. The total number of TB cases increased from 440 to 447. The proportion of extra-pulmonary TB decreased from 32% to 25% in 2018 (p=0.015), with and average mean change of 29 cases. Males prevail among TB cases and male-to-female ratio ranges from 2:1 to 3:1. Drug susceptibility testing (DST) was carried out depending on the availability of the reagents and there were 54%, 18% and 96% culture cases confirmed positive in 2009, 2014 and 2019, respectively. The overall treatment completion rate was 85% and 88.2% in 2009 and 2018, respectively. However, there was a significant drop in cured cases from 26% in 9.3%, whereas the percentage of deaths has increased from 0.5% in 4.1%. All treatment outcomes exhibited a significant change (p<0.001).   Conclusion: TB continues to be a public health challenge in Albania regardless of the seemingly generally stable epidemiological situation

    Clinical and epidemiological evaluation of Tuberculosis in Albania during the period 2009-2018

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    Aim: To estimate the clinical and epidemiological pattern of Tuberculosis (TB) in Albania over the period 2009-2018. Methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical and epidemiological data based on TB individual notification forms during the period 2009-2018. Results: During the 10-years period, TB incidence increased from 14 to 15.5, but without a significant increasing trend. The total number of TB cases increased from 440 to 447. The proportion of extra-pulmonary TB decreased from 32% to 25% in 2018 (p=0.015), with and average mean change of 29 cases. Males prevail among TB cases and male-to-female ratio ranges from 2:1 to 3:1. Drug susceptibility testing (DST) was carried out depending on the availability of the reagents and there were 54%, 18% and 96% culture cases confirmed positive in 2009, 2014 and 2019, respectively. The overall treatment completion rate was 85% and 88.2% in 2009 and 2018, respectively. However, there was a significant drop in cured cases from 26% in 9.3%, whereas the percentage of deaths has increased from 0.5% in 4.1%. All treatment outcomes exhibited a significant change (p<0.001).   Conclusion: TB continues to be a public health challenge in Albania regardless of the seemingly generally stable epidemiological situation.     Conflicts of interest: None declared

    Some Necessary Translation Methods during the Transference of a Meaningful Message from One Cultural Identity to Another

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    The standards of identity, culture, tradition, and history cannot be misunderstood by another identity if there is a real linguistic and extra-linguistic translation. The communication point between interlocutors who do not come from the same country and do not share the same culture, who do not have the same origin and consequently do not share the same customs, is in need for a translator. The object of this research paper is: The cultural transference like the linguistic transfer is an absolute requirement in the communication between two different identities. The meaning is not merely a sum of words, but an organic meaningful unity that is expressed in non-identical ways in different identities. The research questions in this paper are: Is it possible to make a point of communication between two different cultures? What are the methods that make this communication possible in order to make the transference of meaningful messages possible? DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n3p11

    Money Laundering Effects

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    The globalization of economic activities and financial markets has had a very positive impact on the world economy. But this effect has also its costs. It can facilitate the ways by which money can be laundered internationally which is one of the biggest costs that this phenomenon creates. Among many analysts there is a discussion about the relationship that exists between globalization and money laundering, as well as economic implications of large-scale money laundering. Money laundering threatens the economic and financial systems in many countries, and has important effects on income distribution and macroeconomic variables. The negative effects of money laundering on economic development are difficult to measure, but it is obvious that such activity seriously damages the financial sector economy by diverting resources, encourages crime and corruption and distorts the trade indicators in the international sector. The main focus of this paper is the effect and impact that money laundering has in the agencies and institutional structures as well as the global financial consequences that brings this criminal activity

    Pola Pengasuhan Anak di Lihat dari Pematangan Emosional Ibu Single Parent (Deskriptif Analisis Pada Anak Di Desa Suak Ribee Kabupaten Aceh Barat)

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Pola Pengasuhan Anak di Lihat Dari Kematangan Emosional Ibu Single Parent (Deskriptif Analisis pada Anak di Desa Suak Ribee Kabupaten Aceh Barat). Setiap orangtua memiliki gaya pengasuhan tersendiri dalam mengasuh anak, begitu pula dengan orangtua single parent tentu memiliki gaya pengasuhan tersendiri dalam mengasuh anaknya. Sebagai orangtua single parent yang menjalani tanggung jawab yang seharusnya dijalankan oleh dua orang, tentu sangat memberatkan selain harus mengasuh anak mereka juga harus bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prilaku anak-anak yang di asuh oleh Ibu single parent, untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar anak yang di asuh oleh Ibu single parent dan adapun hambatan yang dihadapi single parent dalam berinteraksi dengan masyarakat dan rendahnya pendidikan orangtua single parent kepada anak di Desa Suak Ribee Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan empat ibu single parent dan empat orang anak. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui satu responden dari keempat ibu single parent menerapkan pola asuh yang mengarah pada pola asuh permisif di dalam mendidik anak, dikarenakan kesibukannya sebagai single parent yang menjalankan sebagai dua peran sehingga tidak banyak waktu dalam membimbing dan memperhatiakan kegiatan anak, sedangkan tiga ibu single parent lainya menerapkan pola asuh yang mengarah kepada pola asuh demokratis saling terbuka dengan anak, perduli, dan juga memberikan kasih sayang yang cukup serta bertanggung jawab kepada anak walaupun sebagai single parent. Adapun hambatan yang dihadapi oleh single parent antara lain terdiri dari dua hambatan yaitu internal dan eksternal, yang sering terjadi dalam sebuah keluarga kurang komunikasi dengan anak dan kurangnya berinteraksi dengan masyarakat

    Automatisering og digitalisering eller strategisk HR og relasjonsbygging; Hvordan vil HR-funksjonen se ut i fremtidens arbeidsliv?

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    I lys av dagens samfunnsendringer, globalisering og digitalisering ble vi nysgjerrige pÄ hvordan disse momentene som pÄvirker store deler av arbeidslivet, ogsÄ kan pÄvirke hvordan HR vil utvikle seg i tiden fremover. Tankene gav grobunn for problemstillingen vi ville forske pÄ: «Hvilke kompetanser trenger organisasjoner fra HR frem mot 2030?». En omfattende og nylig videreutviklet teori av Dave Ulrich (2017) inspirerte oss til Ä gÄ dypere inn dette temaet. Dette medfÞrte at vi stilte oss to forskningsspÞrsmÄl: 1) Basert pÄ Ulrich sin HR-kompetansemodell (2017), hvilke kompetanser anser norske HR-ledere som viktige i dag? 2) Hvilke kompetanser tror norske HR-ledere vil bli viktige frem mot 2030? For Ä kunne besvare disse spÞrsmÄlene pÄ en hensiktsmessig mÄte valgte vi ut en spesiell mÄlgruppe for undersÞkelsen vÄr. Utvalget er representert av elleve HR-ledere fra mindre og stÞrre, private og offentlige virksomheter. Innsamlingen av data foregikk ved at vi kombinerte datainnsamlingen med en kvantitativ spÞrreundersÞkelse i forkant av individuelle kvalitative dybdeintervjuer. Vi Þnsket med dette Ä samle inn informasjon om hvilke kompetanser HR-direktÞrene ansÄ som viktige bÄde nÄ og i fremtiden. Det innsamlede materialet ble kategorisert og analysert som videre fÞrte til at vi fant flere interessante funn. Ut i fra vÄre flere funn modifiserer vi modellen til Dave Ulrich til vÄr egen nye konseptuelle modell. Denne viser en ny kombinasjon av kompetansene, hvor vi mener at denne modifiseringen passer bedre inn i en norsk kontekst. Et viktig funn er at kompetansene Strategic Positioner, Change Champion og Credible Activist er de kompetansene som blir mest viktige frem mot 2030.I tillegg fant vi at kompetansene Analytics Designer and Interpreter og Technology Integrator blir viktigere fremover. PÄ bakgrunn av dette kommer vi med anbefalinger om at norske virksomheter bÞr legge stor vekt pÄ Ä utvikle kompetanse innenfor disse omrÄdene

    Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Albania

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of COPD and its associated factors among adults in Albania. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Albania in 2013-14. A nation-wide representative sample of 1200 adults aged ≄40 years was selected using multistage cluster sampling technique. All participants were interviewed about socio-demographic characteristics, respiratory symptoms, smoking status and clinical characteristics. Spirometry was performed according to standard methods. COPD was defined as post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio <70% predicted. Results: Of the 1200 adults invited to participate, 939 adults or 78% (467 men and 472 women) were eligible for the study. The overall COPD prevalence (GOLD stage 1 or higher) was 12.4%; it was higher in men (17.4%) than in women (7.7%). Using Lower Limit of Normal (LLN), the prevalence of COPD was 9.9%, again higher in men (13.2%) than women (6.6%). The prevalence of doctor-diagnosed COPD was 1.3% (1.9% in men, 0.6 % in women). Male sex, smoking and increasing age were significantly associated with COPD diagnosis. Conclusion: The overall prevalence of COPD in Albania was 9.9% using BOLD standards. Smoking and increasing age were the main risk factors for COPD. The study highlights the importance of raising awareness of COPD among health professionals.   Conflicts of interest: None declared

    Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Albania

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of COPD and its associated factors among adults in Albania. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Albania in 2013-14. A nation-wide representative sample of 1200 adults aged ≄40 years was selected using multistage cluster sampling technique. All participants were interviewed about socio-demographic characteristics, respiratory symptoms, smoking status and clinical characteristics. Spirometry was performed according to standard methods. COPD was defined as post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio <70% predicted. Results: Of the 1200 adults invited to participate, 939 adults or 78% (467 men and 472 women) were eligible for the study. The overall COPD prevalence (GOLD stage 1 or higher) was 12.4%; it was higher in men (17.4%) than in women (7.7%). Using Lower Limit of Normal (LLN), the prevalence of COPD was 9.9%, again higher in men (13.2%) than women (6.6%). The prevalence of doctor-diagnosed COPD was 1.3% (1.9% in men, 0.6 % in women). Male sex, smoking and increasing age were significantly associated with COPD diagnosis. Conclusion: The overall prevalence of COPD in Albania was 9.9% using BOLD standards. Smoking and increasing age were the main risk factors for COPD. The study highlights the importance of raising awareness of COPD among health professionals
