16,740 research outputs found

    Apparatus for recording oscillation properties of a Penning ionization gauge at very high frequencies

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    Recording equipment for very high frequency oscillations in Penning ionization gaug

    Groups and semigroups with a one-counter word problem

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    We prove that a finitely generated semigroup whose word problem is a one-counter language has a linear growth function. This provides us with a very strong restriction on the structure of such a semigroup, which, in particular, yields an elementary proof of a result of Herbst, that a group with a one-counter word problem is virtually cyclic. We prove also that the word problem of a group is an intersection of finitely many one-counter languages if and only if the group is virtually abelian

    Nucleon spin structure at very high-x

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    Dyson-Schwinger equation treatments of the strong interaction show that the presence and importance of nonpointlike diquark correlations within the nucleon are a natural consequence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. Using this foundation, we deduce a collection of simple formulae, expressed in terms of diquark appearance and mixing probabilities, from which one may compute ratios of longitudinal-spin-dependent u- and d-quark parton distribution functions on the domain x =1. A comparison with predictions from other approaches plus a consideration of extant and planned experiments shows that the measurement of nucleon longitudinal spin asymmetries on x =1 can add considerably to our capacity for discriminating between contemporary pictures of nucleon structure.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Gamma-ray bursts during neutron star formation. Gamma-ray bursts and transient X-ray sources

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    Discussions are presented of the associations between cosmic gamma ray bursts and transient X-ray sources, and the release of gravitational binding energy during the formation of neutron stars. The model for studying the associations is described along with the release of neutrinos during the collapse of white dwarfs

    Observations of the Ca II K line in Hel0830A dark points on August 3, 1985

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    Spectroheliograms taken in the light of He I 10830 A at the National Solar Observatory Vacuum Telescope on Kitt Peak were used to identify coronal holes and bright points (BPs). Target points were identified, coordinates calculated, and spectra recorded. For each spectrum, the difference in wavelength between the Ca II K minimum and the FeI reference line was calculated. It was noteworthy that the overall effect is a blueshift. It should be noted that if material of chromospheric density moves outward at this velocity, it could supply the mass flux of the solar wind if this chromospheric flow was concentrated in a few dozen sources, each of a diameter of a few arc seconds

    Description and flight tests of an oculometer

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    A remote sensing oculometer was successfully operated during flight tests with a NASA experimental Twin Otter aircraft at the Langley Research Center. Although the oculometer was designed primarily for the laboratory, it was able to track the pilot's eye-point-of-regard (lookpoint) consistently and unobtrusively in the flight environment. The instantaneous position of the lookpoint was determined to within approximately 1 deg. Data were recorded on both analog and video tape. The video data consisted of continuous scenes of the aircraft's instrument display and a superimposed white dot (simulating the lookpoint) dwelling on an instrument or moving from instrument to instrument as the pilot monitored the display information during landing approaches

    Preliminary flight tests of an oculometer

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    A remote sensing oculometer has been successfully operated during flight tests. This device was able to track the pilot's eye-point-of-regard (lookpoint) consistently and unobtrusively in the flight environment. The instantaneous position of the lookpoint was determined to within approximately 1 degree. Data were recorded on both analog and video tape. The video data consisted of continuous scenes of the aircraft's instrument display and a superimposed white dot (simulating the lookpoint) dwelling or moving from instrument to instrument as the pilot monitored the display information during landing approaches

    SEASAT synthetic-aperture radar data user's manual

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    The SEASAT Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) system, the data processors, the extent of the image data set, and the means by which a user obtains this data are described and the data quality is evaluated. The user is alerted to some potential problems with the existing volume of SEASAT SAR image data, and allows him to modify his use of that data accordingly. Secondly, the manual focuses on the ultimate focuses on the ultimate capabilities of the raw data set and evaluates the potential of this data for processing into accurately located, amplitude-calibrated imagery of high resolution. This allows the user to decide whether his needs require special-purpose data processing of the SAR raw data
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