19 research outputs found

    Rapport d’étape sur l’analyse des instructions Ă©mises par les Ă©tablissements Ă  l’attention de leurs chercheurs concernant les publications scientifiques

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    Membre du groupe : Nicole Haeffner-Cavaillon (INSERM), Dominique Cavet (IRD), AgnĂšs Raymond Denise (Institut Pasteur),Sandrine Mouret (CollĂšge de France), Christine Boucquiaux (AMUE), Jean-Michel Torrenti (LCPC), Laure Martineau (CPU), Annie Buffeteau-Hejblum (IFP), Patricia Volland (INRA), MarieChristine Lambert (CIRAD), Jacques Millet (INRIA), Lucile Grasset (MRT) Animatrice : Odile Hologne (INRA)Avertissement au lecteur : positionnement du prĂ©sent document, suites Ă  donner Ce document rĂ©sulte des travaux du groupe de travail « Analyse des instructions faites aux chercheurs ». Ce groupe a Ă©tudiĂ© les instructions Ă©mises par 16 Ă©tablissements en direction de leurs chercheurs afin d’en dresser une typologie. Il a ensuite analysĂ© l’impact potentiel de ces instructions sur la retranscription et l’interprĂ©tation des adresses dans le Web of Science. Le groupe formule des propositions pour amĂ©liorer les pratiques actuelles et explicite les questions qui nĂ©cessitent des arbitrages qui ne sont pas de son ressort, notamment parce qu’elles concernent les rĂšgles Ă  appliquer pour le libellĂ© des adresses des laboratoires mixtes. Le contexte du projet est dĂ©taillĂ© dans le document « GT_Transversal_Normadresses.pdf » accessible sur le site de l’OST. Contexte du projet Depuis 2005, dans un contexte marquĂ© par la mise en Ɠuvre de la LOLF et la diffusion internationale de plusieurs classements des universitĂ©s et organismes de recherche, tel que le « classement de Shanghai », les Ă©tablissements de recherche français sont de plus en plus soucieux de la bonne identification de leur production scientifique. Enjeux De nombreuses institutions de recherche ont donc donnĂ© des instructions Ă  leurs chercheurs et enseignants chercheurs pour retranscrire leur affiliation dans les publications. Ces instructions, qui visent Ă  ordonner les Ă©lĂ©ments d’une adresse et Ă  rendre visibles les structures de recherche, sont parfois contradictoires entre les tutelles d’une mĂȘme UMR. La nature de leur impact sur les outils automatisĂ©s d’analyse bibliomĂ©trique, notamment ceux construits Ă  partir des donnĂ©es du Web of Science (WoS) de la sociĂ©tĂ© Thomson Scientific, doit ĂȘtre analysĂ©e, comprise, puis diffusĂ©e Ă  tous les dĂ©cideurs et acteurs du systĂšme de recherche français. En effet, le WoS fait rĂ©fĂ©rence mondialement pour la production d’indicateurs bibliomĂ©triques. C’est une des sources de donnĂ©es du « classement de Shanghai ». Son Ă©diteur, Thomson Scientific, commercialise des outils d’analyse bibliomĂ©trique automatisĂ©e tel que Essential Science Indicators (ESI) pour valoriser ces donnĂ©es 1 . Enfin, la base de donnĂ©es de Thomson ISI est l’outil de travail de l’OST pour la production de tous ses indicateurs bibliomĂ©triques

    L'Information Scientifique et Technique à l'Inra, des compétences au service de la recherche: Retour d'expérience sur des projets, services, outils et méthodes

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    Le projet FuturIST – pour « Futur de la fonction IST » – s’est dĂ©roulĂ© de 2006 Ă  2009. Ce projet apermis de faire Ă©voluer cette fonction de soutien Ă  la recherche pour que ses services soient mieux adaptĂ©saux besoins des scientifiques. L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en avant les mĂ©thodes employĂ©espar l’équipe projet pour accompagner cette mutation de la fonction IST ; ces mĂ©thodes sont transposablesĂ  d’autres domaine

    Malherb, logiciels de reconnaissance et d'informations sur les mauvaises herbes

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    National audienc

    Enhanced visibility and access to Inra's publications on a subject (landscape ecology) through open archive

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    International audienceThe French National Institute for Agricultural Research is the second largest institute for agronomic research in the world. One of its main goals is to enable free access to its research findings. To attain this goal, INRA signed the 2003 Berlin Declaration on open access in 2004.INRA’s first step to promote free access to its scientific publications was to retrospectively digitalize former issues of journals supported by INRA and help establish the author-pays business model. Since 2007, INRA’s goal has been to gradually develop strategies to help researchers register their publications in the institutional open archive ProdInra. Here we give an illustration of the advantages of having an open archive and free access to scientific publications for the example of studies on landscape ecology. To achieve this aim different measures have been taken:- Identify Thematic Portals that can convey the work of INRA and work with these partners.- Develop strategies in terms of the choice of tools.- Use a specific index that can identify more easily a particular topic.- Develop specific tools to enhance the image of conference proceedings by participating in the organisation process. These tools are destined to make the authors whose paper/article have been selected more aware of the importance of their publications and encourage them to publish their paper before the symposium. This would be permitted by international licences on open archives.- Talk with our researchers about the advantages for them to archive their publications. Results: The presentation will deal with these issues concerning "landscape ecology" based on ProdINRA's tools. Publication of the international symposium Cucubitaceae 2008's conference proceeding using free software "Dspace" as well as the Symposcience's project/website to update seminars will also be presented as examples. Discussion: The choice of open source products is independent of the will to disseminate the work and involvement towards open access. INRA has chosen a tool for reasons of corporate strategy, which ultimately does not change the philosophy of open archives and open access. The open archives are an interesting media for accessing to scientific information but we must ensure the quality of the online documents so that this medium is not viewed as producing sub-editorial product. Furthermore, it is important to enhance the capacity for information retrieval as well as the transfer of documents within other thematic open archive with OAI-PMH. Our main aim is to deal with the distribution of the full text as the deposit is not yet systematic. This will be INRA's scientific information strategy for the coming year

    Estimation des dépenses de publication de l'Inra dans un modÚle théorique "Gold Open Access"

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    National audienceA simulation was conducted on what the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) would have to fund if the choice had been made to publish all papers in Gold Open Access. Results are compared with the subscriptions costs. Consequences are discussed.L’étude publiĂ©e ici est le rĂ©sultat d’une simulation menĂ©e Ă  l’Institut national de la recherche agronomique (Inra) et dont l’objectif principal Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer quels auraient Ă©tĂ© les coĂ»ts de diffusion en libre accĂšs des articles publiĂ©s par ses Ă©quipes de recherche sur l’annĂ©e 2011 selon un modĂšle Gold Open Access (ou "voie dorĂ©e") dans lequel le financement est assurĂ© par les auteurs et leurs Ă©tablissements. Les auteurs de l’étude comparent ensuite ces rĂ©sultats avec les coĂ»ts en abonnements supportĂ©s par l’Inra. À l’instar des estimations rĂ©centes de Wouter Gerritsma (Wageningen UR Library) au sujet de ce que coĂ»terait le passage intĂ©gral au Gold Open Access aux Pays-Bas (wowter.net/2014/03/05/costsgoing-gold-netherlands), la publication de ces rĂ©sultats a pour objectif d’alimenter la rĂ©flexion collective sur l’opportunitĂ© de s’orienter vers ce nouveau modĂšle de diffusion

    Information scientifique et technique. Faits marquants 2013

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    Ce document est une synthĂšse des faits marquants de la fonction IST pour l’annĂ©e 2013. Il est rĂ©digĂ© Ă  partir de la lettre d’information « IST’actu » publiĂ©e tous les trois mois et accessibles sur l’intranet IST. Ce n’est pas un bilan exhaustif mais une illustration du dynamisme du rĂ©seau stimulĂ© par 9 pĂŽles de compĂ©tences et de la diversitĂ© des actions des professionnels IST

    Principles of data governance for research organizations -INRAE's approach

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    International audienceINRA and IRSTEA, 2 French research organizations, have joined together to become INRAE, a world class institute for research on agriculture, food, and environment, mainly funded by public resources. INRAE has recently set out its principles of "data governance", to cover all the processes required to manage and enhance data sharing on the basis of ethics, legal, economic, technical, and scientific policy criteria. Roles and responsibilities of the actors are defined to ensure a smooth and sustainable decisional process. A "data governance" charter has been written to indicate who decides, which data, and how they are opened according to good practices such as the FAIR principles. With this document all scientists, administrative support, and data managers involved in the data life cycle have a shared understanding of the rationale guiding the global data framework. We address here the question of "what can be a data governance framework at an institutional level to support both data management, sharing, and reuse. We've defined 4 key principles at the foundation of data governance: (1) data must be shared and reused while observing the values of science, (2) data must be managed in order to make it F.A.I.R., (3) data should be "as open as possible, as closed as necessary", and (4) open data contributes to innovation and value creation for society. The key rationale of these four principles is that they build a consistent "system" for guiding the decision, as it requires a careful evaluation of all of them. These principles were complemented with a decision-making chain including the main actors. This "data governance schema" has been built thanks to a participative approach. It is the result of several rounds of discussion and consultation with different groups of people having different views on data and different levels of responsibilities, including interviews of scientific project leaders on a dozen significant case studies. It took 1 year to establish our first guidelines. This schema is today in the process of implementation. Improvements will certainly come after the first real-life usage. However, we believe that these four principles of governance are generic enough to be applied to many research organisms, only the internal organization or process should differ according to the culture and the regulation context

    e-ROSA D1.6 - Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap

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    This deliverable provides an update on the progress of the activities carried out under Work Package 1 “Ecosystem & Community” and is the continuation of Deliverable 1.4 and 1.5 “Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap (M6-M12)”. In particular: - The bibliometric study has been turned into an interactive web tool to visualize and interact with the data from the analysis of the bibliometric study. - The process to discuss and update the Vision Paper, which has been incorporated as the first section of the e-ROSA Roadmap for a European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agricultural and Food Sciences - The interactions and liaisons with EOSC related projects (EOSC pilot, EOSC Hub) to better position our work related with the preparation of the roadmap - The process to elaborate the roadma

    Plan de gestion de donnĂ©es – Recommandations Ă  l’ANR

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    In this note, the Committee for Open Science provides 15 recommendations to the French National Agency for Research (ANR) for the implementation of a data management plan. The committee draws attention to a step-by-step approach would encourage community adoption and better adaptation to changing practices.Dans cette note, le ComitĂ© pour la science ouverte Ă©met 15 recommandations Ă  l'Agence nationale de la recherche dans la mise en place d’un plan de gestion des donnĂ©es. Le comitĂ© attire l'attention sur l'adoption d'une dĂ©marche progressive qui favoriserait une adhĂ©sion des communautĂ©s et une meilleure adaptation Ă  l’évolution des pratiques